Monday, March 15, 2021

General Hospital 3-15-21 Full episode

General Hospital 3-15-21 Full episode 15th March 2021


  1. Ned will slay any dragon he just won't stop having coffee with the woman he had sex with behind his wife's back.Then he doubles down and compares her being upset about their catch up with him assuming she was screwing around. Olivia needs to explain very slowly I get to be friends with Robert because I haven't had sex betraying our marriage vows with him, you no longer get to be friends with Alexis because you can't keep it in your pants. 🤦 Poor Chase but I'm glad this is bringing him and willow together her and Michael are boring as hell.

  2. Michael needs to remember just how betrayed he felt when his mother kept the truth about Chase and Sasha from him! Then perhaps he could understand how Nina felt when she discovered that Carly knew and kept the truth about Nelle and Wiley from Nina. Valentin's suggestion about ALL of them going to counseling was a good one. In the counseling sessions, Carly could explain to Nina and Michael and Willow how long Carly know that Nelle was Nina's daughter and whatever Carly's real reasons were for not wanting Nina to know. In counseling, Michael and Willow could remember or be helped to remember that Nina was the REASON that Michael and Willow were granted custody of Wiley and learn that it was Carly that had gone to Nina and begged for Nina to testify against Nelle. Maybe ALL could realize how badly that hurt Nina when she realized that she had testified against her own daughter. It could, also, come out that Carly had told Jasper about Nelle being Nina's daughter and Carly insisting that Jasper not tell Nina and how Nina felt that Jasper failed to tell the woman he claimed to love just because Carly demanded it.

  3. It is really GREAT that Nina has both Valentin and Ava trying to help her. Ava knows how Carly tried to keep Ava's own daughter away from Ava. Ava could also tell about Carly coming to Ava's house to steal Avery necklace because Carly did NOT want Nina to know that Nelle was her daughter.

  4. Just read this about Franco (Roger Howarth) I knew I liked him for other reasons.

    In an interview with Soap Opera Digest, Roger confirmed that he isn't stopping his participation in the program entirely, he'll just be taking a hiatus to work on his efforts with Feeding America. This nonprofit organization seeks to combat hunger domestically and is a passion project for Roger.

  5. Carly's mother aided in Carly's attempt to steal Avery's necklace. Carly's mother knows Carly kidnapped Florence. Carly's mother is aiding and abetting Carly in Florence's kidnapping. Carly needs to go to PRISON for kidnapping Florence. Her mother can be charged, too.

  6. Just like valentin to use a child as a pawn to get what he wants, and yes he would use Charlotte if he gains from it thats how he gets close and stay in nina's orbit by dangling charlotte in front of her. I don't understand why valentin is even a part of the wiley story the man has no moral or ethical bone in body bitch please.

    Nina should not be a part of wiley or any child's life that woman is the worse when it comes to children, wiley was fine without her in his life he will be fine with her out of it please give her amnesia

    Ava talking like sonny and carly came after her she put herself in the "corinthos clan" lives by going after their son to get to sonny business and then have a child with the man so he would not kill her for killing connie, these people i swear .

    Yes Finn is Chase's father love it.

    oh no brooklyn total forgot about that one, is back with Valentin child hope he never finds out, another child for him to possess and want to give nina.

    1. that how zander returns cam has a visit from his dead father

    2. Zander, wow I did not know who that was from that clip.

      Seriously, nobody thought a change of locks for Maxie's apartment was a good idea?

      Even in a bad breakup, do you get to donate your ex's clothes the very next day😂?

  7. Valentin has really been there for Anna and for Alexis and for Nina in each of their very different struggles. Hopefully, he and Nina will get married. Jasper failed Nina horribly.

    1. I want Anna n valentine to get married. I loved at the wedding how gushing with pride valentine was with anna

  8. Chasr and Willow have been there for each other. Micheal has just let Willow walk out and each time she had to go to Chase

  9. Carly is so needy. She doesn't want Jason or Jasper to have a life with another woman. She wants Jason and Jasper and Sonny there at her beckon call. Sonny is better off where he is. He is actually nice there!!!!!

    1. carly also does not want jax or jason to have a life...with another man either...she is selfish..I am a guy and I want both jax and jason and I probably want sonny too.

    2. Yes Carly is selfish and doesn't want Jax or Jason to have a life. Hope Jason gets together with Britt and Sonny never comes back to Carly

  10. Yup also forgot about Brooklyn but the moment I saw her. I remembered she was carrying Valentines baby...

    1. Brooklynn is carrying Valentin's baby and Yes there will be a battle over the baby and he will win and give it to Nina

  11. valentin is going to get nina a baby!!! brooklyn and his baby , brook will him sell the child to him's real dad is back!!!!

  12. Neither version is available- top one says video does not exist or is not available, and bottom one says content rejected,this video has been removed due to breach of terms of use. Other days play fine. Problem is only with 3/15/21.

    1. Thanks for fixing this episode promptly, Bob, and for your efforts overall. With so many cut-ins and preemptions in recent months, your postings are greatly appreciated. Once more, THANKS!

  13. That's a reality check for Nina if Ava believes she shouldn't have told Wiley about Willow not being his biological mother. Wow!
