Friday, October 1, 2021

General Hospital 10-1-21 Full episode

General Hospital 10-1-21 Full episode 1st October 2021


  1. Carly needs to be taken off of the show. She is terrible. The actress who plays her is terrible.

    1. You don't know good acting...she's awesome! She even has you disliking her!

    2. I BET you feel Stupid for posting that comment

  2. Sonny is ridiculous. Like Janis posted about yesterday's show, Sonny is back to being an intimidating bully who is too much of a coward to go to Nicholas's by himself; he had to bring two goons. As Mike, he would have had enough sense to check to make sure that Avery was safe at home and he would have found out what Josslyn was doing watching Esme talking to him and he would not have just believed Esme, a total stranger to him. Even if he couldn't verify that Avery was at home, Mike would not have been too much of a coward to go to Nickolas's by himself.

    1. Sonny sounded like a crazy person at Nicholas's.

    2. Maybe changing Sonny's medication made him even more evil.

  3. Laura Wright is the BEST Carly there has been n the show. Been watching since day 1

    1. I don't know about that. Sarah Brown, the first Carly, was a beast actress playing Carly. So was Tamara Braun

    2. Both Sarah Brown and Tamara Braun were really good. The current one is not.

    3. I agree with you. Laura Wright is the BEST at playing Carly and she's a badass. LOVE her!!

    4. Laura Wright is NOT a badass she showed me nothing when she went after Nina what did she think she was going to do the damage has already been done think Sonny likes Nina Carly only wants Jason

    5. She is the Only Carly I know. Glad I wasn't watching when others were portraying the role. This Carly Rocks

  4. Things are getting interesting, the secret is out in the open. Now it looks like Esme and Ryan hatching another scheme and between Nikolas, Spencer, Ava, Joss, Cam, and Trina they will have to contain Esme and Ryan.

    1. yeah always thought ryan had something to do with the stalking, esme and ryan are in cahoots, spencer took responsibility for everything even the car inferno he is protecting esme role in the whole thing she really has a hold on him.

      people have been speculating that esme is kiki twin god i hope not, ava does not need another child, second if that is true which i hope not that would mean esme is a 30 something and dating an 18 year old. then again i really hope esme is not daughter to ava but that would track with the family trait of using teenage boys to get to their family like ava did with morgan

    2. It makes me wonder if perhaps Esma is a daughter of Ryan's that nobody knew of. Maybe she and Spencer happened to be in the same boarding school and that's why she targeted Spencer as her boyfriend. Maybe Ryan had been writing her with updates of his life and his love for Ava. And now they use code talk to communicate with each other. Maybe she inherited her father's EVIL gene. She would want Ava to disappear for hurting her father and Spencer wanted Ava gone so she convinced Spencer to go along with her Evil Plans to destroy the relationship between Ava and Nicholas. Given Spencer was often a spoiled brat growing up, it probably wasn't hard to talk him into it. However, I don't think Spencer planned on it going this far. Esma is definitely a mental psycho. I think she would kill someone and not think twice about it. Who knows maybe at this point she's brainwashed Spencer. He does seem to care about those he loves and I don't think he wants anyone severely hurt or dead.

    3. I think Esme will turn out to be connected to Victor Cassidine. I remember Esme stating that her and her siblings are all adopted so no incest going on here.

  5. Sonny is so stupid, believing a total stranger. He should have apologized to Nickolas and Sonny should have told his goons to beat himself(Sonny) up. If it weren't for Spencer admitting that he was the stalker, Corinthos would have had Nickolas beat up. Sonny is so despicable.

    1. Has Sonny ever apologized? For ANYTHING? He's nothing but a punk and a thug and a bully. Always has been, always will be.

  6. Sonny isn't good enough for Nina.

    1. Now that Jax has been continuing to tell Carly how things are and about the wrong things Carly does, Nina might consider forgiving Jax. Jax is no longer Carly's puppet like Jason still is. Nina and Jax were really good together when they were in love.

