Monday, March 13, 2023

General Hospital 3-13-23 Full episode

General Hospital 3-13-23 Full episode 13th March 2023

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  1. My eyes are about to roll out of my head. Really Nina, Carly deserves time in jail for keeping your daughter away from you the better part of a year? If that's the case you two can be cell-mates and keep each other company in prison. If that ain't the pot calling the kettle black for the umpteenth time... I can't get over the hypocrisy with this woman. In contrast, love how Carly just tells Elizabeth she would have imprisoned Esme too, lol, honesty is refreshing I guess. These people have issues.

    Also, that was the worst sniper ever.

    Also, OMG if you want an EPIC nurse's ball GH 60 years celebration LUKE needs to come back!!! He rappels in from the skylight, back from the DEAD! Preferably landing on top of nemesis Viktor or someone evil or annoying, lol. A girl can dream! He could bring Lucky and Ethan with him in some grand scheme, man that would be awesome, come on GH!!! Even if it was just a quick stint on the show, that would be wonderful. :)

    1. i know right nina is all carly kept willow away from for a year, when nina kept sonny away from his family in the same amount of time that woman needs to find herself next to sonny when the next hitman comes for sonny

  2. I don't know but can it be Dex hired that guy to make Sonny trust him and I don't know why Cody wouldn't want a father like Mac

    1. I think he does but he wanted the necklace more and now he’s regretting it & as he told Dante he doesn’t deserve Mac after what he did ! (Not telling him the truth )

  3. How is it there's that kind of barrage of gunfire in that little pier area, and not a single cop responds?? Only in Port Chuck.

    1. lol right we have seen a many occasions where criminal when they want to escape go the pier first why is that surprising a shootout will attract the pcpd attention

      then again sonny controls the docks so he many have cops on his payroll to ensure no one of the police pursuasion noses around there

  4. this is why can never root for ava, this woman will never learn and karma will always come for her cannot wait for mason austin boss person to rule ava world she says she is on good terms with carly but in the same breath she wants to hurt carly

    ava is a gnat but like when she tells nina truth yes nina you held sonny hostage in nixon falls out of revenge on carly and maybe even michael, if nina wants to be a villian then be villian hate how this woman acts like she is some good person when she is not far from it

    drew and carly did not conspire to commit insider trading, drew and michael tried to prevent carly from investing in aurora, this insider trading thing is very confusing, going by what was shown drew consulted a business advisory who told him if he wanted to get control away from valentin he had to boost aurora stock shares, so drew had other investors other than carly, carly was an angel investor they did not even know about it until later, there was also going to be a board meeting about the merger so the quartermaine knew about aurora and drew plan they told ned and the other member of the quartermaines they told the shareholders my question if other people invested in aurora based on drew wanting to merge the company with elq how is that insider trading for carly when others invested and does the mean these other investors will be prosecuted as well

    there laura goes trying to make ryan the victim just like she is doing with esme, yes ryan was abused as a child so has many others they dont go on a murdering spree ryan was a deranged individual that when beyond his abuse or childhood

  5. She wouldn't be going to jail for keeping willow from Nina. It would be because she openly stupidly committed a federal crime. Are we all just going to gloss over the fact we all saw Carly break the law like her crimes aren't crimes? Because they are, yes Carly lost the metro court but only because valentine outsmarted them if he hadn't Carly was looking for a pay day and didn't think twice that her actions could completely ruin drew and Michaels lives just because they trusted her enough to tell her their business plans.
