Thursday, June 23, 2022

General Hospital 6-23-22 Full episode

General Hospital 6-23-22 Full episode 23rd June 2022

There was no new episode on TV today. On this page, episode 6-22-1992.


  1. I loved the shows with Tom and Simone! Wish they would bring them back and use the same actors when they first came back on.

  2. Since there are going to be more of the January 6th news broadcasts as early as the week of July 11th, it would sure be nice if they would broadcast them in the morning and give the afternoon shows a chance to be shown. The morning shows have been shown every day since they started these broadcasts. Their viewers have not had to miss a single day of seeing a new show.

    1. So you think our democracy should be scheduled around GH's schedule? 😲

    2. @Susie, I so agree with you.

    3. Wait. Aren't those broadcasts live? It doesn't work that way! 😁 I, on the other hand, used to schedule my college classes around the soaps.

    4. give it a rest silly feminist

  3. dam people who aged well felicia, mac scorpio has them good genes the guy looks almost the same except the grey he has now, what a gorgeous man

    thats the holly that is still being held captive by someone ethan mother

    jason and robin has known each other since they were kids what

    is that ryan stalking felicia people have been saying felicia had amnesia so the esme is felicia child could work so if maxie is two in this episode how old does that make esme

    1. I think that's also Ryan, but with SORAS in soaps, age doesn't really matter, they could very well be sisters.

    2. Also makes the felicia comment about having wanted another child more sense, but not in the way she thought.

    3. Yes both mac and Felicia aged well and are both 60 and over and are both still gorgeous...the two of them were the main stars of the show before there was a sonny or carly....hopefully mac and felicia will take over the show again with the current esme story.

  4. I didn’t start to watch until 1994, did Felicia have amnesia?

    1. Is that Holly...or is it Fallon from Dynasty! LOL...she made a horrible Fallon!

  5. They will write it that her memory was blocked...remember victor is now involved in this esme mess...he is a handsome tricky devil and so is Valentin!
