Wednesday, June 22, 2022

General Hospital 6-22-22 Full episode

General Hospital 6-22-22 Full episode 22nd June 2022

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  1. An emotional show Laura Collins!

    1. It sure is!!! Laura Collins is an awesome Mayor.

    2. yeah she is but spencer technically stole that election when he took that ballot box unless there was a reelection that i forgot

    3. I believe Spencer stole the ballot box for the election when Felicia ran against Ned?

    4. Ned should be mayor...there are too many women in charge in Port Charles...too much feminism....makes it seem like lesbian city

    5. I think Ned should be mayor. I think Laura was probably an accessory or at least definitely too compromised when Carly kidnapped Florence and made her mother an accessory.

    6. Maybe Laura's involvement in the kidnapping at Florence is what Cyrus was referring to or a part of what Cyrus was referring to.

    7. Love Genie Frances as Laura Webber Baldwin Spencer Collins!!! She's an awesome actress and individual.

    8. ned should still be mayor and mac should be commissioner...we already have 1 and a half women in charge of the hospital and alexis running the newspaper...just too much feminism...not all female fans want to see this...some of us women want to see men with power...a woman cannot do anything for me!

    9. laura is a great mayor and if the recall happens that will be a good thing because if she wins fairly then that would legitimatize her mayorial status and then there won't be that hanging doubt over her appointment

    10. It is funny how Carly and Sam are always inserting themselves into the other characters storylines...In my seems odd to see carly and sam associating with Robert...Mac...Felicia...Laura ...Anna and Kevin...Sam and Carly don't fit in with these gh characters...sam and carly are too mob to associate with the other gh characters.

    11. @General Fanatic and @Cardi --

      I looked it up because I couldn't recall the details ...
      It seems people are conflating two different storylines in two different elections (both involving Spencer).

      The stolen ballot box was a storyline in 2015 and the declared winner of that election was Mayor Lomax. (And Spencer wasn't trying to influence the election. Spencer saw some thugs on the docks tossing a box into the water and saying something that was anti-Sonny. He had his driver retrieve the box, with his intention being to give it to Sonny, because he thought it was something that had been taken from Sonny. That all went fubar, as things often do on soaps, and I won't go into it here. But, suffice it to say, that election was one where Felicia was a candidate, not Laura.)

      Spencer did tamper with a voting machine as Laura faced off against Ned in the mayoral race in November 2018. He used a thumb drive to give it a computer virus.

      The recap I found for the episode said, "But the virus he downloaded in one of the ballot machines was quickly detected, and the election was put on hold."

      As a result, it was January when the election finally took place. Laura narrowly defeated Ned. Michael told Ned it was close enough that he could ask for a recount. Ned said no and went to personally congratulate Laura on winning.

      (Oh, the peaceful transition of power! How we have taken it for granted.)

    12. thanks unknown42 did not remember the part about spencer messing the voting machines good to know

  2. I loved the flashbacks! Wish there were more. Yikes! "Bobbie Spencer" did not age well. Genie Francis is and has always been beautiful. Why was Violet the only kid there? Where were all the others?

    1. i cannot stand violet..don't think she is cute at all..just annoying

    2. Strange ...they were playing Faces of the Heart at the end of the show...but they won't use the theme anymore for the opening.

    3. what about scott the dude was such a looker back then

    4. @Rockie Cee
      I felt very differently when I saw Bobbie.
      I was thinking, oh, she finally found a plastic surgeon to fix the bad work that had been done on her face. She was painful to look at a few years ago and I believe they actually avoided showing showing her face and only did quite far shots when she was facing the camera.
      She looked significantly better in this episode than she has in a long time. And they actually had a lot of medium shots of her -- which I think is a testament to the fact that she looks much improved.

    5. I thought Bobby actually look better with age!

    6. Agree she looked significantly better in this episode and she has an a long time

  3. I want to see the esme....felicia storyline...esme is going to turn out to be mac and felicia's daughter who was kidnapped by ryan....felicia cannot remember because she was brainwashed...left town pregnant with mac's baby in early 2000's...had was stolen and felicia's memory was wiped about the incident...nuff said

    1. I hope that Esme is Mac and Felicia's daughter.

    2. Esme being Mac and Felicia's daughter would make a good story. It would tie in with the way each of them was thinking the other one wanted to have a child.

    3. Oh wow, Gina, I don't remember that story line at all about Felicia being pregnant with Mac's child and leaving and Ryan kidnapping the baby. I don't know why I don't recall that! So we sure have a lot to look forward to on this soap! What a story line that will be!

    4. Felicia left town years ago and if she were pregnant..she did not tell mac...remember this is gh...the writers can create anything to explain her being ezme's mother...this is just a theory they are sharing online...if the writers were smart...they would use it.

  4. sonny and violet thats the scene they were talking about on maurice podcast, gh is celebrating laura and how many episodes congrats to the best soap on television

    oh shit young scott baldwin was hot what happened lol

    when is crime not on the rise in port charles that town is a hub for crime and illegal doings how is that on laura, cyrus is so full of it that the man that found christ and is a born again christian

    so the floating rib is gone for good she mentioned charlie's and kelly's

    1. I was going to say the same thing! Scotty was a hottie.

      The Floating Rib was destroyed two years ago by the bomb that Julian Jerome planted on orders from Cyrus Renault -- the explosion killed Dev (who was friends with Joss, Oscar and Cam) and Dustin (the teacher who dated Lulu). It was mentioned in passing this past fall that the "Bank of ELQ" was being built on the site, though I don't think we've heard a thing about it since.
