Monday, May 24, 2021

General Hospital 5-24-21 Full episode

General Hospital 5-24-21 Full episode 24th May 2021


  1. Well that made no sense, what happened to the guard?
    How you kidnap somenone from a hotel with no one seeing you?

    1. Welcome to the world of soap where there is no logic to anything lol

    2. Real talk. And the bodyguard was supposed to be a mob guy. Really? And this is me screaming to the GH writers who may or may not read this WHO GIVES A DAMN ABOUT SONNY/MIKE/NINA/NIXON FALLS LENNY/MOTHER SUPERIOR PHYLLIS. Nina and Sonny/Mike will not be the new super couple the writers are trying to shove down the fans throats. I, like I think others, nearly break a finger fast forwarding whenever they come on. I schedule my rather watch paint 🎨 dry than you two. Maurice Bernard, you are disappointing. This is no acting stretch. This storyline is abominably boring. You will not win any Emmy awards this time out. I would tell Cynthia to go back to Guiding Light if it wasn't already off the air. You were better as Annie. Take a hint. This ain't working.

    3. My fingers will stay intact until I am 90 then, I LOVE seeing these two together :)

    4. @Uknown, I don't like the Mike/Nina storyline either and I skip over it. However, I have been watching Maurice Bernard's State of Mind and he knows that most people want him to return to Port Charles but he likes having this other role as a mental break. He's a method actor and takes home a lot of the stuff he does, so this storyline just gave him something a little lighter for a short period of time, especially after the emotional turmoil he went through with the alzheimer's storyline. I don't think the writers are trying to make them a power couple (I think that's just the hope of the few people who like them as a couple)... but it's a long game to basically bring Sonny and Carly back together. Anyway, hearing Maurice talk about this made me more patient. I still don't watch it, but I'm a firm believer that sanity should always come first and if the actor needs this...let him have it.

    5. Is it impossible for you to accept the inference that Peter unscrupulously lured the guard away, or knocked him over the head, or killed him....

  2. britt broke my heart felt for her, jason and britt getting closer, sasha and brando yes, who threw peter down the stairs lol

  3. Thanks so much, love this soap, cant afford to pay for it to view.

  4. I really hope Maxi tells Spinelli what she's planning. He can actually help her, and he's completely loyal. There's no reason to make this harder on herself when she has some incredible resources.

    1. That would be great! But I think she will get interrupted when Carly calls him and Maxie will change her mind. But here's hoping I'm wrong.

  5. Nina and Sonny were the best part of the show. They are really good together.

  6. Yhe show needs to go back to being about the hospital and get rid of the mob stuff.

    1. I've never understood this sentiment. When was the show just about hospital stuff? In the 60s when it first started? For the 30 odd years that I've been watching this show, there's always been criminal activity from Cesar Faison, Helena, WSB activity and so on. I remember explosions and fights involving Luke, Laura, Anna, Robert, Mac and Felicia. Prior to Sonny, there was the Wu mob family in the 80s. Sonny has been on this show for 28 years now, so it just seems like it's time to let go of this nostalgia because the show is not going to go back to how it was in the 60s. In the 1970s the show had extremely low ratings for being dull, and it was about to be cancelled until they hired Leslie Charleson to be in more scandalous storylines involving Genie Francis. Scandals, fights, and mob wars have saved the show and has kept GH on the air.

  7. Unknown
    You need to bet ride of Cyrus. His story line is so old, we need to end this story. Line and put Cyrus back I jail.
    Peter needs to be put in jail Senses to get new story
    lines. Bring Sonny back to Carly.

  8. I think that was drew that knock peter down the stairs
