Wednesday, November 2, 2022

General Hospital 11-2-22 Full episode

General Hospital 11-2-22 Full episode 2nd November 2022


  1. What if the hook killer is really a man in a dress...could gregory be the hook killer...also why are all the women with dark hair dying their hair blonde on this show...holly...leisal...sonny's cousin...etc...what is wrong with having dark hair....also go on trina and carry that storyline rock!

    1. I Miss the Old Trina. However This Trina has Grown on me.. I still wish the Old Trina was back.

  2. And now gh writers take nu Jeff and his wife back to port charles to stay...but remember...jeff only knows Robert...Laura...Monica and Heather in that town. All of the other characters were created after his character left the don't show no good sonny going up to jeff saying they are old friends...because jeff never knew that mob clown...just like when sonny introduced Holly as his old friend...Holly was like...we were never friends you dumb gangster and I don't think Robert or Anna really like sonny either...they just tolerate him and Carly...nuff said.

  3. Beg my pardon...jeff also knows Bobbie

  4. elizabeth and finn relationship is already weird and awkward now elizabeth knew finn as a teenager again i ask how old is elizabeth and finn now

    great so finn whole story surround around the fact that reiko and him were working on a cure for blackwoods disease and thats how she contracted the disease now its because elizabeth threw her down some stairs and finn gave her diseased blood

    finn was with hayden, hayden turned out to be elizabeth sister because of an affair jeff had with hayden mother so we now have to believe that finn did not remember jeff, his wife or elizabeth, elizabeth threaten to tell finn that reiko was having an affair. in elizabeth defense she did block the whole think out what is finn excuse can not wait to hear. clean up this story writers

    how does elizabeth mother stay with her husband after so many affairs

    esme is still suspect #1 she had beef with all the hook victims and the girl loves writing a letter

    Finally they are addressing britta sickness it was about time

    so if the federal government is coming to town spinelli, drew, michael, carly, victor is an international criminal, and all the people who invested in aurora at the time of the non merger will be in their cross hairs

    love trina and josslyn friendship they can tell each other anything never change it

  5. Spot on @ General Fanatic! Thanks Bob !

  6. Now Nina and Sonny does not look cozy as a couple to me but anyways this Cody guy is looking for cassadine diamonds that's what Brit has and that's what Peter stole and Scott is calling him exactly correctly

  7. And Holly being dumped in the river yeah right months ago she was asking for help on a video camera she claims she don't remember oh she does but I would love to know who she's working with
