Monday, May 10, 2021

General Hospital 5-10-21 Full episode

General Hospital 5-10-21 Full episode 10th May 2021


  1. This storyline with Britt and Jason on the run reminds me of Luke and Laura.and Peter August has to be stopped permanently now he's way out of control I hope Jason finally stops him

    1. True, he murdered her just to send a different nurse to Maxi. When he could have just lied to the real Chloe Jennings and paid off the imposter he sent in her place like they usually do in soap operas for this.

    2. Peter is becoming as bad or worse than Sirus.

    3. I heard they are killing willow off...good...she ruined the friendship between michael and chase....liked her at first but now..don't care for her..she will get what tania got decades ago...damn they even look alike...mike's girlfriends are cursed...he needs to stay to himself.

  2. I love Carly and Joss together. They have such a great mother/daughter relationship. I know there are some people who love to hate on Carly and only judge her for her past. However, she's changed tremendously and one of my favorite things about her is that she's willing to say when she's wrong.

    1. I'm neither a Carly hater nor a big fan, but I agree, some of these conversations are really spectacular, both in and of themselves and also because they're really the only times these characters are honest about their deepest bad feelings; it's heartening to see that they do feel at least conflicted about how they behave.

    2. and that's why i love carly she is true to her character she can be reckless implusive quick to attack but at least thats her personality and rarely makes apologizes for it, she knows who she is.

    3. I cannot stand carly...worse mother and character EVER on this show

    4. Carly is a HORRIBLE MOTHER who HAS and Still does ENDANGER her Children's lives.

    5. @General Fanatic, I 100% agree. She's true to her character and she's not a hypocrite, unlike half the characters who preach about how good they are but lie, steal and cheat the moment they get a chance.

    6. I'm with you QueenT. No matter what others say about Carly, she's loyal, 100% has her family's back and will fight for them to the end. Look at the Elizabeth, she's a hypocrite goody two shoes who never owns up to her hypocrisy. like you said, other characters pretend to be so above board but are the worst and will stab their so-called friends in the back without a thought. As for Nina, wow! She claims Nelle would have been a better person if only she had a loving home but see what herself does giving the chance to bring a beloved father and friends to so many back home. Does her behavior remind anyone of what Nelle did despite Carly's good treatment of her? Exactly! The apple, I'm afraid does not fall far from the tree.

  3. Why can't they just let Sam go off and do her own thing, with someone new. She was tired of the mob life, I guess, broke up with Jason, but here she is running around all up in his business. Seems like she wishes she was the one on the run with him.
    I always figured at some point Dante would join Sonny's organization. It would have been interesting, while he was still recovering from that mission, if he would have joined the organization after Sonny's "death" and went up against Cyrus. But I guess they will go with Dante as a cop again, sadly.

    1. yes about sam its like they have no idea what to do with her so they are just putting her in every one's story. so sad for sam

    2. Can't stand Sam anymore so glad her & Jason is over they need to send her packing and bring Hayden back Liz & Finn need her. LOVE JASON & BRITT


    1. me three love the energy and back and forth of their conversation they are awesome together

  5. Maxi should've accepted Sam's offer to help and to enlist Dante to help. Dante has good police skills and Sam has good PI skills. Both of them could have been keeping a watch on Peter and the nurse he sent to Maxi.

  6. Sonny is acting like Dante. He is working to prove that the friend of Phyllis and Lenny is behind the crimes in Nixon Falls. It would be so good if Sonny would join the Port Charles Police and work with Dante to put the criminals and murderers in prison.

  7. Izin promo ya Admin^^
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  8. thank you Bob.

    I loved it when Cyrus called Peter and idiot! that was priceless.

  9. Dante and Sonny working together putting the criminals and murderers away in Port Charles would be great

  10. I realize that Jordan said that someone behind Cameron shot Jason.. However, who shot Jason since she said that Cameron did not shoot Jason? Possibly Peter??? If someone else, who???

  11. Why are some people acting like like Carly is the one who turned Sonny to a life of crime? I understand a lot of people don't like her due to her history, but she's not to blame for everything. Sonny has always been a mobster or in a gang of some type ever since he was a teenager in Bensonhurst, which is why Olivia left him. Carly and other women have asked him to leave the business several of times but he could never stay away. Amnesia is not going to turn Sonny into a different man. His personality is still there, and with that temper of his he would find himself on the wrong end of the law even if the Amnesia lasted forever. As Elijah pointed out, Sonny attracts crime and is the type of person to take the law within his own hands rather than to turn to the cops. Many women have loved Sonny despite his flaws, but Carly made a choice to stay. A lot of people may not get it, but that's certainly what makes her character interesting. It's also the reason why she's the end game for Sonny. A lot of women think they can be with Sonny, but bounce the moment things get tough. Carly is a ride or die partner and no one can compete with that, even if there's some brief nonsense that we all have to put up with because this is a soap. Plus, this is a T.V show for entertainment. It's entertaining to watch dynamic characters who are making choices that most of us would never make.

  12. Sheesh......."Mike" is kind of reverting to Sonny with him "ordering" Nina to stay away from Elijah the way he did. I wonder if that is intentional? More and more of Sonny's real personality will come out gradually and pretty soon "Mike" will be........gone.

    Oh, and the moss is back!

  13. Wow. Peter has really crossed a line - to murder a perfectly innocent woman (if that is indeed what he did, which it looks like), then he is NOT redeemable. The character must be on his way out. I hope the actor who plays him is dusting off his resume.' lol

  14. Wonder if Peter is the one who shot Jason.

  15. Did Jordan lie and Cameron really did shoot Jason? Jordan has lied about other things.

  16. What happened to your soil blood that was my favourite :(

  17. Carly is a wacko! She actually said to Jason...can I trust you alone with Britt? What a dumb thing to say especially after Jason has saved Carly's butt a gazillion times and every time he gets hurt or jailed because Carly does something idiotic. I just can't stand her...she literally only ever causes trouble. The same about Sam. Her low talking mumbling monotone voice makes me tune right out.
