Friday, March 5, 2021

General Hospital 3-5-21 Full episode

General Hospital 3-5-21 Full episode 5th March 2021


  1. Anna is full of it, Robert told her time and time again that Peter was sketchy as hell but she chose to ignore him, so she needs to shut up.

    Finn and Anna better be over, have Finn go on an adventure to look for Hayden.

    I am so sick of Nina Michael open his heart to her in fact it was willow who convince him to let nina into wiley's life that woman did not have to do willow dirty like that. she did what she did on purpose every time willow called her mommy to wiley her whole face would contort into a nasty look.

    Finn father put two and two together now these two finn and jackie have been awkward with each other always lol.

    Peter don't die you have to get revenge on valentin and anna.

    Wait Maxie still does not believe all she has heard about Peter what....

    oh no Franco wait did you do

    1. as a rule Thank You Bob for the upload as always

  2. Maxie is that obsessed with not being alone, to the point she still wants to believe a lie.

  3. Peter definitely has bad intent... arming himself at the moment he should be trying to be with Maxie. He has revealed himself to be a liar and a cad, and he should be punished or at least banished.

    Nina gets NO sympathy from me. Shame on her for telling a 2 year old child that the only mother he has ever known is not his "real" mommy. And then Nina tries to beg forgiveness... she can't seriously believe that she should ever be allowed to be left alone with Wiley again.

    1. I highly agree with you about Nina. First time I have absolutely NO sympathy for her. That was a horrible thing to do to Willow and her little grandson could have also got hurt by that useless comment !

      I hope Franco didn't kill peter so the cops can charge him with all the crimes and murders he did and Holly's abduction. He has to tell robert & Anna where she is and tell the man to release her !

  4. What wrong with maxies left side of her face it looked blk and blue

    1. I believe it was the eye liner or mascara smudging from her crying to look like she authentically was upset by everything that was said.

  5. I mean really, Nina, after having confused little Wiley and upset Willow like that, and she's still standing there smiling and asking Micheal for another chance. She isn't even sorry for what she did! I mean, she is in pain, but she's out for revenge, acting just like Nelle!

  6. Nina is really confused herself thinking she could talk about Wileys mother to him at 2 years old. And Anna really showed herself Peter did things in his past but truly is in Love with Maxie he has done a lot of the things to cover up his past out of his Love for Maxie.

  7. Oh, come on. A 2 1/2 year old isn't going to ask this strange woman "how are we connected?" Apparently, whoever wrote that scene has never spent any time around toddlers. Even the brightest toddler of that age wouldn't be able to come up with that. lol

    1. i skimmed the previous episode again but i never heard wiley ask nina anything he didnt say anything to her really from what i can tell

  8. NO excuse for what Nina done please Michael don't let her see him anymore and hope Finn takes Violet and goes to look for Hayden because Violet needs her mom

  9. Michael should have gone after Willow to comfort her. He knew that she was upset. He should have known that she would need someone; he missed his chance.

  10. It looks like it will finally come out to Chase and Gregory what Finn has been suspecting for a while. Anna isn't the only one who has been suspecting something but didn't want to face it.

  11. What Nina did was unexcusable!! Of course, she was only thinking of herself when she insisted on Michael rethinking her visits with Wiley.
    Thanks for the upload!!
