Wednesday, April 15, 2020

General Hospital 4-15-20 Full episode

General Hospital 4-15-20 Full episode GH 15th April 2020


  1. Seriously if every episode is going to be nothing but flashbacks then they need to stop having new shows until everything is back to normal!

  2. What's with Charlotte bringing a snake to Violet's party

    1. She is too much like her mother

    2. I know, this is stupid, even for Charlotte who is supposed to be some "smart" child. In one scene talk to your precious Nagini (what, no Parseltongue? like the HP reference though) like he's your pet, then the next scene stuff him into a pinata that you know everyone will be wacking at with a bat. Brilliant strategy...poor Nagini (even Voldemort would have treated you better).

    3. I dont think they will be whacking this one with a bat. They said something about pulling strings which is a less abusive way to break a pinata

    4. Lol I would hate to be the kid that find it

  3. I'm thinking that they have to do tricky editing to sprinkle in just the right flashbacks to remind viewers of what the characters mindset is presently. If they just stopped moving the plot forward in small bits and just ran complete prior episodes, they would lose viewers in droves during this pandemic. They are doing what they can to stretch it out.

    Obviously they can't be filming the episodes as usual in the studio, so they are doing what they can, and doing a good job IMO. They might just have to change tactics or postpone new episodes altogether if this restricted lifestyle goes on for too long. And it won't just be GH, it will be many programs that may run out of "in the can" filmed episodes.

    Although, when we consider all the more pressing issues facing many in the world today, I guess this should be low on our priority list.

    1. Exactly!!!
      I actually figured out their strategy when they did the initial flashbacks for the back story on Nell and Carly.

      So we get 4 GH episodes a week
      Let's be grateful.

      Also..In Light of this situation

      I am hoping that GH will choose to adopt Days of Our Lives Taping Schedule and do 6 months of episodes in advance

      If not 6 months than something similar

    2. I'm more worried about the new filming in May if things re-open. Will they all be wearing masks and will the go back to "Pulonium poisoning" story-line to justify every actor in the scenes wearing masks? (or Cyrus poisons the water/air and now they gotta wear masks)

      Also, if they choose not to wear masks, will Gh be cancelled?

      Those are my worries

    3. It's not really funny.. Cuz those are valid and very realistic concerns.. And we, GH lovers, obviously don't want to lose our fave show.. At least some distraction during already tough and extremely limited times..

  4. What is it with Charlotte? I mean seriously it is like that kid is quickly becoming worse than her father Valentin and that is saying something. She is becoming a mini Helena in training bringing a snake to Violet's party.

    1. Haha......

      Watch the old movie The Bad Seed if you can find it. Charlotte reminds me of Rhoda from that movie.

  5. First they started showing Charlotte's problems with Aiden and the bullying, then they dropped that and didn’t follow through, next cutting Sashas face, tripping Jax and now the snake . Lulu is never gonna accept her child has mental health problems, as far as Val I doubt he will either.

    She is 10 years old. Her psychological development has taken a very sinister turn. High risk behavior for self- harm and harm of a tiny 4 year old is pathological. The other things were warning signs but 2 incidents are showing risk to herself ( the jump into the water and handling a snake or snakes) and then being poised to release the snakes at Violet's birthday party. A 4 year old is very young and Charlotte knows this. Normally, since this is not her younger sibling, thus no rivalry issues, she would be friendly and nice to a younger child, realizing they are more easily hurt physically and also more scared.

    The child who knows something is dangerous like jumping into deep cold water and expecting to be rescued without thought to drowning, or who handles snakes and is going to let one loose on a tiny 4 year old girl is a budding Antisocial Personality Disordered individual. What most people call a " psychopath" or " sociopath".

    Self- harm with little to no thought is a cardinal symptom in a child and so is plotting and planning to hurt other children with a snakebite, whether venomous or not! A snake's mouth is utterly filthy, and most snake bite wounds cause illness because of infection. Charlotte may not know that but she knows " Snakes are scary and bad" to very young children.

    1. Terry, thanks for sharing your opinion but brevity is key.
      No One is reading these long diatribes of yours.
      Stop journaling.
      Keep it simple.

    2. Actually i quite enjoy them.

    3. Actually, you are a Liar
      A very bad liar at that LoL

    4. If they use this snake to kill off Violet I'm going to be so angry.

    5. I read it all. :)

  6. It still does not give Sonny the right to tell Nikolas to stay away from Spencer. Sonny has a mob war going on right now. His house is on lockdown. How would he have reacted if Nikolas had told Sonny to give Avery to Ava and stay away from her because living with him isn't safe? Sonny would have blown a gasket. And how is Nikolas to mend the rift with Spencer if he stays away? It's just Sonny throwing his weight around like he always does. Sonny has spoken and all must bow down to him.

