Tuesday, March 29, 2022

General Hospital 3-29-22 Full episode

General Hospital 3-29-22 Full episode 29th March 2022

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    Why did Harmony kill Neal? How bizarre and unexpected. She genuinely looked remorseful and horrified when she was remembering the incident. I was just starting to like her character too. I read somewhere that she and Alexis will become lovers, if GH goes that route they will explore the betrayal that Alexis will feel if and when she finds out and how she always 'picks' the wrong partner... . And why is Gh suddenly picking back up the Neil OD story line? 🤔 Weird.

    On a side note: Seriously?! Nick is all freaked out because Esme is in the back seat of a car? SO? Victor didn't even sound concerned wen he told him...

    I am trying so hard to still like this show...

    And Where is Valentine? I thought he was coming back this month. 🙄I need me some Anna and Valentine scenes. ❤️ Only thing I look forward to on GH.

    1. She DID kill Neal? I haven't watched today's episode and won't until tomorrow morning, but I did speculate about that possibility when I watched yesterday's show this morning. I must be psychic. Or I've been watching soaps for far too long. Lol

    2. I know!!! This was the first good episode in over a year for me. Revaluations, the twinkle in Sonny's eyes when he looked up at Esme, and the drama of Trina facing punishment for Esme's actions. GH might just be redeemed after all ❤️

    3. OMG Janis did predict it! Nostra-Janis... I think at that point Harmony was under Cyrus' sway (Shiloh was already dead)...what could his intentions have been? I can't remember if he had any encounters with Alexis. And I did like seeing that twinkle in Sonny's eyes again! Esme in trouble...

    4. Yeah I also came here to say Janis predicted the whole "Harmony killed Neil" thing!

      Good job 👏👏

    5. Haha..... No superpowers. Just way too many years of watching soaps and a lucky guess. And I did get the Shiloh thing wrong. I hadn't realized it had been that long ago that he died
      Time tends to fly when you get as old as I am. 😁

    6. I'm some episodes behind so I just saw this one, with Harmony flash backing to her breaking in to Alexis's house with her and Neal sleeping. When Harmony knew where to find the carpet cleaner and Alexis questioned it. I couldn't at first figure out the connection as to why she would''ve been there alone. It somehow registered that she had something to do with Neal's death .I made the connected to possibly Dawn of Day and his assisting with deprograming Kristina, while bringing Shilo down. I also remember Neal saying something about his own child getting mixed up in a similar situation. Possibly also connected to Shiloh. Somehow Shilo got Harmony to bump him off or maybe for her own un revealed reason? Harmony's BS story about being in the house and Kristina knowing about it didn't make sense either. Or I suppose in noticing other posts, Cyrus could of been connected. .

  2. Thank you Bob ! Much appreciated!😊 I read on celeb dirty laundry that she did it when she was working with Cyrus when he was threatening willow

  3. Now Sonny wants to get Gangsta ?! 🤦🏻‍♀️

    1. I know right!!! But there was that twinkle in his eyes. Nina sucked it from him and it looks like family might be the thing that brings him back to life. All of the things Nina says are so beautiful in "Mike" are and always have been alive in Sonny. She hasn't given him the chance to remember that he is everything Mike was and more. He's Sonny, nothing can change that.

  4. With a young woman? Although she is a psycho

    1. As Trina is looking at jail time for Esme's actions, yes against this particular young lady. She might be what brings Sonny to realize that he's not Mike. Mike is a shadow of Sonny. Everything that evil Nina says is so beautiful and gentle about"Mike" has ALWAYS been alive and well inside of Sonny. She's literally still holding Sonny hostage. I can't wait for him to remember who he is. The more time he's spending away from Nina the more he's coming back to the person he is and always has been. This isn't a Jason story of complete and total amnesia. He has his memory back, he just needs a little time in his own head space to realize that she's still been holding him and his ENTIRE FAMILY hostage since his return. He's all about loyalty and conviction, things Nina is 💯 incapable of being. She's selfish, impulsive, codependent on anyone willing to tolerate her lies and manipulation, and a danger to ANYONE in her life. Has been since the day she came to PC. If people don't remember her for who she is and has proven to be over and over and over again then she's going to have to be killed off. Take her for what she is. She's proven to be incapable of being anything else too many times to count. Sonny needs this gangster time to help him get out from under the brainwashing Nina has not let him deprogram from.💯❤️💯❤️

