Wednesday, April 6, 2022

General Hospital 4-6-22 Full episode

General Hospital 4-6-22 Full episode 6th April 2022

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    So great to see Valentin again! Wonder why he didn't put Anna in the loop. 🤔 Hope he's still legit...

  2. PS
    You don't think Marshall spiked Stella's food or drink do you? Or is it probably just residual illness? 🤔

    1. I think Stella is remembering she threw away some piece of seems like it was a document regarding Jordan's and Curtis' divorce. I can't remember for sure. But I think she's finally remembering and it probably elevated her blood pressure, and she might be having a stroke.

    2. I wondered the same thing since he had his med bottle in his hand when she came outside. He's kinda creepy and I don't trust him.
      She was remembering stealing Jordan's signed divorce papers but seems weird she'd stroke just over that but she had one before so its possible.

    3. @ Sherry: I don't trust him either.

    4. I usually love TJ, but that was pretty presumptuous of him to invite someone to someone else's party without checking first with the people holding the party. It wasn't his place-family or no family.

  3. how spencer can take esme constant nagging is a head scratcher all the woman has to do is turn on the crocodile tears and spencer feels sorry for her

    aunt stella remembers she took the divorce paper no aunt stella i hope its not another stroke

    what does marshall mean by he being curtis and tj family and not aunt stella huh

    selena wu is such a bad ass mobster sonny should be very wary of her love that voice love look love everything about that woman

    didnt that woman forget her name luke memorial that she was done with the west coast person

    would sonny want avery staying at nightmare windermere with all the horrors that go on there

  4. I'll bet Nikolas is sorry he made that document that Ava had signed rescinding any claim to Windermere null and void. I hope he didn't do something behind her back by reinstating it. Because Ava having a claim to the estate and the rest of the fortune is a good place for her to be right now.

    1. She needs to exercise her rights as co-owner to kick Esme' out on her scrawny little ass.

  5. I think Stella passed put cause she got very upset after talking to Curtis dad. She was told that she needs to aviod stress.

  6. Stella also is starting to remember what happen to that mail that she had,also she is worried about the secret coming out about his dad that she knows about.

  7. I'm wondering if Stella isn't even related to Curtis
    She may of been lying to Curtis and family all along.
    Marshal knows something far more about "Aunt" Stella the Curtis knows
    It's something big for sure. "Aunt" Stella has never been the type to live with a lie or a secret. She def feels it's not something she can ever go back on. Which means it's pretty big. What else could it be ?
    Stella made a clear point to say he can't find out, I'm not going back in it now, or whatever it was she said to marshal on the porch.
    Didn't he finish in saying "don't worry he won't find out from me or something ...?
    It gave me the feels that she wasn't who she's said she was all this time
