Thursday, August 19, 2021

General Hospital 8-19-21 Full episode

General Hospital 8-19-21 Full episode 19th August 2021


  1. the Jason/Carly storyline is great. just wait until Sonny comes back. How is Jason gonna be Sonny's bodyguard in the eyes of the other families. It's not like they are gonna be able to go back to the way it was. Sonny and Jason will be seen as competitors for the same woman. And the other families are not going to be accepting going back to the status quo, any more than they are willing to allow Carly to run things, without being married to Jason.

  2. It looks like Nina and Mike are about to sleep together and she says this is wrong . But just another tease by GH to make us think she will do the right thing. Sonny will 'ease' her mind and they will have sex! Let me get my barf bag! 🤕

  3. Spencer and his girlfriend have been stalking Ava and Nina tells Sonny it's wrong for them to have sex but I honestly believe she isn't going to tell Sonny about his past

  4. I knew it was Spencer. And his gf covered him. But where did she get Kiki badge?
    Trina is gorgeous
    Love Tiffany
    Sad she had to in isolation until the vaccine and still needs to be careful. Obesity and covid are friendly foes.
    Nurse Baldwin please
    By a doctor
    Nurses are Bit*'es
    Carly had to snipe Monica

  5. what ever happen to florence after cyrus was arrested did martin grey get his mother back, i can't remember if that was mentioned

    Elizabeth makes me sick the woman always thinks she is better than everyone when her sins is equally bad as britt and everyone else in port charles, the difference elizabeth gets away with all she does or is given a pass while britt paid for her crimes and is still being judged for her past when she is actual trying to be a good person, elizabeth is always turning up her nose at those she think amoral, but elizabeth is far from a saint and she did something similar to keep jason/drew, i need someone to throw that in elizabeth face just once.

    1. damn spencer why are you playing with trina heart like that, girlfriend got psycho vibes

      still think ryan has someone stalking ava

    2. ELIZABETH YOU STASHED A DEAD BODY (or so you thought) IN A FREEZER. YOU HID JASON/Drew’s identity so you could hold onto him. SHE IS THE HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY. truly, she may be the most hypocritical person on this show. But she is a legacy character and will always be beloved in the eyes of the majority of GH fans.

  6. I wonder if the familiar face Nina will see in Nixon Falls will be Ava. Didn't she say she needs to get away? Well, we know Ava won't say a thing about Sonny. Just another tease by GH! 🙄

    I felt sorry for Britt today. 💕

  7. I agree. I wanted to see Trina & Spencer as a couple. Instead he's a total Jerk, who doesn't deserve Her.Hope she finds someone that treats her good.
