Wednesday, April 7, 2021

General Hospital 4-7-21 Full episode

General Hospital 4-7-21 Full episode 7th April 2021


  1. Nikolas is Laura's son. She definitely needs to do what she should have done to start with. She needs to let Mac know that Carly kidnapped Florence. Carly needs to go to prison for the kidnapping.

  2. A couple of days ago, somebody posted that Maxie would hand her baby over to Brook Lynn and I disagreed with that person. It looks like I was wrong. It DOES look like Brook Lynn is going to be involved in the baby scam. At least at this point. And if that IS where they are headed, I am going to say right up front that I am going to HATE it. Another fake death so we can watch people who love Maxie and who love the baby - like Mac and Felicia - grieve?

  3. GH needs some new writers. These repeat story lines are getting old.

    1. the writers are ok they just need to focus more on vet characters in my opinion

  4. Maxie should just run away and give the baby up for adoption if she really wants to save the baby from Peter.. As sad and awful as that would be. Because Peter is going to be out for blood when he finds out and of course he’s going to find out. (Though I’m sure they’d make him capable of finding the baby’s adopted family too... it is the soaps) Passing off the baby as someone else’s and faking the baby’s death is just going to make Peter ten times the monster they’re currently dealing with. Unless they kill him off, he’ll always be a threat to Maxie and baby Louise. I guess they need a new super villain since Faison and Helena are dead.

    1. i for one am not mad at peter being a super villian the guy plays it well

  5. Maxie should just run away and give the baby up for adoption if she really wants to save the baby from Peter.. As sad and awful as that would be. Because Peter is going to be out for blood when he finds out and of course he’s going to find out. (Though I’m sure they’d make him capable of finding the baby’s adopted family too... it is the soaps) Passing off the baby as someone else’s and faking the baby’s death is just going to make Peter ten times the monster they’re currently dealing with. Unless they kill him off, he’ll always be a threat to Maxie and baby Louise. I guess they need a new super villain since Faison and Helena are dead.

  6. say what you want about sonny as a mob boss but at least the man did not go around threating everyone and their family cyrus is such an insecure little shit.

    Why would molly move in with kristina she is in a relationship with Tj crowded much

    Did finn do the other test at a different lab what are the results

    1. Three people in that house wouldn't be too much. It's probably got what? at least three bedrooms and plenty of room to move around. And presumably they all have lives outside of the home - work school, etc. I don't see a problem, except that there likely will be some conflict because the Davis women are like a bunch of cakling old biddies. I actually enjoy seeing them together. It makes perfect sense to me (and how often can I say that about GH?), although I kind of wondered why Sam wouldn't have wanted to move into it with her kids. At least they would have a YARD and not just live in some concrete jungle apartment.

    2. sonny killed aj...nuff said

  7. love to watch the video but its blank need to be fixed

  8. the video is the same video already seen

    1. On this page, the correct episode is 4-7-21.

  9. Thank you Bob.

    at this point it feels like real justice (karma) would be if Peter somehow accidentally killed himself, and in the last instant of his life realizes that he has killed himself.
