Tuesday, February 13, 2024

General Hospital 2-13-24 Full episode

General Hospital 2-13-24 Full episode 13th February 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Well, clearly Carly will either miraculously get the call through in time or dumbass Dex will agree to unlock the phone. Either way this script writing is asinine as hell right now.😖

  2. It's completely ridiculous. Carly to the rescue....Like Sonny would only go on an offshore bank acct to get rid of Dex. If they could trace the accts & large deposits, they should know from who. Seriously GH, Looks like Cyrus or Selena are up to their necks in this.

  3. Wow, Dex willing to die to protect Sonny's feelings? Really? Just fess up bro. I'm never going to be able to like Dex. Sonny ain't worth it, everyone stop coddling him. He's a grown man gangster, supposedly, lol.

  4. vomit here we go kristina going on and on and on and on about being pregnant we get it you're pregnant just remember thats not your kid

    is ava for real carly home is sonny former stronghold there is no safer place for avery to be than in that house with carly and donna away from ava and sonny bull crap

    wow elizabeth still wants to defend nicholas after everything nicholas roped her into doing you know helping hold esme hostage then skipping town the first time was not his fault ava tried to kill him but afterwards he made a choice to stay away, nicholas will always have a soft spot in elizabeth heart she will always want to protect him guess given their long history

    This is the second time sonny has been wrong about dex the man gets half of the information a suspect in his words and he goes all threat mode which isnt very threatening, why dex whorship sonny will never understand

    really laura when has jail stopped heather from doing anything the woman was the copy cat hook killer by sneaking out hotel penitentiary, she has escaped jail even a so called maximum security prison where she under surveillance really laura

    sonny says he treats people right lol ask your family about your loyalty and treating them right they will say different or not cause you know sonny is always right and his family ignores the aweful ways sonny treats them

    the way ava acts sociable with laura knowing that she possibly could have murder her son nicholas but once again ava evil acts goes unnoticed cause no one exposes her and she get to judge everyone for things she herself has done 🙄

    1. Lol, the conversations Laura has had to have lately with people literally immediately after losing her grandson is just awful. It's like the opposite of what happened after Oscar or Mike died, where folks were allowed to grieve forever. Instead, like after Austin actually, people are dropping in the day after, you must be over it already, here's my much less serious drama for you! Speaking of which, does anyone actually care who murdered Austin--I know the character was awful and all over the place, but shouldn't someone be investigating it still, even if it's more in the background? They could have made it a fun who-dun-it at least. No one says anything about it, he's just erased, lol. Didn't like the Austin character, but loved Roger Howarth, he deserved a better send-off.

      Unlike Sonny, at this point, they could do anything to him, and I wouldn't care. You're right, he is no one to talk about loyalty anymore. Ridiculous.

      And Heather is always dangerous, I'm surprised they let her out to see Esme. Relentless escape artist. She is definitely due for a rampage...I'd actually like that at this point in the show, lol.

    2. isnt austin murder linked to the new shooter who is targeting sonny his inside man, brick told sonny that the person who planted the gun on ava, and has been sending those notes is the same person who shot austin, shot at curtis anna and sonny

      cause you know everything has to have a direct link to sonny

    3. I thought Cyrus (or one of his lackeys) was a contender for being the murderer too! Austin was about to dime him out, then he went to Pawtuck (where that crew all met) and was shot there... I dunno, this story is a mess and it will be a miracle if the writers can tie it all together somehow.
