Monday, June 26, 2023

General Hospital 6-26-23 Full episode

General Hospital 6-26-23 Full episode 26th June 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Hate the Eddie Maine story what happened to Willow ???? Very Boring Show Today !!!!!!

    1. I'm hoping Ned is faking the whole Eddie Maine thing to entrap Nina. For me, that's the ONLY way I might enjoy it. Otherwise, yeah, it's stupid and it sucks and is a waste of our time.

  2. Please complete General hospital today episode 26/ 2nd

  3. The 06/ 26 video has been removed, 9:15pm EST.

  4. Need the video to be fixed it has been a lot of them recently hopefully by morning

  5. Sonny can relate to Eddie cause he also thought he was someone else

    1. yet sonny is acting like he did not just go through the same thing and was icing out his family the same way

  6. Boy, Nina loves manipulating men with amnesia, lol. For a second Sonny even looked threatened, like he was worried Nina would be too tempted by the familiar predicament.

    Not liking the writing for Trina and Spencer. I was actually hoping Trina would befriend Esme.

    1. That's totally how I read it, lol. Nina is a true psychopath if she truly just enjoys manipulating compromised people...

  7. Bwahahahahaha, Laura, "I didn't get elected by ignoring my past..." girl, if only you knew you got elected because Spencer cheated in the election, lol. Little rapscallion. Working on those pipes now too, lol, he'll be the total package as an actor one day. And let him have it, Diane, yes!!! His loss, and he knows it!

  8. seriously do not get anna pity party why she is acting like her whole life is over

    spencer with the jokes esme did you turn yourself in for your many crimes lol one could only hope that esme would be so compromsing or the very least take responsibility for her actions

    sonny has some nerve judging ned aka eddie main or whatever about his amnesia the man see the parallel between his memory loss and ned's that man sonny cannot see his own shortcoming but damn does he see everyone elses

    so sonny can understand ned amnesia and the pain it is causing his family but he did not want to give his own family the same consideration how this man sonny can speak the word he does with a straight face

    oh look esme wants to sabbotage trina and spencer she cannot handle her son for a couple of minutes she was being intentionally intrusive, and why is spencer so cordial with esme anyways if these two end up together again trina should walk away from spencer forever

    so now valentine is off playing spy again and ned is incapacitated who exactly is running elq, the chairman and the ceo are both not actively running the day to day of that business who is though

    damn diane i love everything about her, robert you fool you just lost a great woman
