Friday, July 21, 2023

General Hospital 7-21-23 Full episode

General Hospital 7-21-23 Full episode 21st July 2023

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  1. I hope Gladys is proud of yourself destroying Sasha and I hope the doctors are wrong about Curtis walking again

  2. Blow the whistle on that woman, Cody. Your instincts are right on, and it’s past time. Bob, thank you again - always :)

  3. Yeah... what Glady's did is truly the cruelest thing a person can do to another human...and to the wife of her late son. She was starting to grow on me, but this I can never forgive...I'd much sooner forgive Nina over Gladys.

    1. Hmmmm, actually true for me too. Probably because Nina likely has a diagnosable mental disorder, whereas Gladys is just an awful selfish person with no excuse. Remember she wrote off her own son Brando for a while because of his drug addiction? Was using his "death" (when he first was introduced on the show) to gain folks good graces? Bad person.

    2. I'm sympathetic toward people with mental health conditions, but It's hard for me to defend people and characters who can afford the best help around, and yet won't take the steps to help themselves. Nina has the means to be attending therapy on a daily basis, and she should, but we never see her with Dr. Collins or any therapist for that matter. The only thing that makes her a slight notch better than Gladys is that she's messing with people who can more or less defend themselves. Carly is barely paying her any mind, and Drew knows he's innocent, and quite frankly no-one asked him to play martyr.

      Although I think Sonny's with Nina because he's not in his right mind and might even be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome... he still has enough of the pertinent information to make decisions for himself, unlike Sasha who is not aware that Gladys switched up her medication so she can continue stealing Sasha's money. I truly wonder how Sonny is going to feel about what Gladys did given that's the scenario that led to Morgan's death. You'd think losing a child would humble a person... but not in Gladys case, not at all.

    3. I said this to Michelle in the comment about the 7-21 GH episode...

      Gladys is a gambling addict, and like a lot of people with an addiction, she will do anything to get a fix.


      Sonny's father also had a gambling addiction. I don't know for sure, but however badly Sonny reacts when he find out, I think ultimately his wrath will be tempered. He is very familiar with addiction and its consequences. He didn't judge his father harshly -- just bailed him out.

      Every. Time.

      That isn't meant to dismiss any of Gladys' horrible behavior. Sonny is not going to be OK with Sasha being hurt like this -- especially, as others here have noted, after what happened with Morgan.

      But there is a road to forgiveness for Gladys after the initial all-hell-breaking-loose reaction.

  4. The people of Port Charles need to stay away from that pool for a while...Ned knocked himself senseless there, Curtis got shot and paralyzed there, and Cody literally just got stabbed there, why is that pool so busy. If it was me no way I'm going anywhere near that repeat crime scene, that's like visiting the docks, MADNESS!!!! Lol. Painful episode, but good episode.

    1. LMAO! So true about the pool. It's taking over for the docks I guess. Granted, I don't think anyone could pay me to live anywhere near Port Charles. With the amount of kidnappings, bomb threats, shootings, serial killers, mob activity and just people doing dumb crap on the daily... it's pretty much the most dangerous place on the planet, and yet we're supposed to believe all these wealthy people are just happily raising their kids there... by choice... like it's the Hamptons. Which reminds me, back in the day I feel like there used to be more people who represented a more normal economical bracket on the show...but now, other than Chase, Elizabeth, and maybe Esme since she doesn't have access to her money... everyone's loaded.

    2. That pool comment made me laugh out loud, @JustLauGH.

      Also true about the wealth gap, @QueenT. The opposite of real life where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. All the people without money in Port Charles end up rolling in it.

      Like you said, we do have Chase, who has a cop's salary and an apartment that reflects a cop's salary. Finn seems upper middle class, with his doctor's salary, but not filthy rich.

      Felicia and Mac seem to be upper middle class, though their daughter is apparently now hella wealthy.

      And despite his connection to Sonny and to Olivia (who became a Quartermaine and hotel co-owner), Dante himself seemed like he lived on an actual cop salary, at least while he was with Lulu. Being with Sam has vaulted him to the penthouse, though.

      Willow used to live on a teacher's salary, but now she's with Michael, who has Corinthos and Quatermaine wealth.

      I guess they're trying to take Carly back to middle-class with that $3M fine.

      But you're right, the average Joes who are not filthy rich seem to be vastly outnumbered in Port Charles. Which is way different than back in the day.

    3. agreed about that pool one of the reason i dont want carly to get the metro court back that place has become tainted by nina and by everything that has keeps going on in that place, the metro court used to be a respectable place now it feels like a roach motel

  5. LMAO...can't believe Ava claimed that Sonny rarely makes snap judgements, LOL. Snap judgements is his mantra. That being said, I have noticed now that Jason's gone and might be gone for good that they've made him a little less impulsive. Jason was the calm, collected one who was good at picking up on things... looks they've given Sonny some of those qualities to fill the gap... same with Diane.

  6. I fully expect Curtis to walk again. It will probably take months and months and months to the point we're all pulling our hair out, begging the writers to STOP. It will probably all be made worse by Curtis going through all the frustrations - grief, self-pity, anger, determination........And then, one day, it will be like a MIRACLE (much like how Sonny's hair turned black again after being back in Port Charles for a month or Mac's disappearing Australian accent, even though his brother Robert still has one). It's a MIRACLE, I say, a MIRACLE. 🙄

    1. After which he will decide to keep his miraculous recovery a secret for some (bad) reason and they can keep us frustrated even longer.

    2. Just like when Sunny started walking again

  7. brando needs to start haunting gladys for what she is doing to sasha, brando would have hated what gladys is doing to sasha, what the hell did gladys expect now becasue of gladys sasha will be going prison

    sonny family is the most important thing bullcrap he did not care when nina was destroying his family, his family he claims that mean so much to him blah

    oh ava loves stabbing her lovers she get off on the violence of her relationships yuck she was always so physical with nicholas there was stabbing once, she loved slapping nicholas makes sense she is doing the same with austin

    carly is the hope drew is holding on too in that prison love them together
