Wednesday, December 22, 2021

General Hospital 12-22-21 Full episode

General Hospital 12-22-21 Full episode 22nd December 2021


  1. Thank you Bob. Today's episode was bittersweet.

  2. Willow to Michael when he says "Candy for your thoughts: I was just thinking how much I love being part of this family..."

    Well enjoy it while you can! Once you testify what you overheard in the Chapel and Nina gets off your time with Michael and being part of that family is over!!

    What a hypocrite she turned out to be. Yes this would have been prevented if Sonny told Carly from the beginning but it also could have been prevented if Willow told Michael what she overheard. Think he is going to be very angry at her!!

    1. I used to love Willow too until she started dating Michael and acting like a hypocrite.

  3. The baby Liam storyline is beautifully told. Very impressed with Mattsson and Wactor.

    1. It was beautifully told BUT I was hoping for a Christmas Miracle hope Sasha & Brando stay together

  4. Was that an official Sasha and Brando kiss?!?! I think they never had because the whole Covid thing.

    Also, Michael first told Sasha he loved her out on that terrace too!

    Team Sasha!

    1. There was only 2 things good on the show today 1) Sasha & Brando finally told each other they are in love and 2) never liked Carly but she was nice to Sasha today. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and especially Bob for doing these episodes for us !!!!!!!!

  5. Willow should be with Chase. They fit. Willow needs to be with a nice person. Michael sure isn't. I used to like him but no more.

  6. On the show, it was Christmas Day. They were saying that the pretrial started tomorrow which means that the pretrial would be on Sunday, December 26th. Since when do they have court on a Sunday?????

  7. Maxi is not with James on Christmas. She isn't with Spinelli and their daughter. She doesn't seem to want to be with her 2 oldest children.

  8. Now that you mention it, I don't remember the last time that I've seen either of Maxi's older children. You're right, it's very odd that she's not with them at Xmas.

    1. I wonder if they're keeping them out of sight for now because they're getting ready to do a major SORAS. Charlotte may not be the only GH kid who gains a few years. Sheeesh.....they're keeping Bailey/Louise looking practically like a newborn when she should be around seven months old, but they're going in the other direction with the other kids (at least they did with Charlotte).

  9. I about puked when Sasha asked Carly if she would forgive her for her past sins. Damn girl, this is CARLY you're asking forgiveness from??

    1. Carly should be asking a lot of people for forgiveness.

    2. Well since Sasha was pretending to be Nina daughter and wasn't Carly dosent care. And Sasha pretend to have an affair with Chase so Michael would marry Willow and get custody of Wiley. So why would Carly hold that ageist Sasha when it gave Carly what she wanted which was Michael to have full custody of Wiley.

    3. I sure wish Nelle could come back and some how get custody at least shared custody of Wiley…Michael starting to act just like Carly I use to love them but now I can’t stand them…Team Nelle & Nina

  10. Isn't Bailey/Louise supposed to be like seven months old now? Why does she still look like she's only about two months? She should be sitting up and trying to crawl and doing all that fun stuff.

  11. I’m getting fed up with constant advertise whilst watching GH pls do something about it loving GH thank you merry Christmas

    1. Try to stay away from the Dailymotion links. They're the ones with the commercials. You can tell before clicking on them because they have "d" in the upper left hand corner of the screen. If you can, use the middle option.

  12. I get nina knows maxie gave brooklyn lousie but does she have to placate nina in a bullcrap.

    yes peter was threatening james, but the real reason she did not tell anyone about peter was because she did not want him to expose that she was holding sonny hostage.

  13. Is the sister letter from Joss suppose to be a prelude to Nelle & Willow being twins?
    Sasha & Brando; so sweet.
    Davis Christmas seemed too staged to me. And how much lip injections has the actress who plays Molly have?

  14. Beginning with 12/21/21 and much of January 2022, some or all the windows say video has been removed or is not exist. Could you please investigate, Bob? Thanks.

    1. Deleted videos have been replaced. But another blog with old episodes also has all the episodes of 2012-2021. There is a list of pages at the top below the image of the night city. Click on the page "episodes 2012-2022" and on the page that opens, click on the blue words "General Hospital (old episodes)" at the top. On the other blog on the right there is an archive and a search bar, just like on this blog.

  15. Thanks very much for your rapid response.
