Monday, July 31, 2023

General Hospital 7-31-23 Full episode

General Hospital 7-31-23 Full episode 31st July 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Lord hep me if these writers try to throw the good professor and twisted Tracy together when he had more than a chance with Alexis. 🙄
    Also hope Cyrus isn't literally walking into the light.. yet, that is.

  2. Wow! Definitely some interesting twists and I’m really liking these prison scenes! More than I thought I would!

  3. And I definitely like nice Micheal better than a**hole Michael!

  4. oh oh oh oh is this kristina girl full of it or what, is she for real asking michael why he does not like nina is kristina not privy to the many things nina has done to michael, michael hate for nina goes beyond nixon falls and sonny cheating with nina and nina holding sonny hostage in nixon falls and nina lying to kristina and her siblings for months and all the bitch has done to carly his mother

    nina did not care that kristina was grieving their father she knew sonny was alive and said nothing , kristina was an emotional wreck when she thought her father was dead, and when he came back she had the biggest reaction is kristina really drinking the nina cool aid what

    so kristina does not know that nina continues to undermine michael as willow husband and amelia and wiley father minutes before she walked in nina was telling michael he should not be at her visit with willow and his children because his presence is not a welcoming one. like michael isnt a huge part of the willow life

    does kristina not know how nina took michael and willow to court and destory michael character with the help of sonny their father, how nina told michael he and willow should have aborted amelia for the sake of wiley, how nina has constantly until she found out willow was her daughter was harrassing and stressing that girl out, how nina when around telling people willow was cheating with tj molly partner

    is kristina that dense or is just intentionally ignoring who nina is, and not because kristina is ok with nina who is nice to her does not mean micheal should be forgiving of the way this woman has treated michael all becasue nina wants to be in full control of her daughter her grandchildren lives

    that girl kristina need to shut the hell up cause she does not know nina fully and kristina does not know what she is talking about as always

    1. they cannot make me hate tracy just love this woman antics and attitude lol

      what is my ears hearing for the surrogracy to work kristina eggs will be used meaning the baby will be kristina and tj child please no please please no, they cannot harvest one of molly eggs choops

      cyrus said in a previous episode the warden is out to get him why is the warden having these inmates come at cyrus

    2. Yeah, Kristina has lost her mind advocating for Nina to Michael... Tracy will always be one of my faves, so delightfully naughty...can't wait to see the Cyrus story unfold with Drew, and Alexis brought up some great points with Molly today...
