Friday, January 14, 2022

General Hospital 1-14-22 Full episode

General Hospital 1-14-22 Full episode 14th January 2022

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  1. If Nina takes Michael to court for visitation with Wiley hopefully, they will finally do a DNA test and prove that Nelle wasn't Nina daughter.

    1. god i hope so, but i don't want them to make willow nina's daughter i kinda hate willow these days but she does not need to be saddled with nina as mother that is torture i wish on noone, i want them to say that nina child died to be done with this my child my child crap that never seems to end.

    2. Willow is a bitch
      In another life, she'd be Carly's daughter
      Apple from the tree
      Michael is perfectly suited to incest

    3. bull shit boring show today...don't want to see carly or forward through most of the show.

  2. please end this storyline please end nina and please end ava, i cannot stand these two woman, oh my god with Ava and Nina, what is wrong with these two women, what happened between sonny and nina is not love, when will someone tell Nina that what she did to sonny was wrong and morally corrupt instead of people supporting her and encouraging her sickness, the woman took advantage of a man who had no idea who he was and sonny is still trying to figure out what that even means, he says he has feeling for nina but these feelings are wrapped up in the fact that nina took advantage of him and the man has yet to come to terms with what she did to him or his family, sonny was and still is nina victim inspite of what he says. stockholm syndrome much

    nina is not sorry for what she did, she is still deluding herself that there is a chance for her and sonny, and now we have ava feeding manipulating the situation to her advantage. i cannot wait for victor to destory ava.

    if sonny and nina do endup together the vomitting just keeps coming up, i hope nina keep avery away from ava i hope nina becomes possessive and obsessive over that little child the way she was when she cut that kid out of ava, then i hope nina get caught in a mob war where a stray bullet finds her. sonny will never be honest about who he is or his business with nina the way he is with carly so will not be getting the man that was mike, please end this sick disgusting storyline please

    so happy spencer did not forgive his father, nicholas is full of it

    1. You are so on point. Ava murdered Connie. Ava is responsible for Morgan's death. And inadvertently, Kiki's. For her to team up with Nina is passed crazy. And for the writers to think we have forgotten nina cut ava's baby out her womb, then tried to pass it on as hers. Really writers. And Carly stood in the gap for ava when she was running around like a scared child from Spencer stalking her. Thought ava was a bad mob bitch. Well, not so much. Nina is again, a pathetic desperate psycho ho. I never thought nelle was her daughter. No DNA. Always thought it was willow. Remember the traveling loony Shiloh show went to Florida.
      So loved Michael tearing into sonny. He ain't scared. Hope peter Valentin Victor esme anyone at this point take ava nina and Brooklyn out.

    2. Bring back Shiloh
      He had connection to Drew, Jason and Peter
      As well as Harmony, Willow, all the Davids women

    3. general fanatic...they need to end carly and sonny...these two are so BORING! Sonny and Carly should not be the leads on this show

    4. Alexis and her daughters also need to go....NOW!

  3. Sam and Elizabeth need to warn Drew about NEEDY Carly and she always wants some man to use for Carly's own selfish purposes. Jax finally stood up to her and would tell her off; Jason never had enough sense.

    1. Please don't taint Drew
      His body is like a virgin compared to the bitch tramp Carly

    2. Amen all I could think was can't this co dependent bitch ever just handle her adult life and it's disappointments like an adult instead of rushing to the nearest man to make it better, Drew needs some garlic to ward off emotional vampires.

  4. NEWS FLASH: Fortunately for Avery, Ava is Avery's mother, not Carly. Because of Carly, Michael was shot and almost died and Michael went to prison and was raped there and has become the hateful, hurtful, vicious, vengeful, criminal monster, just like his mother, Carly.

    1. Go off the rails Sonny so Avery can live with Ava

    2. Yes because he stopped taking his medication. I believe he is going to sleep with Nina.

  5. Will the truth ever be revealed that Britt knew Wiley was Michael's?

    1. Good point. Britt did know that Wiley was Michael's. It definitely needs to come out.

    2. If Michael goes after Britt, Liesl will go after Michael.

  6. Dr. Collins did good today with getting Esme out and restricting Ryan's visitors. He or someone needs to find out a lot more about Esme.

    1. Kevin and Laura need to evict Esme.' At least during the time Spencer is in jail. She doesn't work, she isn't enrolled in school. She's worthless. I get that they're tolerating her because of "Spence," but they don't need to provide her with a place to live when he's not even there.

    2. Kevin did great today ! Love how he sees thru most crazies that come around. He was right away right to be suspicious of Esme. Love how she brings the craY to the show but good dammm is she ever crazy 😂 makes wicked soap operas

      I'm actually really excited to see this Esme spencer (btw hate how she calls him Spence 🙄)
      But Esme Spencer Cam & josh Trina trip play out
      You know Esmes got some real CraZY in store for them
      Although Joss and Cam seem to maybe have something up there sleeves too
      Hope so
      But back to first lol 😆 comment,
      Can't wait to find out who Esme really is and what's gonna happen with her and Ryan and kevin and how bad spencer is gonna end up crawling back to daddy begging for his protection !!!

