Thursday, December 2, 2021

General Hospital 12-2-21 Full episode

General Hospital 12-2-21 Full episode 2nd December 2021


  1. ok...that girl is way too big and old to be in a high

  2. Thanks Bob and yes the girl us too old for a high chair.

  3. I don't understand why BrookLyn and Chase insist upon doing it their way and not involving Valentin. Bailey is already like a daughter to Valentin and he would fight to the death to keep her safe from Peter.
    I just don't get it. Why torture him even more by not telling him the whole truth and not allowing him to even see Bailey any more (per tomorrow's preview)? BrookLyn originally told him could still be in Bailey's life. Maybe because it leaves it open for Peter to kidnap Bailey and Maxie; because Chase and BrookLyn are no match for Peter not the way Valentin would be. Does anybody else get this rational? I am puzzled. 🤔

  4. videos r not working plz fix asap if it is on your end or maybe it's daily motion's end. TY for your postings and hard work. Appreciate it.

    1. Most likely, you are using an outdated or unsupported browser. The top and bottom videos work in the latest version of the Google Chrome browser and in other browsers of recent versions.

  5. This has been boring for a few days now. Criminal Jason who murdered people for Corinthos criminal money and blew up buildings and people for Corinthos criminal money and aided in the importation of illegal Corinthos products is dead. He was a criminal and a lier who should have been in prison. He is dead, just like others who have died on shows and who have not gotten days and days of air time. He is dead. Move on.

  6. donna is an adorable little girl

    i still have hope jason is alive, no body in port charles mean there chance people come back from the dead.'

    thank god they gave sasha and brando baby a different name liam, they had a stupid one before laborious or some shit like that

  7. Thank you Bob ! Always appreciated! And Jason doesn’t lie ! He just doesn’t say anything

  8. Jason has never lied to anyone. Even about when Carly moved Sirus & Martin's mother to another place away from Sirus, He just lets people blame him for it so she won't have any one coming after her for it.

  9. Jason never told that he murdered all the people he murdered or all of the buildings he blew up or the illegal products he was part of importing. Actually, Nina didn't lie about Sonny being alive; she just didn't say anything. Nina did, however, ask Sonny a few times if he wanted to know about his past and Sonny did not

    1. never heard of "lying by omission?" It's a real thing. And Jason did a lot more for Sonny than just being part of the coffee business. If you think otherwise, then you are either delusional or you haven't been watching the same show the rest of us have.

  10. What Jason did for sonny wasn’t legal but it didn’t involve drugs and the people he did things were people in the business that put port Charles in danger , people have been trying to go to pc for years for the dock area but sonny snd jason stop them , now look at Cyrus getting bold again because he knows Jason is dead and he doesn’t care if innocent people get hurt as long as he makes $ off his drugs , not condoning Jason or sonny but at the end of the day they have saved a lot of people when the law couldn’t just saying

  11. Why am I not able to watch December Episodes.. Please help how I can I watch it.
