Monday, August 2, 2021

General Hospital 8-2-21 Full episode

General Hospital 8-2-21 Full episode 2nd August 2021


  1. I thought I was going to puke when I saw Sonny and Nina kissing. Gross!

    I doubt Chase will catch Michael and Willow. This weeks preview is just a tease regarding Nina and Chase, etc. 🙄

    1. Right? 🤮

      It would not break my heart for Nina, Sonny, AND Carly to disappear. For good.

  2. Move on Sonny. Let's get rid of Carly.

  3. Some birthday party this kid, Wiley, is having. He hasn't had any cake, opened any gifts, played any games, no other kids are there for a lil boys party! Those that are there haven't even been in the same room with him at the same time. AND his mom and dad decide to go knock one off during his party that his crippled step dad is about to miraculously walk in on!! OMG!! Too funny! Only on GH....LOL. 😂

    1. It could be my imagination, but it seems to me that since covid and their big shutdown, they don't have the youngest kids on the set at the same time much. If at all. When was the last time we saw Rocco, Danny, Scout or Leo? Charlotte is supposedly living in the Q mansion, but she's become like a ghost. The only little kids we see now are Wiley and Violet. Could be we'll be seeing a mass SORAS and the next time we see any of those missing kids they'll be teenagers.

    2. Actual 😂 at your party description 😂 info only on the soaps

  4. Austin does a lot of watching and listening. If he discovers Michael and Willow together, he might use it to his advantage.

  5. Brook Lynn needs to tell Valentin. I know he's a horrible person who has done horrible things, but he's going to be heartbroken when he finds out the truth, and the longer it is drug out, the harder it's going to be for him and I can't help but feel sorry for him. I also don't think there is any question that he would be a good and effective ally at keeping Louise safe. Especially now that we don't know where Peter is and if he's alive or dead.

  6. Nina is infuriating to listen too, please end this sonny nina crap its tedious and annoying.

    1. nina talking to sonny about nelle is insulting given nelle tormented him, michael and his entire family. that woman nina needs to stung by a thousand bees

  7. Thanks Bob for posting GH, if they don't get rid of this story with Willow/Michael soon I can't take much more and then on top of them that nosy old hag, putting her 2 cents in where she needs to be taken off the show, grrrrrrrrr

  8. Endless flashbacks and detailed recaps of events from years ago- all dull.

  9. Poor Wiley! What a birthday party! I'm sorry but Aunt Stella has a big mouth. Why the hell doesn't she just mind her own business!!
