Friday, April 29, 2022

General Hospital 4-29-22 Full episode

General Hospital 4-29-22 Full episode 29th April 2022

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  1. will gladys look at the photos on the memory card and see sasha popping pills will she use that against sasha or try to be the mother in law that sasha needs and help her, i hope she helps sasha gladys has shown she can be a decent person if she chooses

    what was in that syringe that lorraine injected carly, did the doctors do a toxicology curious to know what it was because dam carly recovered fast lady must have a high tolerance for drugs lol

    that smoltz guy is just looking for someone to punch him in the face again, ooh brando with threats that was intense

    1. Damn this show is boring...I fast forward through it...they always find a way to make every storyline about carly or sick of them both! more felicia...mac...and the other vets

    2. also bring back felix...get rid of willow...porsche...dante...sam...carly...sonny...alexis...michael...ava...joss...cameron wu and all other mobsters...and you would probably have a better show!

    3. I don't see Gladys doing anything but being the annoying gold digger that she is. Ya know she's going to blackmail Sasha out of a chunk of money to keep her pill popping a secret. Gladys only looks out for Gladys. She's constantly looking for a reason to hold something over somebodies head that might benefit her in any way! She's never liked Sasha being in her sons life, she's certainly gonna run with her newly found info for all she can get out of it, no doubt. That women and her ways are soooo annoying!!

    4. I don't know. I think Liam's death softened Gladys up some. She held her tongue about Brando and Sasha getting married after Sonny/Carly/Nina? talked her down. And she definitely took charge after Sasha hit Harmony.

    5. I kind of agree with @glassyo. I think Glagys might surprise us when it comes to her loyalty to Sasha and Brando. She may end up becoming the hero in this.

  2. The sex tape story is being drug out too long. Just get Trina found not guilty and put her with the policeman. Another girl needs to be brought on for Spencer. Perhaps she could be a granddaughter of Liesel or Gladys or a neice of Ava. A neice of Ava's would really be good to put with Spencer.

  3. I would like to know who was paying for Esme's housing and food and clothes when she lived in Europe. It seems like someone else has been in her life besides Ryan. After she gets out of prison, I would like for her to somehow be reformed. Considering that Esme will go to prison, it seems so wrong that Carly has never gone to prison for ALL of her CRIMES.

  4. I really liked how Spencer was able to calm Esme down. I mean, Trina was spot on about her but I think her one achilles heel is she really doesn't want to lose Spencer. And I love Ava so much. My girl is strong! And Brando too. I love a man who can use his words and not fists. And, yup, he's headed to be the new Jason. Which I do not love.

  5. sasha's going to jail for hitting harmony. she's on drugs. Dante just lets them go. Lol Not sure why they even have a police department on this show

  6. Dante used to be an honest, good policeman. He is really disappointing now.
