Monday, March 8, 2021

General Hospital 3-8-21 Full episode

General Hospital 3-8-21 Full episode 8th March 2021


  1. OH maxie pad gurrll denial is hard thing to take. what is maxie talking about britt has done some horrible things true but did she ever kill anyone no and she went to prison for her crimes and took responsibility, so apples and oranges

    Finn where are we going to call home, did he give up his apartment after he moved in with Anna, i remember he bought a house when he found out hayden was pregnant thats where he had proposed to her what happen to that house

    Rooting for Finn to be Chase's father

    Peter just keep digging that hole man eye roll

  2. Badass Franco, faster than a speeding bullet! 😆

  3. yeah, thanks. and good episode too!

  4. LOL @ Franco threatening to go all Dexter on Peter. Hahahahahaha........