    3. Yes the Esme character is fun to watch and fun to hate!

  7. Both Carly and Peter need to go off of the show permanently or permanently go to another soap.

    1. AMEN!!!!!
      Where have you been???
      Don't stop preaching,!

  8. Hey Drew, what do you have there?

    Ahh none of your business bitch face.
    Oh Drew let Carly lean on her friends like Olivia, her mother, Michael, etc
    She has no right to use her crotch to seduce Drew.
    Judgemental tramp
    Michael you know how you are all about paternity rights and custody etc... Well news Flash. Carly doesn't have the legal right to remove Avery from father or the house.
    You moron
    You are Carly from the waist down
    Spencer says he's not relying on family money. He lives off his grandmother right?0

  9. I can't believe that everyone that made a comment you all must be and quarantine

  10. Why does Sonny tell everyone it’s over with Nina except Carly? He just needs to say it to her!

    1. He has said it's over to Carly.
      "Its over, stop thinking about Nina, It's in the past, it's over. That was my past. I love you your my wife

      Carly just can't stop Obbbbsessing over Nina cause when it comes down to it, Carly ACTUALLY is fully in love w Jason and HER feelings are the ones that have changed. She just doesn't know how to be honest with herself about how she doesn't feel the same for Sonny anymore cause HES not the Sonny she remembers. And that's the truth. She don't know how to swallow that hard pill and be the one to end it. She's got to put it on Sonny

    2. That would be sad. I’d like them to stay together… hate the idea of Nina with Sonny !!!

  11. I enjoy reading comments! Nina needs to go away! Carly needs to go back to Sonny !

  12. I totally disagree
    I'd love to see Sonny try to make a domesticated mobb wife outta Nina 🤣 I think it's make for some really good story lines
    And for Carly to finally be out on her own ! No Jason (even tho we all know she'll just Latch onto Drew like the Leech that she is
    Like really lady
    Get real w yourself for one moment in ur life. Be honest. You be honest and speak up about how YOU aren't the same person either since you let yourself fall for Jason and Sonny is how you remember him. Be brutally honest and call it what it is - your LETTING Nina in. Letting her come between you and Sonny. Your just searrrching for anything to be Nina's & Sonny's fault. Really your pissed at yourself for believing he died when he didn't. Your mad that you don't feel the same for Sonny as you thought you would and your pissed you let yourself fall for Jason and now he's gone.
    Let Nina and Sonny rule port Charles together for bit
    It'll make wicked tv lezzzzzzz watch Sonny loose his shit off no meds and see Nina be there to pick up alllll dem pieces of his confused heart ❤️ so over watching the same ole wives calling the shots to everyone of there family members, the husbands, the kids, the grandkids who can be the Granada or the mom like Nell and who can't. So over it. Let's see some strog Alpha Males start running this shit like how it should be in the world !!!
    Y&R is pushing all the females to be strong fighting bad asses **literally whole VICTOR, DEVON stayed home to babysit baby Dominic 🤦🏻‍♀️ while Abby & Ashley were off searching for Long lost chance the bad ass under cover Military boss who oh right, was apparently just blown ti pieces by terrorists and crime mobsters
    Literally while the men stayed back and played house 🙄 what is wrong n with this world !!! All us women can still be equally strong and independent without having to create pussy boys and future men who can't protect nothi mg and just want to sit at home and talk about how equal and normal they are and how they feel 🤦🏻‍♀️
    What happened to raising Men out of our Boys 💪 we have majority of things cause all our men had gone out willing to work in the dirty grimy cold weather using there testosterone to build and crate and protect and earn
    We wouldn't be here without all those alphas and now what... everyone's just raising there boys to be "boys" not men and the daughters ti be strong instead of the men ... our future of humanity is gone
    Females are soft and general and strong for a reason. It's been or natures roles. It's how it should be and part of why the world goes round why change that to have men stay home and females be it being the bread winners ... 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️

    1. Wow! Award for the most backwards post of the year, trying to set women back to being subservient and barefoot and pregnant and the "man" being ultimate ruler.

      Thank god those days are over and my granddaughters are being raised to believe in themselves and knowing they can be any damn thing they want to be. And that my grandsons are being raised to believe that strong women are no threats to them or their masculinity or who THEY are.

    2. I actually totally get what your saying lex, its not just soaps its everywhere they are making men beta bytches. As if being a strong capable man is toxic. The cat commerical comes to mind when the man is on the deck teaching the cat tricks and the woman comes in with her suit on and is just like wow this is what you did all day while i was working! Even in the superhero universe all the avengers couldnt take down thanos but captian marvel gets there just in time to save them all.... i dont think your putting woman down at all i understand what you are saying its really sad whats happening

  13. Sonny usually ends up cheating when he’s off his bipolar meds (Ava, Olivia, etc)

  14. I want that bugged eyed witch of the show, leave Sonny and Carly alone, Nina started all this crap with there marriage, she is a witch. I don't understand why you people are all on Sonny and Carly so much, they make up the show for years back. Go after Nina the witch, her bugged eyes I cannot stand and thinking she can have Sonny what a laugh that is.........
    Thanks Bob for posting.