  7. why is maxie encouraging nina fantasy about her feelings for sonny this is my problem with this storyline people seem to be validating, ignoring what nina has done and not really condemning it because it happened to the corinthos family had that been someone else nina would not be getting an easy past. they better not put that mad woman nina with sonny that is unhealthy, sick and just rewarding bad behaviour. there nina goes again blaming carly for her eventually not having a relationship with wiley that is on nina and no one else, michael and willow better keep wiley away from that demented loon nina

    did scotty tell nina to kill carly what the hell these people in that town the judgment they place on some and not others because they dislike them whatever,

    what is wrong with olivia, ned is leo father too, there is clearly something going on with leo, ned is helping raised this kid he has done so from inception to birth he should have a say in the health of this child

    1. nina not taking responsibility yet again for the fact she asked lisel for help, and she is the reason peter sent victor after lisel and she is now kidnapped and scotty was thrown from a plane, scotty just glossed over it like whatever nina but he praises her for what he did to sonny again whatever

    2. I missed something along the line apparently. How did Peter know that Lisle was coming after him in the first place. Oh wait, or was it Victor who made up the conference that she was suppose to be going to so that he could kidnap her for whatever he has planned?!?! Hmmmmm, that might make more sense. Lisle was already on her way to conference when Nina called her about Peter huh?!? I think I answered my own

    3. Scott was saying that Nina could become killed because she did something against a mob family.

      Ned is not Leo's birth father. Ava Jerome's brother is Leo's father.

    4. yes victor did set up the conference to lure lisel to the island, but it is also true that nina wanted peter dead to keep her secret so she asked lisel to help her get rid of peter, peter in turn asked victor to i guess kidnap lisel sooner than expected, nina still had a part to play in getting lisel abducted.

      i know julian is leo biological father, but ned is more a father to this kid than julian was, ned has been in leo's life from day 1 as father, stepfather, he was i hope is still going to adopt the kid.

  8. Maxi is such a hypocrite. She is the one who convinced Brooklyn to pass her baby off as Valentin's baby. She has been keeping her big mouth quiet about that.

  9. Ava needs to take Avery back to live with her. Sonny is deranged, a murderer, and a criminal.

    1. Ava is also a murderer and a criminal oh well

    2. Yes, Ava is also a murderer and a criminal. However, at least she has never shot one of her own children in cold blood like Sonny has. Which should make her a better parent, don't you think?

    3. ava is the better parent lol the woman was horrible to kiki because she wanted her boyfriends didn't she send ryan after kiki, she did not use the words please kill her but she put the thought in the man head, she might as well have shot kiki her self, he went after kiki for her because she was pissed that griffin chose kiki over her, avery is a child now so the jealously of avery has not developed yet.

      ava is such a great mother that is why spencer is trying to get rid of the woman in his life

      i have no problem with people hating on sonny and carly but lets be honest about the other people on this show they are no better than them.

  10. Carly crawled around on the floor at Ava's and Nicholas's home trying to steal Avery's necklace.

  11. O my that was soooooooooo good 😁😁😁😁 I can't wait to see Mondays oOoOO it's all coming out!!!!

    Thanks again Bob your the best

  12. I don't know where this storyline with Leo is going, but brook Lynn needs to shut the f up, and let Ned do what needs to be done.

  13. I'm a little confused about this Leo story line. I think it's obvious to us, the viewers, that Leo is going to end up diagnosed as being on the spectrum. I think it was pretty clear from the last couple of times we have seen him on the show. What I don't get is why is it only Ned and Austin have noticed? He lives with a doctor (Monica), and I presume he has teachers. Willow was a teacher; presumably she has regular contact with him. If it is obvious to us, how come all these people in his life haven't noticed that something is up? I'm actually a little disappointed in Brook Lynn for being so resistant to the possibility. Despite her silliness, she seems to be a pretty aware person. I know it's just a show and we should be used to things not always making sense, but sometimes it seems like the writers are just flat out lazy when it comes to connecting the stories in a way that they make at least a little bit of sense.

  14. What was with that clicky, flirty, eye thing that Nina gave Austin anyway? I'm not sensing much remorse or regret in that girl. lol

  15. Maxie deserves Peter's wrath the way she is defending nina

  16. I'm starting to FF through Nina scenes again. Her not taking responsibility for what she has done & not many people seeing the awfulness of what she has done is beyond annoying.
    The Esme/Spencer scheme has come to an end?!? This was actually more interesting to watch then the Sonny/Mike/Nina storyline. Those young actors were entertaining to watch!
    Nikolas's rage with Spencer was fun to watch. I rewinded to watch Marcus Coloma in the scene again! Maybe 3 times.
