Thursday, August 12, 2021

General Hospital 8-12-21 Full episode

General Hospital 8-12-21 Full episode 12th August 2021


  1. Nina and Mike make a great looking couple. As Mike, Sonny is relaxed, nice, happy, and fighting crime. As Sonny, he is on edge, mean, yelling and he engages in illegal activity and murders people.

    1. Uh that's what gangsters do. Nina is disgusting. Can't wait till Carly better yet Christina kicks her ass. Keeping Sonny away from his children.evil bitch

    2. General Hospital needs to get rid of all of the mob stuff.

    3. Right, Nina is digging herself into a hole she might not be able to dig herself out of. What's her best case scenario? If Sonny gets his memory back, he'll hate her for keeping him away from his family and knowing!y manipulating him. Her best case scenario would be to create a memory-loss event of her own. EVERYBODY will hate her when the truth comes out.

      Sonny has a lot of responsibility that requires him to be a stern asshole. "Mike" is a !aid back, chill kinda dude (but really,who wouldn't want to know who they are??).

      PC needs the "mob stuff" to keep them unique and add a layer of dimension to the show. However, if Sonny was half the mobster he's portrayed as, why wouldn't he be recognized from coast to coast?? That's what has really bothered me about that story arc.

  2. Ava and Nicholas really love each other. Hopefully, they and Spencer and Avery can very soon all be together as a family.

  3. No, Spencer is going to slither away with his delusions of grandeur and pout again. You know he won't take kindly to being put in his place by Nicholas.

    1. I. am looking forward to watching Spencer get put in his place. :D

  4. The writers on GH must be all white. Trina would not allowed to be as disrespectful as she is written from apparently a white perspective in a real Black mother and Black father home. Old school values would not tolerate her disrespectful tude.

  5. I don't know how they're going to set this up, and it may be a ways down the road, but I think a clueless Sonny/Mike is gonna stumble in on Carly and Jason's nuptials.

  6. It's getting boring without sonny, it's time out with the Nina and Mike
    Time for Carly and sonny

  7. Carly and Austin belong together. Carly and Austin are both cruel and manipulative. They don't care who they hurt nor how many they hurt

  8. How come the Tanno never has any customers?

  9. ugh jax, is jax just jealous of anyone carly chooses over him. i want them to bring jerry jacks back just to torment him.

    that episode was just blah
