Monday, March 7, 2022

General Hospital 3-7-22 Full episode

General Hospital 3-7-22 Full episode 7th March 2022

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  1. Maybe the trickster on Elizabeth is HAYDEN ? Maybe she is trying to break them up?

    1. I haven't watched today's episode yet, so I don't know if anything happened today in that regards, but I haven't ruled out Esme'myself. There is something in her past history and that of her parent's that makes her very angry. Every time they are brought up, she gets upset and refuses to ralk about them. I wonder if maybe Elizabeth caused some problem between the parents. Or maybe even going back farther than that with Elizabeth's mother and/or father. But Hayden is an interesting possibility that hadn't occurred to me before.

    2. your sexist attitudes gina are predictable and highly annoying. spencer is a spoiled entitled brat.

      i guess your measure of a woman is whether or not she's in a relationship? ohhhhh. howwww lame!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Gina- I totally agree with you. Her attitude sucks. She's such a "bully in a sweet disguising words"
      What Gina said wasn't sexist at all. She's speaking the truth.
      So what, it's okay for you to call spender a privileged brat (cuz he is) but when someone else calls a "girl" out for being what she is then this makes her sexist ?!??? Lol god damn you really just can't win in this world hey

      Btw, I totally agree with Gina. Trina is a GoodieGoodie who can't do no wrong. Ugh and the eye rolling to her brain 🙄 gawd that drives me crazy
      What's with her eyes, half of her iris goes under her upper eyelid when she talks with any passion 👁

    5. Don't get me wrong, I like Trina's character/actor when gh gives her some good storylines
      But the goodie2shoes act is so so boring tiresome and over watching those scenes
      No one likes a do good know it all

    6. that ugly fat nurse ephipany is another one...what man would ever want to be with her...not because of her looks...but because of her nasty attitude...porshe and the other young black female nurse don't act like ephiphany and trina...I cannot stand trina or ephiphany.

    7. I hadn't thought about it being Hayden. It does feel too personal to not be someone who is close to the family (as opposed to some Franco-hater from long ago). I do think Jake is a good possibility too, I really hope it's not another mind-control story though. Someone could be using his old programming to torture Elizabeth. Though honestly, that kiddo has been through enough in his life, could just be a mental break for him. I personally think Elizabeth (who has also been through a lot lately--death of Franco and Jason, almost murder-accomplice of Peter August) going through a mental break herself would make for the best, and most original story. "B" from the letter could be for "Beth", some sort of coping alter-ego. I feel like Rebecca the actress could nail a storyline like that.

    8. give it a rest are probably alone shows with your outrage. certain women should stop have nasty attitudes...and trina and ephiphany both have very nasty can't force people to like them or other women who act like them. Where does that nasty attitude come it part of their culture.

    9. gina: is it part of who's culture???? WHAT? how racist is that? wow.

      nasty attitude? trina and epiphany have morals and values. they are strongly disagreeing with people. they are 100% accurate every time.

      the fact that you are put off by a strong disagreement. that no one in your life cares enough to disagree with you like that... well. that says a lot. i guess you're used to being the bully and everyone is scared of you.

      your sexism and racism is a nasty constant on this blog. i've also seen your homophobia on full display.

      i'm not alone. at all. i'm happy. i'm just someone who has had enough of your nasty comments.

    10. you know exactly what culture that bad attitude comes from....that is why many of those type of women from that culture are without a man....the men are smart enough to date nice women from other cultures...good enough answer for you? I know the truth hurts

    11. trina and fat ugly ephimany are both loud mouthed harpees!No man in the real world would want them and they probably don't want you either...unless you are a dyke...because you act like a man...real men don't want women who act like men.

    12. GINA,Exactly how many Beauty contest have you won???Your probably Angry because your Husband left you for another Man. & also because you're actually HIDEOUS in Bed

    13. goodness another black unknown who hates to hear the truth...I am sorry that your culture has sorry people with bad attitudes in it...but that is not my fault sweetie...get a better attitude and maybe your men will stick around.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for all you do!

    Is there any way the videos from February could be put back on that bottom site? I looked and they've all disappeared overnight. Dailymotion gives my computer laptop fits.

    Also, is there anywhere other than dailymotion I can find full screen episodes from November and December 2021? If in any way possible without the "Subscribe" framing.

  4. Thanks bob. I'm wondering why the second link hasn't been working lately? It's the only one that works the best usually, without ads and other issues.

    1. I love the second link. It works so good. Some pauses during the commercials but nothing crazy
      I too haven't been able to use the 2nd link in a few days too.

      Thanks Bob you da bomb 💥

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I hope
    Something happens with soencer and Trina while spencer is out of spring ridge 🤞 I want things to work between them, more so for the crazy crazy Esme will bring to the show 😈 haha

  7. Btw Bob it's the bottom link. Top two don't work for me rn for some reason and bottom still shuts down 1/4 in

  8. Such a great episode
    About time we see some younger kiddos take over a show for once
    Liz and Finn's parts weee so yawwwn 🥱
    Glad to not see Sam and Dante tho, that was nice.

  9. Wondering if Esme has a connection to Victor/cssadnes maybe ?
    I feel like the timing of victors plan coming into play here alo mg side Esme. Her bio&adoptive parents were loaded on both sides weren't they ?
    Chamberlains don't have much of a wealthy side behind them do they ?

  10. And Effffen Rights 💪 you go joss!!!
    Love Love Loves seeing Joss grab Esme by the arm there and finally finally tare into some of that crazy Esme brings

    And ohhhhh Shyt, Trina & Spencer are really hitting it off.
    So many interracial pairings on shows these days, it's so awesome to see

    And I do bet that Portia & Drew will get together
    Sonny & Jordan even showed a little peak of interest there
    Not sure if anything was meant by it but hey it's a soap so who knows

  11. the professor mentioned a case "Lord vs chandler" aren't those two names people from OLTL and AMC.

    still think elizabeth is doing all of that herself, sleep deprived, constant worry that can drive anyone in the soapverse to do some irrational stuff

    spencer need to become the person trina deserve, still rooting for that pairing

    what was that between jordan and sonny, oohh the mobster and officer that's a couple i would watch, damn jordan is coming for sonny dude better get his act together

    1. sonny to carly tell me what you what me do where was that when she needed time to process that disgusting nixon falls whatever

  12. Do anyone know what is going on with the blog on GH, all I get is Daily Motion. Where is Bob video? I wait until late to enjoy GH without the commercials, but wondering what is happening.

    1. watch the 3rd video it has commericals but they are not that long or annoying as the first

  13. Agree! Sonny is doing nothing Carly had asked from him!
