Friday, April 5, 2024

General Hospital 4-5-24 Full episode

General Hospital 4-5-24 Full episode 5th April 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

There will be no episode 4-8-24 on Monday due to the solar eclipse.

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  1. Although Lila's wedding dress was clearly a different dress when it was shown last month (which is really sad when they showed images of Lois wearing the gown, come on GH costume department), I am really sad about it not being the not being salvageable. It feels like GH disrespecting its own history yet again, not to mention the memory of Lila, who was the sweetest character in GH history.

    If Sam is so concerned, then do supervised visits but Dante is right about it being a mistake to forbid contact. I wish Dante would speak up from the perspective of the kid whose mother made those kind of decisions.

    I like that Kristina and Sonny have a good relationship but I hate when writers ignore the show's own history. Kristina now says that Sonny has always been her rock. Alexis kept Kristina away from Sonny a lot during her childhood. Teenage Kristina told Sonny that maybe he would have loved her more if she had been a boy. When Kristina found out Dante was her brother, she told Kiefer that Dante was "just another kid who is disposable in her father's eyes" (meaning that she was the other disposable kid). Kristina being so suddenly ignorant about what Sonny does makes no sense. Kristina knows Sonny shot Dante for being a cop. Kristina lied and said Ethan beat her because she was afraid of what Sonny would do to Kiefer and thought Ethan being Luke's son offered him some protection. I blame the writers for not knowing anything about the history of the show they are writing for.

    1. Definitely agree, this dress storyline has been kinda pointless, unless the point was upsetting long-time viewers, lol.

  2. Thank you, Bob. Enjoy a good weekend!

  3. Bob, please please PLEASE reupload the episodes from October thru January!! Thank you so much for your efforts!

  4. This episode was "OK".....
    Joss aka Carly 2.0 is projecting her negative emotions onto Sonny.
    I agree with Kristina that Sonny has done a lot for her BUT being a spoiled entitled brat with raging hormones prevents Joss from seeing that. The only person holding her back from being happy with Dex is Joss. She is acting JUST LIKE her mother.

    Of course Carly tries to justify Joss'nonsense. Joss was attacking Sonny's character as if her own mother hasn't screwed every guy in town OR has a spotless reputation.

    I enjoyed the scenes with Drew today and the way that he stood up to Agent Kate's. Just seeing Drew back in his office was Drew being back in his element.

    WHEN are they going to give Jordan a freaking relationship. She is just walking around looking beautiful with ZERO dates.... it's ridiculous.
    Atleast she admitted that she is not missing police work.
    Hopefully she gets involved in something meaningful professionally... and maybe collating with Drew will lead her to a relationship with someone in the process.

    Looks like Kristina is the only character that was shown every day this week...
    Oh Boy! Give it a rest next week..sheesh

    I want to see more of Ava and Valentine next week.

    1. YES to Jordan getting involved in a fun relationship with someone awesome!!!

  5. I don't think Brennan is going to give up Valentine and I like the way Kristina gave it back to Jocelyn when she attacked Sonny

  6. Thanks for today's episode Bob

  7. The middle video is incorrect amd a repeat

  8. Is it true that GH will not be on Monday ??????

  9. Jordan deserves to find someone AMAZING!!! Come on, GH, hook her up already! Not sure about Drew yet, but gonna stay open-minded...

    And YES, fill in the back story for Brennan, would love him to have some tie to Port Charles that gets him on the show regularly!

    Boy is Sonny turning on the old charm with Blaze's Mom, lol, look at those dimples go... and it is clearly working.

    Get her again, Joss!!! And sorry Molly, being pregnant doesn't give Kristina cart blanche to go after people without retaliation. Kristina approached Joss, and then got her head bit off, that's her own fault. If she cared about the pregnancy she wouldn't put herself in these stressful situations / confrontations. Talk to Kristina.

    Not really a Friday level cliffhanger, start working on those again new writers! :)

    1. What ever happened to Portia's brother? He seemed interested in Jordan I think 🤔

    2. oooh hot ass zeke portia brother yes bring him back

      and that girl kristina what is wrong with that stupid girl what the hell was that she is always all up in other people business giving advice that is horribly myopic and unsolicited acting like she knows all and is right all the time, i mean will keeping saying it please shut kristina up gosh

    3. Definitely bring back Zeke, lol, this show could ALWAYS use another lawyer anyways. And those two were FIRE!!! Plus the drama with Portia and Curtis...would love it!

  10. Hey Bob! Did I ever tell you that you're my hero? ;D When I turn on my TV and there is no GH, your blog is the FIRST place I go. Bless you and all of yours for always letting us know the WHY of it, even on those days when you can't share it!

    1. second that just catching up on this weeks episode so yes thank you bob

  11. thought the guard let brennan escape ok was wrong

    why are people always saying sonny looks happy when the man looks miserable almost all the time

    so charlotte has not been to see dante once, he is kinda like a father to her and valentine needs to give dante charlotte to raise dante will be a better parent and influence in that kid life than valentine will ever be

    jordan and drew sparks be flying

    why does kristina thinks she is always right and everyone should listen to her, kristina once thought her father was a terrible person who like joss wanted to see him jail especially after sonny shot dante and a bunch of other times, now all of sudden no one is suppose to want sonny in jail, how much sonny coolaid is that girl kristina drinking the cult mentality strikes again, shut up kristina

    ok molly but kristina is the one who inserted herself into carly and josslyn conservation she was itching for a confrontation from either carly or josslyn, josslyn told her hard truths and she cannot handle it, noone is saying she cannot love her father but her opinion of her father does not have to be the opinion that everyone else hold about sonny get bent kristina and shut up

    this cates guy has some nerve drew and jason barely know each other the most time they spent together was when they were held hostage by victor what the what, what a leap to think drew is in cohorts with jason, so cates is just going to harrass everyone that is family friend to jason so he can control jason

    as for drew and jason how can this man not understand jason being gone for two years, drew was once held hostage for a long time by victor everyone thought he was dead he was welcomed back after sam, dante, jason, who else went to great lengths to get him back, jason was in a sought of similar situation where is drew compassion or understanding for what jason has been through

  12. Jason went to prison to protect Michael I wonder if Cates know about that?