    2. adriagirl i love your comments you speaks to who these characters are perfectly especially regarding nina

  5. Ok. WOW. So much from the very ending here!I have to say it was really awesome to see that twinkle in Sonny's eyes today when he looked up at Esme. How great was that? I've waited for what, a year and a half to see that twinkle 🤩 he's showing signs of life again and I might actually not want the character killed off with Nina now😂 I definitely want to see Nina pay for everything she's done, but I've been wanting to see Sonny pay the price for his actions too. I know it's Nina she hasn't given one inch of air to breathe or a moment to process the things she put into motion by holding him hostage. She's a pathetic example of someone worthy of Sonny's loyalty, yet he's been more loyal to her than his own flesh and blood. It's been sad to watch. The only thing I will accept as a reason for his betrayal of everything that makes him a beloved character is Stockholm syndrome! Ok, then there's the whole revaluation of Harmony and the fact that SHE KILLED ALEXIS'S LOVER! I always knew there was something wrong with the death of Neil. He wasn't giving any signs of relapse before they killed him off. After over a year of major disappointment and redicoulus storylines it was really nice to watch GH and not want to vomit from forced love scenes, terrible matchmaking, and watching female characters be portrayed as weak and pathetic or absolute monsters. This show has been going down a very long and terrible road of sexism and just weak as hell writing. It was a good episode. One I can FINALLY get behind ❤️💯❤️💯❤️

    1. Lol so Sonny is a robot being held hostage? LMAO Nina didn’t do anything she needs to be punished for. She called to tell the family and look how Carly treated her. Nina is a refreshing change for Sonny. Hope the writers keep them together for a long while.

    2. So glad to have Sonny come back slowly! Maurice Bernard mentioned on twitter there are some surprises coming up! Still can’t stand Nina

    3. I can't wait for the surprises! Love seeing the classic characters, and strong women being allowed to shine :)

  6. Wow, loved so much about this episode until the very end with Spencer and Trina. Really Spencer?!? You still haven't put this together?!? Trina needs to have him tossed out of holding. Man alive...

  7. I love the line in my business when someone pulls out a knife you pull out a gun! OMG, why did Harmony kill Neil?! I thought something was fishy about that overdose and can’t believe it took them two years to get back around to that storyline?!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. was going to ask why esme is hitting nicholas up for money when she is rich so the woman cannot get her money till she is 25 ok whatever how old is that woman really and is there really a trust fund, was ryan a wealthy person

    shawn has harmony's number, i really thought harmony had redeem herself cannot believe i fell for that crap harmony is a monster, cannot believe i thought harmony was sorry for all the hurt she cause kristina, willow and all those other women she serve to shiloh, but alexis eyes are opening to harmony i hope run alexis run, so she is working alexis why

    what harmony killed neil, huh, neil was a therapist, neil was kristina therapist could harmony have killed neil because kristina may have told him something damaging about shiloh. neil also had a daughter who died from an over dose could that daughter be the woman who birthed willow on that compound that story i believe

    could harmony have been neil's patient and she told him about willow birth mom or where willow came from and she was afraid that neil told alexis could that be why she has befriended alexis

    i thought spencer finally realise esme is the one who made that tape and set up trina why is he accusing trina like a jackhole

    1. and neil daughter was also in a cult that how he knew to deprogram cult member, could neil daughter have been one of shiloh victims

    2. Possibly, but Shiloh was already long-dead, and Harmony was under Cyrus's sway at the time. I can't figure out the connection there? Cyrus and Neil...or Cyrus and Alexis...must be more to come! Or maybe just some unknown history between Neil and Harmony. I was totally fooled by Harmony's turn-around too. Now I think she just felt responsible/guilty about Alexis's (Neil-induced) spiral and that's why she became close to her during her incarceration. To ease her conscience.

