Tuesday, November 15, 2022

General Hospital 11-15-22 Full episode

General Hospital 11-15-22 Full episode 15th November 2022


  1. Sorry. I still can't get used to the idea of Sonny and Nina

    1. I've never liked either one of them. Together I can't stand them. They're gross. 🤮

    2. They are the most physically painful couple to watch ever!!!!! I think I never got over the Michelle Stafford Nina recast though, so I might be biased :) I just loved that actress' portrayal of the character, delightfully crazy!

    3. new nina is great...i love her and sonny together...carly is ugly and gross

    4. @JustLaughGH. I agree. Michelle Stafford was great. I don't know who the hell made the decision to replace her with this bug-eyed, whiny caricature, but they should be fired.

    5. Janis ....as usual...you are jealous of a pretty woman....dyke

    6. Disagree with you Gina, no one wants to watch those big bugg eyes of Nina. She is so disgusting. Carly is much better looking. Nina needs to get a job writing for some rag newspaper and not Crimson Lights. Funny that you never see her in Crimson Lights office working on deadlines anymore, to busy making goo goo eyes and touching and kissing Sonny. It gets downright disgusting with these old guys public display. After all they are grandparents, shouldn’t they tone it down in public.

    7. you women are jealous of nina because she has sonny all to herself!! Ha! Ha!

  2. Brick and Carly, sitting in a tree!!! Of course Nina walks by... :)

  3. Brick can't be serious...he used to make such sweet comments about Carly. Still how much longer ..there is still no chemistry with Nina and Sonny. And, Esme... throwing her self down on the bed...on her stomach?

  4. Ok.. Drew? Someone?? just PLEASE tell Willow that Nina's her birth mom so we can all just move on. I know I know.. I'm dreamin. They'll drag this out for WEEKS!

  5. Brick wouldn't have time for a little side fling w/ Carly if he wanted to..
    He's go too much going on at ESPN.

    1. I KNEW he looked familiar! My boss has espn on at work and I was like "Huh? Brick????"

    2. I LOVE how obsessed Stephen A. Smith is with General Hospital!!! Randomly wonderful, lol.

  6. that castle has so many secret passages there has to be one in that attic or wherever Esme is being held, no fan of Esme but i hate nicholas and ava and would love to see her escape just to torment them

    did not like willow and michael together huge chase and willow fan that ship sailed, willow and michael are starting to grow on me

    finn punch the hell out of an old man, cannot believe how upset finn is his wife is dead know he just found out and feels betrayed by the affair yes some of it is about elizabeth but the bulk of his anger is about his wife betrayal, damn dude too bad he cannot confront her cause he looks like he really want to go yell at her grave

    really hoping that dna test carly did was corrupted and willow is not nina mother can they make anyone else this girl mother do not want to see nina continued harassment of this girl

    1. why can't that busy body bitch nina just mind her business the woman is always trying to cause trouble then she goes did i do that thats not what i meant to happen crap, then run to sonny and acts like she is victim and everyone else is out to get her

      brick is good judge of character he should recognize that nina is pure venom

    2. She's so freaking two-faced. And Sonny is just flat out stupid to not see it. So sick of both of them.

    3. I don't want Nina to be her donor either. If she is the one who saves Willow, she will not only use that to OWN her, but also this new baby and Wiley, too. Hopefully she can just go on the donor registry and it can all be be done anonymously. We know she's going to find out eventually, which will be be bad enough,, but for her to find out under this circumstance will just make we it so much worse.

    4. If Carly's smart, she'll just encourage Sonny and Nina to be part of the drive, in a show of good will. Use her Carly-ness to make Nina feel like she looks bad if she doesn't participate. Donor does not automatically equal mother. The only one with reason to be suspicious at that point would be Drew...

    5. @ just laugh ya I agree with you , Carly needs to do something because when Nina finds out willow is her daughter poor willow Nina is bonkers to say the least and @ General fanatic and Janis I wish she wasn’t willows mom either and sonny is stupid when is someone going to tell him he has Stockholm syndrome and he’s not in love with her 🤮

  7. damn...i guess we all gotta wait til Christmas til Willow and Nina find out they're mother and daughter. they been dragging this soo long, i feel Thanksgiving is too soon, though it would make more sense.
