Thursday, November 17, 2022

General Hospital 11-17-22 Full episode

General Hospital 11-17-22 Full episode 17th November 2022


  1. Liz was so good today and LOOKOUT Mrs. Wu is going to take Gladys ( Sasha's money ) and leave her poor she will end up with that company

  2. That's a surprise it's Holly that shot Lucy and Gladys should watch out for Mrs Wu she's going to take Sasha's money and leave her poor she will end up with the company

  3. I knew it was one of those masks and that it was Holly , dang Gladys don’t go back to your old ways I hope sonny intervenes in some way he promised he would protect Brando’s family ! Thank god no Nina today ! Britt is in IDGAF mode poor thing hope she tells someone besides Maxi’s dude so she can get support , I thought she was leaving the show this month ? Laura knows what’s up ♥️ Her !
    Thank you Bob always appreciated !

    1. i hope gladys isnt either she has shown genuine love and care for sasha and she is doing this for brando so if she it stealing from sasha what a stain on her son's memory

      but can gladys access sasha account without the courts sayso, is she not just a guardian with just the overseeing of sasha she cannot do anything without the courts sayso or sasha if she goes after sasha money without her consent can a the courts not find out

  4. Hi Bob, is it possible to pay you to get copies of specific episodes? Thanks!

    1. Bob is not going to do that for you...he won't even reply back

  5. Oh no Gladys is back to her money grubbing ways.

  6. Why are my women making it so hard to defend them??? First Nina and her thinking everyone is having an affair and now Gladys?! But, boyyyyyy, did Selina find a mark in her.

    LOVED Elizabeth playing Esme and lol Esme still playing the victim in all this. Nicholas actually had a good idea spiriting Esme away to Cassadine Island but he's still a moron.

    Laura rocks, as always. Holly's not doing this because she wants to and how in the hell is Emma Samms still this gorgeous? :)

    1. Right Gladys is always about herself , just like she wanted Brandi to work for sonny no matter what he told her .
      Yes Liz saw that she was faking.what I don't think is true is that no way she is that far along, come on Spencer hasn't even been in prison for a month .
      Had to be holly she is working for Victor.

    2. Nina is a high hipacrate. me, when is going to rob her that is her style than blackmail her .
      And really same you look like a slut , who dresses like that shoulders out , your a mother of two . You go to dantes job and dress like that.
      Esme is a nutcase , go Liz, Nicholas was stupid to have sex with her in the first place .
      I think sonny doesn't trust Gladys with sashes money either.

  7. Well played, Elizabeth. Well played. 👍

  8. sam and dante are so blah nothing they do makes me like this couple nothing

    so dante is not as gullible when it comes to sonny as i thought really thought he was acting stupid and ignoring the sonny of it all regarding anna escape was wrong glad i am

    oh my esme can actual show have real emotions for something someone, she is bonding with her spawn that kid has dna with nicholas, esme, ryan and all the psycho cassadines one can only imagine what this kid will becoming not that dna makes a person but if nicholas parents that kid then we got another spencer or may be worse and spencer isnt that horrible

    nicholas is piece of shit he threaten hayden to leave down then had her mother murdered nicholas get away with everything

    of course elizabeth will continue to help nicholas and keeps his dirty little secrets

    laura got holly number

    1. ok so it was holly many called now what happened to lucy if she is not in that river she is being held somewhere and by whom mostly victor

  9. This Nicholas is better. Liz was awesome

    1. that new nick is hot....he is also married to a man...I want him!

    2. new nick is married to a man in real life
