Friday, May 27, 2022

General Hospital 5-27-22 Full episode

General Hospital 5-27-22 Full episode 27th May 2022

Due to a special news report yesterday, this episode was not shown in all states, so it was re-broadcast today.

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  1. Thank you Bob, and thank you so much GH for the gratuitous slo-mo of Rory exiting the pool today!!! LOL, that was absolutely shameless with the camera-work. What a studly McDudley Do Right. What a great recent casting. Seriously Trina, put Spencer in the friend zone, if that. Officer Invisible Optimist is the guy.

    And Chet is the only one close to competing with Rory in "the dudes rocking GH lately" contest. Happy to see these background characters moving into real screen time. Wish Chet had a better plotline--move him up some notches GH! Invest in these characters, they are just so loveable and easy to care about.

    And I have to say, I don't like Ava and Nikolas breaking up now. They go well together. Even as the writers continue to demolish my opinion of Nikolas. I can believe Esme can work Spencer, but she shouldn't have been able to manipulate Nikolas so easily. Sigh. I still hold out hope for Ava being a Helena-level Cassadine one day! :)

    1. Unfortunately, I read somewhere that Chet DOES take the job in Chicago and will be leaving PC - and the show. I hope they're wrong.

    2. I enjoyed todays episode. It was great.
      I really like Ava+Nicolas together too @JustLauGH

      Glad to see Spencer softening up to the possibility of taking down Esme w Ava. Good duo !
      Chet's great ! Give him some more storylines.

      -So awesome to see Michael & Carlys faces to the shots Scotty fired at them
      -Carly still sits there shaking her head, like how dare he come at us, we are perfect!
      Any & everything harmful we have done has all been justified.
      We have had legit reasons for every single thing ppl may question"
      Like ummm, ya Carly so does every single other human being out there. It's how ppl do bad things. They truly feel they're justified for the *right* reasons.

      And seriously, HOW could Scott not call Carly to the stand ??!
      He's trying to point out the bad in the other grandparents to Wiley but not about Carly. God she's the worst of them all.

      I really like Sonny and Nina together.
      Not that I enjoy them together as a couple so much, but the fact that it is stirring up this much cringe worthy feelings for Carly is absolutely amazing!

      Ugh barf, someone kick Carly off that high horse that she's on. Cause that is one seriously Blind Horse she *thinks* she's riding 🤣 bahahahaha

    3. Studly McDudley Do Right......I Love it!!! He was lookin preet daaay damn good! I also remember reading somewhere that Chet was leaving the show too. So he'll probably take that job in Chicago and never be seen again, sadly. I always like him when he's on. I hope he stays....guess we'll havta wait and see.

  2. at least michael went to prison for his wrongdoing has nina ever paid or suffered any consequences for the shit she has done, michael and willow carly even sonny hate him has never hurt wiley in anyway scott was way out of line with that questioning that nelle and nina are michael victim, michael has never done anything to nina and nelle has done so much to michael scotty knew he was wrong that why he blew up at nina after the trial guess that dude got a conscience after all

    man i wish sonny was not in that court room would have love to see some honest reactions from nina except them hidden ones

    and ava wonders why spencer does not like her if ava can completely remove spencer from nicholas life she would do it that self serving woman

    trina and spencer fire together, trina and rory ooh wee trina oogling rory in all the wrong ways trina drool much lol

    how old is maggie that esme is corresponding via post, woman does not know how to email or is that a way to leave no digital foot print

    esme and ava are so much alike in so many ways
    get that nina willow burn that bridge until there is nothing left to rebuild when it is found out willow is nina daughter

    1. Uh, Nina was in a coma for 20 years of her life and had her babies stolen from her. She has suffered a heck of a lot.

      20 YEARS of her life was taken from her, in a far worse way than prison.

      Just sayin.

    2. i am not blaming nina for her coma or her children being taken away from her that was madga her mother but that does not make nina and nelle michael victim and that does not justify all the horrible things they have done at what point is nina and nelle crimes their own and not the things that happen to them they were adults when the did the things they did that cannot be their only excuse

    3. Exactly if Nina was heartfelt about her situation she would not have done all the evil things she did after she woke up from her coma. She wouldn't want to cause harm to anyone for the simple fact that of how her mother did her. You would think she wouldn't want to hurt someone the way she has been hurting.

  3. I see a lot of posts about how much better of a person Nina is, compared to Carly. Usually a long list of wrongs that Carly has committed is put up against a much shorter list of Nina's wrongs. Of course the problem with that is we pretty much know all of Carly's history. What we don't know is all of Nina's history. We know after the coma she wasn't all there mentally. We know she pushed her mother down the stairs, at some point. We have no idea what kind of person Nina was as a teen or younger adult, before the coma. Seeing the way Madeline, Nelle, Liesl and by extension Faison and Britt were, it isn't too far fetched to believe Nina wasn't at least a little like they were. The only, so far, good people in the family were Nathan and Willow. Wiley is just a kid, the jury is still out on him. Haha

  4. Question, was it a major conflict of interest, for Diane to question Sonny in court? I personally liked the scenes, but wonder if it was proper and how will it effect their future business and friendship together.

    1. @gh unknown -
      Oh totallllyyy! I didn't even think about that. I was really enjoying there scenes too
      Haha, when Sonny yelled at Diane to stop when she was questioning him
      Lmao the judge just looked at her lol
      That was great

      But ya major conflict of interest. Isn't she still on his payroll 🤨

    2. I think in real life, Diane would not have been able to represent Michael and Willow. I know because personally, some years ago, I had a question (just a question) about a real estate contract I was a party to and when I tried to schedule an appointment with a local attorney, before they would even schedule me an appointment, they looked up the name of the other party involved with the contract and if there had been ANY connection between the law firm and this other person, they wouldn't even talk to me. Even if it had been years and years prior (which it was); the guy hadn't even lived in the area for years. And unfortunately the guy had been very litigious so he actually had had a relationship with several law firms in the area. So no, I don't think for one minute that Diane would be allowed to be involved in this particular case. But, you know...... GH.

  5. I saw another confirmation that Chet will be leaving the show. Apparently, he and his family have moved out of California.
