Thursday, September 10, 2020

General Hospital 9-10-20 Full episode

General Hospital 9-10-20 Full episode 10th September 2020


  1. I feel bad for Sonny,and wow Holly could be alive Robert might be right

    1. I haven't watched it yet (I always watch the following morning - it's my routine - lol), but there is some reason to believe Holly is alive? I wonder if then that does mean Kim Delaney will be playing her. From what I read, Delaney will be making her first on camera appearance around the end of the month.

    2. I thought Kim Delaney was somewhat younger than Emma Samms would be now, but.. actually there's only 1 year age diff. so, that sounds like a pretty likely scenario.

    3. I wonder, if it turns out that Delaney will be playing Holly, if they will make her British? Accent and all?

    4. No, Kim Delaney will not be playing Holly.

  2. Mike Mike Mike heartbreaking scene give this man a daytime Emmy, was crying so hard cause it brings back memories of when my grandpa died, it was almost exactly like that.

    Happy thought yeah Aunty Stella is back

    1. I hope Elizabeth and Franco are playing Ava and Nicholas i mean there was someone photographing them, cause if this is for real WHAAAATTTT

    2. I have said that both both actors that plays Mike and Sunny deserves an award for this story line. My fave by far with Sunny. Everytime they both are on, I feel it. Heartbreaking, but also, humbling to see restoration btween the 2. Absolutely remarkable acting!

  3. Either Liesl or her daughter is the new chief of staff, I think Nikolas and Ava had photographers on each other and are going to show each other the photos of them kissing which will be a stalemate in trying to end their deal. I think Holly was thought to be dead based off that convo Peter had but maybe she escaped somehow and is injured.

  4. Not Liesl again. Please. I kind of enjoy her in small doses, but not as a person in power. Britt? Maybe. She seems to be lurking in the shadows, popping up once in awhile.

  5. Auw feel so bad watching Mike and Sonny, great acting. Curious to see where this is going to lead with Elizabeth and Nicolas and Ava and Franco. I wonder about the necklace and who may be her daughter. Oh well on goes GH and thanks Bob for the post.

  6. Why are they going to college in "a couple of months"? The school year just started!
