Friday, January 21, 2022

General Hospital 1-21-22 Full episode

General Hospital 1-21-22 Full episode 21st January 2022

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  1. How about that we're having a memorial today for Luke for somebody who hasn't had a storyline on general hospital for over 30 years whatever happened to the memorial for Jason the funeral yet they bring back these recycle actors starting with these radical feminist holes like Alexis Laura Bobby and Felicia as a long time general hospital watcher I am done with you guys you can go to Walt Disney and say hallelujah Gloria Santo nombre how about that we are having Skylanders whatever happened this recycled clothes Lexus log

    1. What kind of senseless fucking word salad IS that? ^^

      Oh, never mind. Your user name says it all. lol

    2. I agree with you @trump next leader!! They had nothing for Jason or Jax, who both got fired for not taking the jab(btw). And I've been watching GH for 35 years,,,, who is this person. I'm lost. They probably couldn't get Lucky or Ethan to be there... Because they didn't get the jab🤔

    3. Hilarious show today love this new Victor...famous line of the day...the mob boss and ambulance chaser! love this guy!

    4. If you were a long time viewer you'd have more respect for the veterans that built the show and have spent longer on it than Steve boring arse Burton has spent on planet earth.

    5. I'm starting to like Victor too and I think he has Luke somewhere maybe with Holly don't worry Luke will be back just like Sonny did and probably Jason too

    6. Dear Trump leader....I am so GLAD they got rid of broke up the sonny, jason and carly trio....good riddance to bad felicia...bobbie...anna..robert...scotty...would love to see more of them...and I don't think Felicia ...bobbie...or anna are feminists...they all adore men!

    7. By the way...I voted for Trump and really don't like feminists...but I don't think any of the women mentioned are feminists. Diane may be the only feminist on the show...cannot stand her and would never hire her for my lawyer...I would rather hire Scott or Martin...the men!

    8. I'm really curious what you have against feminists. What exactly do you think they do/are? LOL

      And thanks, Bob! You've been a godsend!

    9. glassyo...feminists in my opinion are closeted lesbian trouble makers who hate men and want to take over the rule...example...stacey abrahms

    10. I REALLY wish we could edit comments.

      Gina, that's what I thought you'd say and I hope one day you'll educate yourself on what it really means.

    11. means exactly what I said....closeted lesbians who want to dominate the world...and turn ALL the women into man hating that good enough for you.

    12. @glassyo - I wish we could edit, too. I also wish we could block the homophobic bigots, racists, anti-vaxxers, covid-denying TFG tit suckers, etc.

    13. @Janis We can't block or ignore on here either??? Well, blatantly ignoring can be kind of fun sometimes. I don't have the will power or internal censor for that anymore but you take what you can get. 😀

      Speaking of which...

      @Gina Yes, Gina, I know what you said because I'm not usually illiterate and, no, that's not good enough for me because your "opinion" is completely wrong. Feminism isn't about man hating lesbians. It's about equal rights for women. Any gender, any sexuality, or any way a person feels about other people can be a feminist.

      Even MEN(!) can be feminists and they don't even have to be gay to be one!

    14. yes closeted gay men are feminists...feminists are the reason why so many women cannot get a man nowadays and they are lonely and bitter...yes I have a man...and I am no feminist and don't listen to these lesbos.

    15. @glassyo - Nope. No blocking. All we can do is ignore but sometimes the things they post are so offensive, it's hard for me to not say something. There are a couple of regular posters here who are just flat out disgusting with their comments. I wish Bob would delete the most offensive comments, but I'm not sure how closely he monitors what is posted here and there is no report option either.

    16. @Gina So many comments, so little time. 😀

      @Janis I've been lurking a while but there are definitely hills I'm willing to die on. LOL before now they were mostly unpopular opinions about some characters.

    17. @glassyo - I wish they would stick with unpopular opinions about some characters. As long as they leave hate and bigotry out of their comments, I would be good with that since we are all entitled to our opinions about fictional characters in a fictional town.

    18. Your feminist lesbo leader Stacey Abrams wants to rule the world. Also my sister is a so called feminist and let me tell you men something she along with the others in this group truly hate men. My sister goes out of her way to try to get men into trouble. Men...stay the hell away from these dangerous women.

    19. just for the record...feminists are usually dangerous "DAMAGED" women. They will do anything to get rid or men...ain't that right CBS and ABC news.

