Tuesday, June 21, 2022

General Hospital 6-21-22 Full episode

General Hospital 6-21-22 Full episode 21st June 2022

There was no episode on TV today because of a special news report. On this page is the first episode of the first season (4-1-1963).


  1. Ugh!!!! Why do they keep doing this?!?!

  2. Because there are other things more important than what's going on in Port Charles.

    If you're not happy about today, then you're going to hate Thursday, too. 😆

    1. why cant these
      things be kept on news channels

    2. I agree Wes! Put it on a news channel that people can go choose to watch if they want to. Or, at this time of year there is only reruns on TV in Prime Time, put it on instead of the reruns during Prime Time.

    3. You do realize, don't you, that ABC, in addition to being an entertainment channel, is also a news channel, right? 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Janis and what is so important about the news media....which is biased....to keep going after Trump....they need to get over that damn election!

    1. Actually, we're over the election. What we're NOT over is what happened on January 6th. The ones who aren't over it are the ones who STILL, to THIS day, insist a free, fair, and legal election was rigged and stolen.

      And that is all I will say to you on the matter because this is a place to discuss GH and not politics.

    2. Janis...Were you part of the January incident? If not....it should not affect you. You are obviously too emotional


    3. It affects every single U.S. citizen, whether they want to acknowledge that or not.

    4. .. and regardless of their political affiliation (or lack thereof).

    5. @Unknown42: Did you watch the testimony yesterday? It was heartbreaking. And some of it came from two republicans who were only doing their jobs and holding up their oaths of office and the Constitution. One of them had his dying daughter in his house and spoke of how terrified she was of the hecklers outside the home. And then there was the election worker who, along with her mother, were only doing THEIR jobs and were accused of committing CRIMES by the former president! The FBI contacted the mother and told her her life was in danger and to leave her own home. She had to stay away from her own home for something like two months. And the daughter ended up leaving her job that she loved and had held for over ten years. This woman is not a politician, nor is she used to public speaking. You could actually see her shaking. It was very heartbreaking. I don't care which side of the political aisle someone is; I don't see how anybody could have watched yesterday's hearing without being emotionally affected.

    6. @Janis:
      I did see some of it. I saw the Republican officials from Arizona testifying and the Republican officials from Georgia testifying, including the one whose daughter was very ill and getting cancer treatments when their home was besieged. They were so courageous and made me proud of our country. I'm beyond grateful they felt it was their moral and spiritual obligation to defend the Constitution against the illegal behavior of the very person who they really wanted to win the election.

    7. @Joe:
      I totally understand the desire to willfully block out what is happening. It can be distressing and overwhelming to think about how close we came to the end of the great American experiment.

      The testimony yesterday before the bipartisan Congressional committee was very powerful -- not only eye-opening, but as Janis said, emotionally moving as well.

      The last couple of years have put everyone through an emotional wringer, though: Global pandemic and 1 million Americans dead? check. Watching a man die while bystanders pleaded with a police officer for 9(!) minutes to stop kneeling on his neck so that he could breath? check. Slaughtered grocery shoppers in one state and, just a week later, slaughtered fourth-graders in another? check.

      There is only so much trauma human beings can take, and only so many threats to our safety that we can process. Your approach has proven to be a very effective psychological defense for a lot of people.

      To say "it is not worth it" may genuinely be true for you.

      I may not agree. But I certainly can understand.

      Thank goodness for the escape of GH! Turn off the real-life drama ... and the life-threatening reality ... and, in this specific case, (pun alert!) the way-of-life-threatening drama ... for the craziness of Port Charles.

      At least we can agree on that. :)

    8. Well, there's a point of view that lacks all credibility.

      I suspect you are just trying to troll with that comment, because you find it amusing.

      But, as a professed gay male, in a country where a lot of people bash gay people just for being gay, I would think you'd be less inclined to engage in similarly harmful bashing of an entire swath of the population. Sexist, or homophobic, it all fuels the hate machine.

      If you want to be that way, it's obviously your choice. But that same machine wants to grind you up too, so it hardly seems wise.

    9. The hearing today was EXTREMELY good! You are missing out, my man.

    10. I miss Emma...shut up you queen!

  4. Actually, it looks like GH might be spared on Thursday. The hearings start at 3:00 p.m. eastern time. I have no idea what time GH is on and whether or not the show will be able to be shown before the hearing starts because I don't operate on regular t.v. time. Does anybody with actual t.v. have any idea?

    1. GH airs at 2 p.m. in the Eastern Time Zone, so maybe it'll air if the hearing starts at 3 p.m. But given that the other times zones would still have a conflict, I'm not sure whether ABC would air a fresh episode.

  5. Janis....mmmmm....Roy Thinnes...don't you agree he is handsome Janis..tell me dude....or whatever you are.
