Tuesday, April 12, 2022

General Hospital 4-12-22 Full episode

General Hospital 4-12-22 Full episode 12th April 2022

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

Due to a special news report, there was no new episode on TV today.


  1. Due to a special news report, there was no new episode on TV today.

  2. I don't understand if the news report is over why show a repeat? Doesn't make sense. What was the report any way? I missed it. Thanks 😊

    1. There was a shooting in Subway New York����‍♀️

    2. Well, that's just a shame. Maybe next time.

    3. Is the lack of episode that is a shame or is it the shooting?

  3. I read GH has not produced enough episodes this season with regardless of any breaking news interruptions

  4. We can view news on the internet...they need to realize that tho sad, it should not change programing.

    1. Wow! Is your GH fix THAT important to you? You know, not everybody spends their days on the internet and they do count on tv for their news. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there ARE more important things going on in the world than what's going on in Port Charles.

    2. I think u need to take a chill pill

  5. And it's always general hospital, breaking news, the president whatever the issue it's always aired during gh 😔

    1. That's because of what time of the day GH airs. That's when the press conferences happen and most news reports. Maybe you should have a little talk with the subway shooter and ask them nicely to please wait until after GH has aired next time.

    2. Thank you!!!! they never interrupt some boring talk show, OY

  6. Sometimes people watch GH to escape for a bit from their trauma or maybe it's just a break from their "bad news" and just need to think about something else. Everyone knows GH is a show, and sometimes the real-life news is just a bit much for some. I try not to judge because the only shoes I walk in are mine. It's a good practice.

  7. It was just getting good, I wanted to see when Valentin told Maxie the truth about Peter. Does anyone know the original date it aired?

  8. How can I find 8-13-21?.. the videos have been removed?. Thanks!
