Tuesday, April 20, 2021

General Hospital 4-20-21 Full episode

General Hospital 4-20-21 Full episode 20th April 2021


  1. Wow. Nicholas is a full-blown idiot. Alexis is not going to be down with this plan. The woman gave up her freedom to do the right thing, she's not going to want a drug lord running the streets and targeting people who are close to her. I was really hopping she'd connect the dots earlier and we'd see her call Nicholas to chew him out. Ava standing behind her husband's stupidity is just too much for me. She's a brilliant woman and yet she keeps protecting a bunch of idiots. I was really enjoying her character post Ryan, and I hate that she's now leaning on a weak man like Nicholas. I have to say, I love Carly running things. I know she's a controversial character which is why the writers have tamed her quite tremendously over the years...but I was kind of getting bored of her just playing house with Sonny and doing that whole hotel thing. I love her scheming and planning. The best way to calm someone like Carly is to actually just tell her the truth. I'm pretty sure if Anna just told her about Chase she'd back of the Gladys angel.

    1. i agree with you about nicholas that man is full of shit and he just became cyrus little bitch boy and ava when was ava ever brillant, the woman has never than a rational thing in her life,

      Poor florence she is just a pawn in everyone's game at least she was happy being held hostage now cyrus will just be an annoyance to her. poor lady

    2. why do black women refer to themselves as queen all the time...talk about egos

    3. nick did the right thing to hell with ugly carly

  2. Cyrus needs to find out that Carly kidnapped his mother. Then he could that disgusting, despicable criminal prisoner or send her to actual prison.

  3. Laura betrayed the law and her own Son for the Heartless Witch Carly!

    1. Like Laura said in this episode to Nicholas :
      She tried to stop him to save the lives of her son, Nick (but it was too late now Sirus is gonna own him now like he did with Julian) Florence, Bobby & countless other Port charles kids & citizens that live there.

    2. If Carly would have been brave enough to admit to Cyrus that she kidnapped Florence, then Cyrus could have gotten his mother back and Alexis wouldn't be in danger and Nicholas wouldn't have have had to become her hero to save Alexis or to have to be involved with Cyrus. Carly needs to take RESPONSIBILITY for Carly's own Criminal behavior. Carly NEEDS TO PAY THE PRICE, NOT ALEXIS AND NICKOLAS!!!!!!!

    3. To be fair Nikolas is an idiot if he has so much power and all these connections why doesn't he just install someone in the prison to protect Alexis instead of allowing himself to become a pawn for Cyrus. Nikolas is the worst kind of idiot an idiot who doesn't know he's an idiot. Having said that Carly is just a coward that allows Jason to take the fall for her orders and yet still has better judgement than Sonny and I'm saying that knowing that she used her own mother as a nurse which was as easy to track as an uber. The only one making logical calculated moves is Cyrus.i mean can't the most experienced mobster in the room Ava throw a hand up umm how about we all work together Nikolas takes Florence but doesn't give her back ensuring if anything happens to Alexis Florence goes bye bye taking the heat off Carly's clan then Nick moves everyone he love to his remote island and gets a shit load of gaurds.

    4. elsie may i know right nicholas is suppose to be this great cassindine with all this power yet he bows down to cyrus helena must be sipping lava from her throne in hell, cause you know she is queen of that place lol.

  4. Carly is a coward. She isn't brave enough to admit she kidnapped Florence and go to prison.

  5. Laura needs to use her connection to protect Alexis. She could and should have already done that. Maybe she could get Alexis transferred to a non-dangerous prison.

    1. lol, you think so huh, a non-dangerous prison? lol I suppose she could live her time in AG SEG. Then she could be a nutcase after solitary confinement in 3 years in prison. Obviously you nothing about prison. They don't make non-dangerous prisons. The people are put there because they are dangerous.
      Alexis is the one who plead guilty, now she's going to pay the price. Her daughters, especially Sam tried to talk her out of it. But that's what she wanted. She can't be that innocent that she doesn't realize prisons aren't like hotels, she's a defense attorney, for God's sake!!

    2. Cyrus needs to DIE, anyone that deals drugs is a waste of life. Nick is always doing stupid things ,(election ballots , bedding his brothers wife he is a Cassadine . Carly is finally taken control ,so cool

    3. I agree with you about everything, except it was Spencer that took the election ballots to try to make sure his Grandmother wins. Nicholas has always done stupid things.

  6. Carly needs to shoot and kill Cyrus and Cyrus needs to shoot and kill Carly in return.

    1. Cyrus will get his in the end. But I doubt Carly is going anywhere. You hot on Cyrus this week? Or is it Nicholas this week? We all know it's not a woman, you remind us all enough...

  7. Carly is the IDIOT for committing the CRIME of KIDNAPPING Florence.

  8. Martha Stewart went to a non violent prison.

  9. Does cyrus have people watching practically everyone in port charles, the man seem to know everyone business. when is someone gonna smack the smirk off his face.

  10. Cyrus's people do not seem to be able to succeed in killing the bad people. They were unsuccessful in their attempts to kill Ryan and Brad and Jason.

  11. Peter seems to be quite successful in killing.

  12. Hopefully, Peter will be off the show soon.

  13. So, according to Joslyn, she is surrounded by guards who are supposed to call ahead before allowing someone to go to the house. Her stepfather is a mob boss and she herself has ended up in dangerous situations. Yet she walks right up to the door and opens it without knowing who's there? No peep hole in the door? No looking out the window before opening the door? Rather than worrying about getting into the college of her door, perhaps she should take some classes in common sense and safety practices.

    1. Should have read: "....college of her CHOICE." Not "door." Where the hell did THAT come from? I wish we could edit.

  14. I thought Anna's comment about Carly protecting those she loved was pretty dumb considering she put her own mother in danger by involving her in the Florence kidnapping. Also, I am just not feeling the chemistry between Ava and Nikolas. A lot of times, there really does seem to be a chemistry between couples on these shows, but I am just not getting that "vibe" with these two.

  15. I see where Sebastian Roche' (ex Jerry Jax) is now on the ABC show The Big Sky playing a crooked sheriff.

    1. he is also on debris on nbc i think he is a face off alien/doppelgänger

  16. you people take this show waaaay to serious...just reading your comments...it is just a show........calm down

    1. Pretty sure we all know this is "just a show." But some of us like discussing what we have seen on the show - the good, the bad, and the ridiculous. Nobody is forcing you to read the comments if they bother you so much.
