Tuesday, December 21, 2021

General Hospital 12-21-21 Full episode

General Hospital 12-21-21 Full episode 21st December 2021


  1. Replies
    1. Horrible words to say about a child actress.

    2. Agreed 100%. I thought she was just fine.

    3. I like the new charlotte ....but I cannot stand that little girl who plays violet....finn should have had a son not a daughter.

    4. Gina, we are going to have to agree to disagree😁. I think that little girl is absolutely adorable!

  2. Do you know if she is temporary or permanent?

    1. The original had a medical issue and it's a long recovery

    2. she was in a bicycle accident and broke a bunch of things last summer, but she was in a scene when Valentin was brought back to GH from being injured in Greece. Anyway, the actress has indicated that she has been replaced. Here's what someone posted on one of the boards:
      Scarlett Fernandez reports she is no longer playing Charlotte. Seems like Ava Kolker has taken over the role. She is 15 so Charlotte has been SORASED.


    3. The recast came up in my feed today. I didn't see where it had anything to do with the bike accident. If it is a case of a major SORAS, then it wouldn't surprise me to see others recast, too - Rocco, Danny, Liz's two youngest, etc. They better keep their hands off of Violet!

    4. I know right..I like violet she’s amazing lil kid actress..

  3. I want Anna and Finn back together!!! Nothing against Elizabeth---but I would also like Franco to come back from the dead, too, for her. Think they could accommodate me?

    1. anna is too old for finn and valentine...she should have been paired with laura's brother the lawyer

  4. Seriously? Santa is going to come out, "ho ho ho, set his gift back down, and then just turn around and walk away for five minutes to talk to somebody? Then a second Santa is going to walk up right in the kids view and trade places like nothing?!?! Then send the only 3 elves away to go get snacks! Come on!! They could have tried to make it a little more realistic!

    Brooklynn needs to just tell Valentin the truth and be done with it already. He would protect that baby if he knew.

    1. Valentin would protect the baby for Maxie's and the baby's sake. But he would still be ticked off at Brooklynn for lying about being pregnant in the first place just to get the elq shares back.

  5. Every minute there is a commercial interuption on the 3rd video. Its very annoying. Is this really necessary? Thank you for the show but really... a 36 minutes show is now 60

    1. During the New Year holidays, there is always a lot of advertising on this video hosting. But soon everything will be as usual.

    2. Yes agree too many ads
      Feel one every 6 mins .
      Question, our state of Alaska is saying we will lose the abc station as the you tube site .
      I work at a school , I need to see th on you tube on your site .
      How will you get out for us to see
      Not a fan of new Charlotte, did you see the dark circles under her eyes .
      I love Martin aka had Martin from all my children , which I loved the show and him .
      Hope things will work out.
      Appreciate your site

  6. Violet is adorable. I still like Anna and Finn together.

  7. "If you can't do the time don't do the crime" The look on "Spens's" face when he heard from Victor that he'll have to do jail time was priceless! He ran to Laura, The Mayor, for help.

  8. Spencer is such a spoiled, entitled, unappreciative lil brat!! He really thought he was just going to walk away scottfree?!?! No thanks for your help... appreciate it...nothing. He just ran to the next person to fix his problem for him. Time to grow up lil boy!

  9. I so admirable both Jason and Jax for standing up to the mandate, I had to get the shot to keep my job , as a teacher we had to comply or lose our job.
    I wish I had money to stand up too , I really don't see why the shot even if your vaccinated you can get it and spread it , I wasn't sick the whole time and kept working .
    The shot from my point of view is than why get it a vaccine 9 something is so you don't fervor for spread it , this does nothing , than add the boosters again a waste of time.
    Stay strong , as I had others who held out until we had no hope from our government. Another waste of space, all I see is us having more price increases, and same money in check , gert less both ways

  10. didn't portia instruct nicholas to say away from trina

    ava is angry at spencer for what he did to avery but she has a problem with carly being angry at her for what she did to morgan, that woman expect forgiveness for her transgression but she does not forgive herself

  11. They should just tell Valentin about Bailey. He would definitely protect her!
    Spencer is such a brat!! Fun watching him get excited, then he found out the details of what his Uncle did for him. He should go to jail. It would teach him a lesson that his father never taught him.