    1. Late to the party, but Sonny needs to get his mirror out. He's the guy who murdered A.J. (his son Michael's bio dad) and lied about it then screwed the woman his other son was involved with. At A.J.'s funeral AND on his crypt! Let's not forget that he shot Dante! AND Michael took a bullet meant for him and spent years in a coma! I just don't think this is the guy that should be giving advice on how to treat a son. BTW, Nicholas was a complete dick for letting his family believe he was dead!

  7. Hey Guys,

    I can't help but notice that the bad guys tend to be my favorite characters
    On GH.


    I REALLY miss Helena Casadine.

    Cyrus is the New Bad guy and he is a good actor imo.

    I can't wait for his scenes with Ava.
    Those are going to be good.

    Ava is a very good actress with range and deserves more screen time than Carly.
    I am VERY tired of Carly and all her yelling.

    1. Valentine is the main reason I still watch the show. But now also with Cyrus and the mob stuff I am loving that as well!

    2. I never enjoyed Helena at all. She was like a cartoon character.

    3. hate the mob just does not fit into this show anymore..the guy playing cyrus cannot is if he is reading his lines from cue love love ava..she is fabulous. and so stylish...other than that the show will run out of new episodes sometime in may and then we will have re-runs.

    4. I Love the Mob Stuff.
      Without it GH would be boring
      As a matter of fact they would have cancelled GH a long time ago.

      If you don't like the Mob Stuff then go watch Y&R, DOL, B&B.

      We Love Sonny & all his Mobster Drama

    5. Lol my favorite is definitely sonny and Carly

  8. Agreed, half this episode was flashbacks. It looks like they are running out of filmed scenes. This is gonna suck when GH vanishes..

  9. Am i honestly alone when i say i like lulu? What do the rest of you have on her? Also WHEN are we going to address Charlottes illness?

    1. I like Lulu, the character. I think the actress currently playing Lulu was a bad casting choice, and it makes me not like watching Lulu.

      I miss the original Lulu with every single episode I watch -- loved her.

    2. Yes, you are alone (sorry)
      The old Lulu was Likable
      The current Lulu is annoying.
      She is winy, self righteous, boring and one dimensional
      She is just a pretty face masquerading as a spencer

    3. the original lulu was a baby...this lulu sounds like an actress from that movie clueless...oh my god...and all....but remember i also cannot stand the girl playing carly..i wish tamara braun were still playing carly she was great and owned that role. she played carly with class and style. i don't know why she left.

    4. The old Lulu was a very good character! A real Firecracker, with heart and soul and soooo many different faucets about her. A true Spencer girl! Current Lulu just doesn't have it.. Sorry. Old Nicolas was much better too!

  10. I was kind of hoping that Hayden would show up for the party, but instead we get flashbacks of her.

  11. Nina and Valentin created Charlotte, when the teacher complain about her behavior, they had Willow almost fired and Nina chose to defend her rudeness, now its Valentin and Lulu's heart ache.

    1. It's Lulu heartache cause she wants her daughter to be a better person but Valentin keeps indulging this children every bad impulse and wants.

    2. lulu is the reason the girl is acting out. Just like lulu does. laura was nuts, lulu is nuts and now she is passing that onto the kid. Valentine will be heartbroken

  12. why isn't the backyard/party being shown

  13. Helena kept things interesting.
    Yeah, cartoonish in some ways but every show must have an antagonist.
    Helena served her purpose and she did a good job with a touch of elegance & sophistication.

  14. Holy crap! When did Charlotte get so tall? She has really grown and the darker hair also makes her look much older. And did they SORAS Danny........again?

  15. No you don't, stop lying

  16. Hi. Can you fix the volume? It's quite loud.
    Thanks Bob!

    1. You can reduce the volume level in the player on this page. To do this, hover the mouse cursor over the speaker in the upper-right corner and drop the white circle that appears down. If the volume is still high, then reduce the volume level on your device to the required minimum.

  17. Thank you Bob! The volume is just fine, for whomever it's too loud they have an option to reduce it, but if you make it lower, then we can't make it higher..
    Thanks for doing this for us!!

  18. That background noise at the party was soo cheesy, it was obviously the same laughing over & over. They should of just used music
