Friday, November 11, 2022

General Hospital 11-11-22 Full episode

General Hospital 11-11-22 Full episode 11th November 2022


  1. that US marshall works for victor, victor was on the phone with someone to find anna and valentin, who does not work for this man, is he also one of those true believers that assistant mayor was talking about again asking is victor running an international cult

    if you are an avenger you better watch it with jordan looking at you iron man

    Austin and britt look good together they should be a couple

    that adam guy gives me the creeps everytime he is around josslyn i get danger warning josslyn better watch that guy

    isn't josslyn and trina suppose to be at home because they are targets for the hooker why are they so in the open

    olivia jermone is in prison at pentonville huh didnt she escape after trying to bring duke back via reincarnation using griffin and how is olivia still alive sonny hasn't off this woman for planting the bomb that killed morgan

    yes spencer and trina they still got it

    1. Him walking in to see Trina was a total EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! moment, lol. And Adam is creepy. Do not trust him. And Austin is so much more likeable around Britt...

  2. Love Anna & Valentin together so much chemistry now it looks like Liz will get involved in Nik's mess they should get back together don't think she fits with Finn

  3. Great episode and finally NO NINA. Made my day not to watch her busybody a$$. Now, if only the hook would do her in. One can only hope. LOL!

  4. It is good to see the GH storylines picking up and getting interesting again. Seems like a lot of the main characters have decent storylines. Good to have some of the past characters return and actually have storylines and something to do. Although I am still not a fan of most of the matches they have for couples on the show.

  5. Good afternoon. Is there a new link for The Young and the Restless blog???

    1. There is a list of pages at the top under the image of the night city. The link is on the "my other blogs" page. And on this page there is also a working link to it.

  6. Love love lovved Britt & Austin togrther since they hung out at that bar the first night
    Such good chemistry together. Actually Britt gives off such loveable chemistry with whoever she's in scenes with
    Austin and Maxie together are terrible. No chemistry.
    I don't mind Anna+Valntne together. They don't make me feel annoyed watching there scenes but also don't love the connection like I do w Britt and Austin
    I wonder if Austin's cousin will hit up Sasha ...
    One more bad boy for her to go off the deep end with.

    Don't like Finn with elizbth together,
    Nicholas & Lizbth I'm sure will get entangled at some point here

  7. Esme Prince has the Best* screaming voice. She does it so good. Doesn't seem too fake either
    And the high pitch she does. Wow is it ever entertaining to watch
    It's gotta be one of claim to fame sort of things cause it's that good !

    Nicholas now you have no way to bring Esme in with that hook
    You've held her captive for so long now
    I guess he could say she just randomly appeared while trying to "Hook" him one random night ...
    Love esmes story but she's really starting tk become more shakey and vulnerable in her confidence as of late
    Maybe this "ace" in the hole of hers she calls her baby has actually softened her ... possible she actually look a bit concerned when she saw how hard elizbeth hit her head. Esmes eyes 👀 went big and a little bit worried like oh shit !

  8. I hope they never kill her off the show ... 🤞🏼