    20. What feminists? Are we watching the same show?? Also Jason just came back from the dead. It would be lame to have another funeral for him, not to mention that some of the characters aren't convinced he's even dead.

    21. Steve Burton was a recycled actor. I am glad he is gone. He proved several times what kind of a “ME” person he is. And it hasn’t been 30 years since Luke was on the show!

  2. Carly is far worse than Sonny. I certainly do not miss Jason. Carly needs to go off of the show permanently or switch to another soap permanently. Peter needs to be gone permanently, too.

    1. Susie thanks for starting to talk about GH again. If you hadn't I was going to.

  3. I seriously can not believe that they had a memorial for Luke! He hasn't been around forever. What was the point of out of the blue announcing his death and now a memorial?!?! It makes no sense whatsoever. Jason and Jax has had active, long term, storylines and they got nothing of the sorts...complete BS! Was it just to reintroduce that ole hag Helana? I really don't get it.

    1. Jax left under bad terms so I don’t think they wanted him to have a big honorable exit. He did not leave just because of the vaccine but also for slanderous comments about transgender people. I think they brought the Luke story back because it has something to do with Victor being back. He said he couldn’t kill Laura so he got rid of Luke instead, I think he wants the ice princess diamond

    2. Jason just came back from the dead. Do we really need another funeral for him? Jax isn't dead so I don't get the comparison. He's just not on the show anymore. His character is not dead.

  4. Loved todays episode especially Luke's ashes landing in Scotts face. Spencer's reaction to the ice princess seems ominous since it's pretty much cursed and he couldn't wait to touch it. Did Carly just really side step Bobbies grief to talk about her hang ups 🙄. Bobbies sitting there like you forgave that SOB for shooting you in the head while you were in labor but this is to far bitch please. No one there thought maybe we should watch the rest of that tape in case there's you know death threats or family secrets no ok I'm sure there won't be any fall out from that decision 😂.

    1. Yes, I did love it when Luke's ashes landed all over Scotty...tooo funny! I think Spencer wanted to get his hands on the value of the ice princess, since he no longer had his trust fund. I agree, there was something else on that tape that somebody there needed to know. Victor had made reference many times to they "need to be prepared for what was coming." Something ominous and very Cassadine is going to happen at some point and catch everybody off guard.

  5. I agree NH-3 Carly is just mad because she finally DOES NOT come first in Sonny's life he still has feelings for Nina now that Jason is no longer here Carly deserves whatever she gets go cry on someone else's shoulder

  6. I'm still of the mindset that Luke is not dead. I still think this is a big con and that Tracy may be in on it. I may be wrong, but for now, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. It could be that it will come out that he is still alive but that doesn't necessarily mean we will see Anthony Geary himself back. He doesn't have to be back on screen for the con to be exposed.

    1. I believe your right. I don't think he is dead either.

  7. I think they brought the Luke story back because it has something to do with Victor being back. He said he couldn’t kill Laura so he got rid of Luke instead, I think he wants the ice princess diamond. He keeps alluding to needing Drew for some project, and I think the diamond has something to do with it

    Who the heck is Jennifer Smith?

    1. Jennifer Smith is mob boss, Frank Smith's daughter, back in the day when Luke was pretty new to the show and was involved with the mob. They were engaged for a while.

    2. I had to google her, too, because she wasn't on my memory radar either. Apparently she has been played by a number of different actors - including Roseanne. This one is the same one who played her last time she was on the show. I still can just barely remember her, if at all.

  8. it is so sad that lulu, lucky or ethan, luke's children were not at the funeral but they were mentions so there's that.

    this episode was crazy fun, bar fight, and helena that demon is just had to say something about luke, luke to scotty eat me ash in his face lol laughed too hard at that part

    esme works at springridge, ryan is at springridge and now spencer is going to spend a month in springridge that is going to be interesting

  9. Oh, yeah. GH!

    I finally saw the episode (skipped over Thursday's which I'll watch today) for it and loved it. This Victor is so much fun not to mention handsome, charming, English accent, dangerous. All the reminiscing of old storylines..and there's definitely something up with Victor wanting family unity. And notice how Tristan's been on more? I think we're in for maybe another Spencers vs Cassadines war which will be much more complicated because of the meshing of the families.

    And I don't think Luke's dead either but I'm more on the side of the show not killing Luke off until the actor off.

  10. Thanks Bob for posting GH daily.

  11. Bob is there any way to view the videos when they become unavailable?
