Thursday, January 20, 2022

General Hospital 1-20-22 Full episode

General Hospital 1-20-22 Full episode 20th January 2022

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  1. I am glad that Vanna finally happened! Does anyone else interpret it that Anna just has a disagreement with Valentin about revenge against Brooklyn but that she is still with him (romantically)? Kind of an 'agree to disagree' thing... But something that small won't make her leave him.

    Peter was unconscious how does he know who put him in the freezer? 🙄

    1. finn threw him down the stairs one can deduce it was finn that put him in the freezer

    2. Ah 🤔
      Looks like Peter is going to go free again. 🙄

    3. They've got tons of other charges just waiting to levy against Peter; Franco's murder is just the first one. Just the latest was his shooting Drew (wearing the bullet-proof vest) and seriously wounding Valentin in full view of not only Anna but Port Charles's world-traveling district attorney himself, Robert Scorpio. He may go free, but not legally—only as a fugitive...
      As for Vanna, my take was she's still with him romantically but her answer re trusting him (to know where to draw the line with Victor re revenge on Brooklyn) I believe was "We'll see."

    4. except for Franco's murder happening in port charles all these other stuff happened in greece and nixon falls all out of port charles juridiction. so he will get away with everything like everyone else

  2. partically everyone in this town of port charles has gotten away with everything they have done, why not peter. valentin has never paid for one thing he has done to anybody but he sits in judgement of peter when he is the reason peter is who he is. victor got away with kidnapping and so many other crimes, nicholas and ava got away with murder and attempted murder and so on, nina gets away with everything just play that victim card girl, lisel spends two minutes in prison and she is out, sonny is a mobster he got to be smart about staying out of prison, if everyone can have redemption why not peter. he is not the worse thing or person in port charles.

    yeah he is obsessed over maxi and his daughter but that is also true of valentin who is very possessive of charlotte, i need them to bring claudette back to get her revenge on valentin

    valentin wants payback on brooklyn when he has hurt many and did worse and he thinks he is a respected man lol. characters like valentin, ava, nicholas, victor, etc like to put out an image of being upstanding citizen when they are horrible people

    1. Carly is the ONE who has not had any repercussions .

    2. She was locked up in a mental institution remember and injected with things.

    3. Valentin has faced consequences for his shitty behavior he lost his wife he lost custody of Charlotte at one point and has been shot multiple times. I love him he's not a hypercrite he is who he is and he owns it. I love that he wasn't going to put on a pretence for Anna either yeah I want revenge and to be feared its who I am like duh Anna. I don't blame him either if Brooklyn would just tell him the truth it would completely defuse the situation but as far as he knows she hurt both him and Charlotte out of nothing but greed Ray Charles could see he'd come for her eventually.

    4. valentin losted nina because he was always lying to her trying to control her and using any tactic like manufacturing fake children to get her trust back, he knew peter was henrik, he knew faison was in town all of these things with lead to nathan death, valentin held spencer a child at gun point and was going to kill him, in greece he was going to shoot laura had kevin not taken the bullet for her,

      the only time he was away from charlotte was when claudette brought her to port charles to get that kid away from valentin for her safety,

      valentin is the worse so he got shot a couple of times big deal he deserve more comeuppance brooklyn should get away with every thing she did to him at least she one noble reason for lying and that was keeping a child safe all the stuff valentin has done has been for selfish reasons.

  3. Peter is the worst actor!
    Love Valentin
    Where will Esme live when Spence goes to the cushy play house?
    Preview Carly and her deal breaker. who Cares ? Carly I don't think you are in the ultimatum position. Grab your boy toy Wes and take a looooong vaca

    1. Carly and Peter need to go off of this show or to another soap and never come back.

  4. I Have to agree Wes Ramsey isn't able to give life to the real character of Peter "the villain" , its like looking at Charlie Brown trying to play Dennis the

  5. See, I never thought Finn deliberately pushed Peter down the stairs and I still think that after re-watching the video. It looks to me like there was a struggle and that Peter actually FELL down the stairs. It was just the luck of the draw; it could have just as easily been Finn who ended up at the bottom. Now......the thinking Peter was dead when he wasn't, the cover-up and the freezer and all those stupid decisions are all on Finn (and Elizabeth).

  6. Sheeesh......Brook Lynn spends more time with Maxie's baby than Maxie spends with her other two kids. When is she ever with them? And I thought SAM was bad. lol

  7. I also still think Esme' is gaslighting Elizabeth. She's been in Elizabeth's home, she maybe has access to a key that she stole and/or had duplicated, she would have a pretty good idea of when people are going to be in the home (through her connection to Cam). I think that she's the one who set fire to Franco's studio. The question is why? Stay tuned.

    1. Still no word on who her parents are what if she's Franco's daughter? She has siblings but they aren't close maybe she meant step siblings Cam Jake and Ayden. She seems triggered by people breaking up families maybe Franco left behind more than his darker impulses when that tumor was cut out maybe he forgot his daughter and she blames Liz for fixing him and creating a new family with her father.

  8. I can't wait for the other one to be made available to comment! I am in hysterics laughing sooo hard with Scott and Sonny fighting Victor! 🤣 😆 🤣

  9. Really like the way Austin shut Felicia down no I wont manipulate my friend, no wonder Maxie doesn't trust Anna or Felicia they both lie to her and are happy to use her to achieve whatever out come they desire, Finn feeling all guilty for trying to kill peter 😂 just let it go no one cares or will believe him. We go from Faison who was smart enough to run circles around Robert and Anna for decades to this whiny lil bitch who's big ace in the hole is help me or I tell a secret that further incriminates me and that I have no proof of JUST KILL HIM. I really hope these strange occurrences with Liz lead to a psychotic sibling of Franco's hell bent on revenge and coming for Peter.

  10. I believe Esme is Ryan Chamberlain's daughter. She is also gaslighting Elizabeth and will begin medicating Cameron soon so he'll start acting like the angry Cam that tried to kill Jason. Cam already told Esme that he never wanted to see the angry Cam again. After that she went and picked up that prescription at GH. And when Cam's angry acting out becomes too much Joss will eventually turn against him and Esme will be there to pick up the pieces because she wants him for herself.

  11. I am catching up. I am getting the messages that both videos do not exist or are not available or have been removed.

  12. Thank you so much Bob You are truly amazing now I can finish all January episodes tonight .
