Wednesday, March 1, 2023

General Hospital 3-1-23 Full episode

General Hospital 3-1-23 Full episode 1st March 2023

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  1. YAY Nik is alive and finally Willow & Michael know there's a bone marrow coming from Liesl Please don't break up Liesl & Scott best couple on the show

    1. What happened to lawyer confidentiality. Scotty is the worst lawyer in the world, loose lips sink ships. Can’t stand Leisel, seems she is going to fall back into her old vengeance is mine phase.

    2. She absentmindedly forgets she shot Elizabeth wtf no consequences for her at all ! 😡 happy she might b the one to save Willow but who knows if She will b able too , could still b Wiley or joss !
      Thank you Bob ! 😊

    3. @Michelle, ha, I totally forgot Liesl accidentally shot Elizabeth! Now THAT would have been a great callback...

    4. Oops I thought my last comment didn’t go through lol

  2. Thank you so much Bob. The second video hasn't been available for about a week. I don't mind the ads but the buffering is what is bothersome especially at the last minute of the show.

  3. Wow Niklas is alive and I'm so happy Willow has a bone marrow coming from Liesl.I hope Liesl and Scotty don't break up there a good couple

  4. I can't stand Nina. Her yapping like a puppy nauseated me. And, i hope Liesel and Willow will have better relationship...not with her.

  5. Oh, SLAP, didn't have that on my next slap bingo card! Ava's is always going to be hard to beat (never a more deserving recipient for sure), but I still enjoyed this one! "I know you have questions..." LOL what she had was her hand, locked and loaded!!! I'm convinced soaps need to average one good slap per month to be considered a real soap. There are plenty of candidates in Port Charles!!! :) I know, bad me. That was a lot of rewinding in the first two minutes of the show, was also trying to figure out if Ava randomly winked at Austin in the middle of all that, lol. She was quite squirmy throughout the whole process, I really don't know how the PCPD misses these things! And did Dante really shoot Austin a peace sign on his way out?!? Austin is officially contagiously weird...

    That was really sweet of Willow to do for Carly, everything is coming up roses for her! She must have bribed the writers, lol. It is hard to not like her and Joss when they're together though, sigh. I can never write you two off!!! Such a great acting match, flawless together.

    Dex is as weird to me as Austin now, I don't get that guy. Now you're a chef? And you'll give up Michael's plan to be Sonny's buddy and chef and stay close to Joss (but not in public!). I don't get it. But is HE really gonna be the one to turn Mob Sonny into Chef Sonny?!?!? What a random get-together for those two today. :)

    And yay professional TJ!!! He was so good with Nina, in spite of the terrible insinuations she made about him and Willow before. What a champ. Love seeing him and Molly in action on the show, just two great and supremely qualified people. More of them!!! What a seesaw of a day for Liesl, LOL! She looks understandably out of it!!! Finally an answer there, makes me happy for Willow. :)

    Speaking of answers...and for Nik too!!! Never thought I'd be this happy he's alive (maybe it's just because for once the show doesn't leave it open-ended), I hope he returns as a new man, literally and figuratively!!! What is that terrible cuz up to with that shady new mob boss...

    1. I never thought they would kill him off. For one thing, I didn't think they would do that to Laura......again. At least I hoped they wouldn't.

      And what IS it with these doctors who can't tell when someone is dead or not? Between them and the local keystone cops, PC has to be the worst place in the world to live.

    2. I have no clue--they're always talking about how great the care at General Hospital is, but I don't know... ;) Based on the staff, there have definitely been some folks buried alive in Port Charles! Reminds me of that Monty Python skit, ha! :) Still can't beat both Finn and Elizabeth thinking Peter was dead, lol...

  6. Wait a sec.. I thought the good "DR".Holt was the one who supposedly verified that Nick had assumed room temperature, and dragged him in that stable room, or what ever the hell it was. Now he's asking Ava, I thought you said he was dead? Oh well.. I guess I'm glad Prince Nic is still alive, although just barley, it would seem. Also hope the writers let Leisel's bone marrow pass all the tests so she can save Willow and hopefully wrap up that part of the story.

  7. My my, they actually made Mason useful!😏
    Can someone tell me the purpose of State of Mind: Italy Cuisine?🤣 That still didn't get you close enough to know about the Pikeman deal, Dex!

    As soon as they started talking about food, I knew Sonny was going to bring up the "infamous" marinara sauce😏😏

    1. yes was confused about dex bro dinner time with sonny what was that about

  8. So did the good doc call his cousin or did his cousin follow him or Ava , how did he end up with nick ???? 🤔

    1. The cousin was going after Ava at Wyndemere that night, Austin was racing there to warn her! I think he was just in the right place at the right time to see what happened, and took advantage after. Just don't know what for... :)

    2. Make sense but wonder if he’s using him for blackmail or what ? Because keeping him alive wouldn’t matter he would still b able to blackmail both of them so y are they jeeping nick alive ??? 🤔

  9. The episode disappeared. Is it possible to publish it again, Bob?

  10. when is liesl going to rip the many things she has sown again i ask why is liesl the only one to have outrage over the wrongs done to her what about all the wrongs liesl has done to other people and they have never gotten justice. dante still has to see this woman who stole his and lulu embryo and kept their son from them, liesl was mind fing dante and dante did not know it and liesl never paid for that, liesl wrong robin, anna, drew, jason, and so many but liesl gets to demand and have justice what

    that woman lisel makes me sick elizabeth should have slapped liesl back, for keeping jason her son father hostage for how long for helping ceasar and helena in keeping her son hostage on that island, for drew faison along with lisel held drew hostage and brainwashed the man and for so many other thing liesl has done which affected her son, elizabeth and others

    how many times have liesl kept quiet about so many things that affect many please make this woman liesl stop

    elizabeth should file assault charges against liesl, so people like ava and lisel can hit people and its ok but when others do it they get charged case and point michael with the sleazy reporter, chase with valentin

    elizabeth is not the reason that britt got killed heather is and lisel missed place rage should be focused on heather so heather can fup liesl lol

    1. why the f is dex bonding with sonny, sonny needs everyone to feel sorry for him boo hoo, dex is using any tactics to work sonny lol

      no no not liesl, liesl will use that bone marrow as a way to get willow to give nina any kind of attention no no no

      please please soap gods do not let nina and sonny be part of willow and michael wedding let that day be about them please

  11. This episode has been removed,as well as all other for march 2023
