Monday, May 9, 2022

General Hospital 5-9-22 Full episode

General Hospital 5-9-22 Full episode 9th May 2022

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  1. Really hate the phone Amy and Terry "feud,". Trying to manufacture cheap drama. Just develop a fun S/L for this new couple. Give them an adventure. Lame having a catty girl fight when they are mature professionals. The guy that thought this up needs to move into 2022. Duh

    1. I haven't watched today's episode yet, but I was wondering WTF that was even about the other day. I don't remember ever seeing any issues between them before. Are they going to make it because Terry and Chet are hooking up? Or is it something else, but make it so that Chet and Terry won't /can't hook up because Chet is loyal to his sister? I hope the producers aren't afraid to take on this particular subject and that this isn't just an easy out for them.

    2. I agree, the Terry/Amy drama is really lazy writing, the writers aren't even trying. I was LMAO when Carly's talking about all the "men that come to Nina's rescue as soon as she breaks a fingernail" Nope Carly that's you and you even have women catering to you, like Sam is your friend now? Really? STFU Carly and go be with Drew and cheat on him eventually when Jason comes back from the dead or Sonny starts drinking again. Yeah sorry Nina, that Avery thing is coming back to bite you in the ass. Josslyn is such a hot head, Trina needs better friends.

    3. Yeah, this Terry/Amy conflict was really hastily and poorly done. Which is a shame because Chet and Terry are so cute together!!! Man, does Chet have lines, I love it. They deserve a great story arc, not some lazy tripe. The writers could do a much more believable job bringing Amy into it. I'm loving the new couples--Trina and Officer Cabrera are also fire together. The dialogue today between those two couples had me happily giggling--that's good soap writing. More of that!

    4. Sounds like a good episode for once, giving others some screen time. Looking forward to watching it in the morning. I have this routine where I watch GH first thing in the morning - after I watch the news headlines and the weather. And I refuse to deviate from my routine. It's kind of like my morning coffee. Lol

    5. I think that all started when Terri was interviewing brad

  2. ooo wee officer gots the hots for trina will make his move soon, love their little flirtation

    so esme was telling the truth about the woman who has control of her trust maggie go figure little creep can tell some version of truth ava calling esme a manipulative witch was so funny when ava herself is a manipulative witch how does karma taste ava

    everyone can throw carly wrongs and past in her face but when they do it to them they are like the past is the past lets move on,

    nina and her cheerleading enablers are so full of crap anything to get people to feel sympathy for nina, valentin is acting like nina didnt give as much if not more to the situation she is currently in, nina is blaming carly for the article when carly had nothing to do with it, she is saying michael and willow are the ones that started the custody fight when they allowed that woman to see wiley and she kept doing the most obsessive shit, this woman is exhausting to listen to

    ava telling nina that she should use donna to get at carly, just like ava and nina using a child to get what they one cannot stand when carly has scenes with nina and when carly has scenes with ava carly needs to avoid these two like the plague but this a soaps drama got to be had but dam ava and nina always seems to be talking about the woman, dam they are jealous of carly

    tj leave marshall wherever he is, that man is the absolute worst, and should tj go after marshall this guy may be working for the west coast mob person tj stay in your lane

    1. phyllis does not really know nina she know a fake version of her in nixon falls, she knows comatose nina, but does she really know nina cannot wait for her to read that article and the writers need to give phyllis a story of her own she mentioned a family member she has no contact with, they can make her friends with aunt stella, enough of phyllis just showing up to just hold and cuddle sonny and nina the woman deserve more and better than that.

  3. Wow! Terry looked absolutely stunning in this episode. They gave her hair a bit of a curl, maybe did something with her makeup, but most of all, they actually had her smiling. She always seems so stern and serious at the hospital. More Terry and Chet, less Nina/Sonny/Carly. And dump this stupid feud between Amy and Terry. It's something they pulled out of their asses and is pointless. Let Chet and Terry be happy for awhile before I injecting any problems.

    1. It was love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) She looked fabulous, and it was great acting, the instant chemistry with her and Chet is so authentic, just like their "first date". They make each other glow. Chet so cute laughing at himself over his lines, them bonding over common experience, just great all around! Just ditch the Amy "feud" and let them be awesome...

  4. I totally agree General fanatic , oh and Nina blaming Carly the other day saying she could have saved nelle wth like she was there , I wish someone else was there to tell her how Carly tried to save her despite not trusting nelle , Nina would look and feel stupid , when is she going to stop her pitty party and stop blaming Carly for her not knowing her daughter when that was all her mother , I can’t wait to hear her stupid excuse for treating willow like shit when she finds out she’s her daughter too and she gave the psycho one the benefit of the doubt !

    1. truth, but she knows carly tried to nelle when she over heard the conversation between jax and carly she just choses to believe what she wants

      yeah and when she finds out about willow that poor girl is about to be harrassed all over port charles by nina

  5. So much cuteness in the episode and Terry looked gorgeous. LOL I was focused on her being a really good conversationalist tho.

    And Trina and Officer Hot Cop! His smile and their flirtiness and Joss pushing them together. Loved every second of those scenes.

    Cam and Spencer were so funny too. And then Cam with Esme trying to stall her. It's nice she's not a psycho all the time. Until she turned psycho again. 😀

    Still loved Valentin and his little frowny face at one point. Carly was Carly but she looked good being Carly. I think it's her hair.

    I LOVED Nina and Ava and LOL Ava's line to Amy about not going to them about criminalities or whatever that line was. She owns who she is.

    I'd say something good about Curtis and TJ but I'm just not interested in the storyline.

    1. It was a great episode! Fantastic acting throughout...I'm loving the new relationships too! Can't wait to figure out what Valentin is really up to lately...

  6. esma and willows dad must be the Dr. Finn lookalike that died. How is Ryan the biological father

    1. wtf are you talking about? It's NELLE and Willow that were twins. Esme, is another psycho like Nelle and Nina tho.
