Tuesday, August 3, 2021

General Hospital 8-3-21 Full episode

General Hospital 8-3-21 Full episode 3rd August 2021


  1. my boy chase said he wants to SEE the cum stained sheets!!! lol poor bastard

  2. Michael and Willow wouldn't hit the sheets while Willey waits at his birthday party.. those two are not so hot and sexy that they use sex as a tool for grief. So boring

    1. truth i though that weird they would hook up while wiley party is going on, chase walked on these two once he sought of did again poor chase

    2. Agree so weird! And so weird that Chase demanded to go upstairs

    3. Chase needs to stop acting so stupid. For being a detective, he's awfully clueless.

  3. austin is just too funny at least they were safe

    was thinking maybe shawn is related to phyllis she spoke of a family member they have never giving shawn a family background

  4. Valentine going to Nixon Falls? I thought he had moved on to Anna

  5. Never see Donna
    Carly sees more of Wiley than Donna

  6. I miss Dev
    He would be a good match for Spencer

    1. I always wished Dev was still on the show & I agree with you about being a good match for Spencer. That could have been fun to see them try to out do each other.

    2. I agree! I just couldn't understand why Dev didn't respond when Joss kissed him that one time. Then all of a sudden he was into her. I really like that character and hate that they killed him off.

    3. I loved Dev to and was shocked when they killed him. He had a lot of potential for varies story lines.

    4. kidd, I was wondering the same.. maybe out of respect for Sonny at the time?

  7. Hi Bob ... I'm wondering whats going on with all these links? The top one makes you go to another page ... the second one that I normally watch is not loading, and when it does, it doesn't last long, and I have to go and refresh the page and fast forward to try to find where I was in the episode, only for it to happen a couple more times during the episode ... and the third link you can't expand it, you can only watch it in small screen.

    1. Many people have problems with the second video and I do not know how to fix it. The third video is on the same video hosting as the first video. If I disable redirection, then for some reason the full-screen mode button disappears in the video. But the method described above and on the FAQ page allows you to watch this video in full screen. You just don't need to zoom in in the browser if there is nothing superfluous on the top and right in the video.

  8. I am starting to like Austin the way he was there for Chase. I don't know why Michael and Willow didn't tell Chase the truth after the antidote cured him! 🙄

    1. Nope. Austin's got something up his sleeve. And I think he's going to use this Michael/Willow/Chase thing to his advantage somehow. I think he's going to try to use Chase as a pawn in some agenda he has - whatever that is.

    2. Think Austin will try to blackmail Michael for Q stuff but come on Willow JUST TELL CHASE THE TRUTH this is so stupid to keep going with this story lines

  9. I like Austin but he was being so weird about pointing out the affair to Chase! And I felt like he was rubbing it in his face!

    1. No, Chase needs to wake up! Michael and Willow make a great couple! Chase and Willow are the ones that make a boring couple, and she doesn't love him anyway, I'm so sick and tired of Willow pitying Chase and can't tell him the truth because of this or that. What is she going to do, wait until every retired to tell him the truth? I would hate it if somebody treated me that way, I would rather just know the truth. Michael and Willow did not want to anul that marriage and they didn't tell each other the truth then like they should have, but that doesn't mean that Willow should be married to Chase out of pity. It's stupid and ignorant. Fix it writers!

  10. Aunt Stella said what needed to be said.

    1. No, Stella needs to bed out, though I love her character. As far as Austin goes, I hate it when soaps keep recasting the same person in different roles. It seems that they think we're stupid, as if the other characters wouldn't notice that he looks exactly like Franco? Please, they should at least notice that and then have a storyline as to why he does look like him.

  11. Josselyn: "Was it just me or was Spencer extra annoying today?"

    Me: And you're not? 🤣

  12. I hate that they've turned the Spencer character into just a jackass! Before he was a precocious boy but still mostly a nice kid.

  13. I did a weird laugh when Austin picked up Michael's shirt & showed it to Chase. I mean, he's a detective, right? He didn't sense something was up between Michael & Willow?
    Stella! She's so f-ing annoying. Go get your own life!!
