Monday, March 6, 2023

General Hospital 3-6-23 Full episode

General Hospital 3-6-23 Full episode 6th March 2023

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  1. Dang, Spencer better look out, that baby's as good an actor as he is! Loved the longing looks back as he was being taken away, lol, nailed it!!! And can't wait for the Molly / TJ conversation tomorrow! I hope she just took that test, lol, don't leave us all in suspense...

  2. It's strange that esme goes to prison and gets her baby. The baby should go to foster care

    1. Foster care ?!?? Really ... you would think the next closest family is where the baby should go ? Like to the grama, the Mayor of Port Charles ????
      Foster care .... lmao 😂

  3. Spencer looked pretty adorable holding that baby. Softer, somehow. He usually has such a stern and rigid demeanor to him.

    1. I absolutely love Spencer
      I love the way he takes and speaks his lines when raising his voice or needs to get emotional in something
      Such a great actor

    2. Spencer loves that baby--he wants to build a family he's always dreamed of, is what his acting is saying to me :) Still not really sure why Laura wouldn't be more of an option in a custody "battle", she's the upstanding Grandma and Esme likes her (seemingly), it should be her out front with this.

  4. Looks like the video has been removed... :(

  5. willow you will never be one of liesl and nina lunatic family you are better than all them except nathan willow is just like nathan kind and has a beautiful soul

    the trio of fools is convening once again sonny, nina and ava yuck hate when these three hypocrites are in scenes together watching sonny be nice to ava is disturbing given all that woman put his family through including him most importantly morgan and ava treatment of him, watching sonny with nina makes me want to vomit knowing all that woman too put his family through, sonny has truly become the most pathetic character to exist on this show nina violated ava's body, sorry but when these three are together on screen they make me uncomfortable weirdness all around

    esme shut up you were going to send an innocent person to jail for things you did so is elizabeth suppose to feel sorry for you given how you humilitated her son will they have esme apologize to josslyn cameron spencer trina cause they want esme to become an upstanding citizen of port charles can totally see them doing that

    mason finally has a way to control not only austin but ava lol, wonder who this guy is taking orders from who the hell is the head of this family, mason and the powers that be so want ava in their back pocket

    1. liesl both michael and willow have experienced the loss of a child thanks to you and nelle that pain is not unique to liesl or nina but they sure act like they are the only ones who should and have experienced that loss and boy do they not empathize with anyone else

      oh look liesl giving of her bone marrow comes with strings shocker 🤢🤦‍♂️

      oh my god esme is still the same person she always was and will continue to be

      what the hell is going on with gregory is he dying or something and why did the university let him go

  6. No video available for this day or many others for more recent months or older episodes. "Video is not exist or is not available" is what 2nd option shows. That was always the best one, but none of the 3 work now even partially at least since Mon. Could you please check out problem, Bob? Thanks.

  7. -Videos for this and many other GH episodes for months before and after 3/6 not available- all say - video is not exist or is not available. Some recent episodes are available.