      And I don't believe for a second Esme actually has a trust fund. Ryan seemed to think that what she was after was a life of security--if she had her own money she wouldn't need to be chasing all these men, and doing their dirty work. Spencer is just being a fool. I can't believe him right now--I'm ready for Trina to kick him to the curb for good.

    3. but when neil died and jordan confronted cyrus he was shocked that his drugs was the reason neil died. i think harmony killing neil is something personal, maybe that how cyrus got harmony to work for him he knew what she did, and cyrus the last time he was on said someone was trying to kill him could that be harmony

    4. Wow @General Fanatic, I had forgotten about that. That could be. That would make Harmony a much worse person than I've been tempted to believe. Her "turnaround" had me fooled. Maybe this has to do with Neil's daughter, who was also in a cult, unnamed at the time. In any case, Harmony's friendship with Alexis is about to blow up.

  10. I would rather have Ava, be the one who was having a chat with Esme. Sonny just doesn't strike the fear in anyone these days. Heck Selina Wu is more menacing than Sonny. Besides Esme has already played him once before. Even if, as some of the people on here are saying, that the "old" Sonny is back, I am sure this talk with Esme will probably be interrupted by Nina or Nick.

    1. I can't wait for Ava and Esme to really go head-to-head! They already have history--and Esme's tricks will not work on Ava. There will be no smirks on Esme's face after dealing with her, that's for sure ;)

  11. Celeste said she read somewhere that Alexis & Harmony will become lovers. Ewww! I can't stand either one of those old broads anyhow and watching scenes of them like that would make me barfy, so I will be using the fast-forward if that happens. I sure hope Willow finds out Harmony is not her mother, even if her mother is Nina. Nina just needs to leave Sonny alone and go find her own man, and Sonny needs to leave Nina alone too. Sonny's heart is always gonna belong to Carly, so he needs to do everything in his power to get her back. Not that I like Carly's character, but I don't know who else would be able to tolerate Sonny's lifestyle.

    1. Nothing wrong with "two old broads" knocking boots. No more than a straight couple of the same age. And it looked for awhile that may be the direction they were heading. But clearly Alexis is suspicious of Harmony now, so I don't see it happening now anyway.

  12. What the hell? Did Spencer take stupid pills or something? What was that whole Esme's acting suspicious as hell montage about then?

    Favorite scene had to be in the beginning with Carly and Eva (god, I love Eva) and blurting out "Esme" in sync.

    I kinda wanna see Victor and Eva together. I think they'd truly be a power couple. And I don't want Charles Shaunessy (or whatever his last name is and how you spell it) to go.

    1. LOL, yes, that was the worst setup for a final episode scene ever!!! I was like what?!?!... and I never thought about them as a couple, she is amazing, I think Ava makes a perfect Cassadine!

  13. As much as I can't stand Carly, I do like it when she and Ava connect to do what is best for Avery. She's much more likeable at times like that.

    1. Ava brings out the best acting in everybody! I think she is the only one that could hold a candle to the epically classic Helena Cassadine one day...I would love to see a real villainess like that again. The Nelles and Esmes keep things lively, but a Helena is a once-a-generation part to play :) Ava could do it.

  14. Thank you so much Bob for putting the 2nd video so I can watch it, most of the time it says the video has been removed and the 2nd one is the one I like to watch, Thank you very much.

  15. Carly & Ava in sync, "Esme!"
    Sonny's smile at the end. Yes!
    Hope Esme gets what she deserves.

  16. I don't think that Spencer is going to blame trina I got a feeling he will get to the bottom of the situation until he knows it is esme
