Thursday, October 3, 2024

General Hospital 10-3-24 Full episode

General Hospital 10-3-24 Full episode 3rd October 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. I find it ironic Portia is saying that stuff to Brad when she is doing the same thing

    1. Portia has become the WORST kind of character. :\ I can do whatever I want, but all of YOU need to follow the rules to the letter or face my condescending wrath...

  2. When Lucky said that he would know Elizabeth's brush stroke anywhere, it reminded me of why I loved them as a couple....before GH kept finding new ways to destroy them like Helena mind control, drug addiction and sleeping with your fiance's brother.

    1. In the ooooolllllddddd days, their relationship was just so well done, before GH decided to mess with them. It was so sweet, they helped each other so much.

  3. portia is the prime example of how black women act when they get a little bit of power.....rhymes with witch.....remember that america

    1. Watch it now, you red hat is showing🧐...

    2. It doesn’t take a red hat to notice what is going on with all these DEI hires. Just watching the corrupt AGs or DAs Letitia James, and Fannie Willis should be telling enough and then there is that corrupt Mayor.

    3. And don’t forget Tiffany Henyard the corrupt mayor of Illinois and Adams in New York.

    4. I would absolutely love for folks like you to have the guts to walk up to black people who you claim to not to deserve careers of certain higher stature and say these things to their face. The vast majority of people like you wouldn't and don't have the guts to do so offline IRL, unless there was a bunch of you doing it at once at the same time. So keep on spitting your vitriol behind your technical devices 😁!

      This is a TV show, and this black actress (actually biracial actress, considering her real-life father was a white man), is simply doing her job based upon how writers are directing her to. Ya'll likely CONVENIENTLY do no have the exact same type of energy whenever a white character has acted entitled and proceeded to do negative things (all while rambling off bigoted things about WW or WP in general)...but keep having that false sense of power when writing such comments behind a keyboard🤷🏽‍♀️!

    5. I am black and I still see it and I have gone up to other blacks and said it to their faces, you have no idea what you’re spouting off. I’m just better educated than some.

    6. kimmy i am a black and i do not believe in DEI hiring and i am not afraid to tell other black people that to their face i do it all the just is so tiresome to see all of these black women getting promoted without having the skills to do the job and do not let me start about that black mayor in new york....or the fact that white movies characters are replaced by black actors.....this nonsense needs to end and kamala harris has no idea what she is doing neither does tim walz just listen to them we really want people like that running this least trump is a businessman who knows business we saw that from his term in office and his running mate is a smart man.....this country and a few others find the worst black people to promote...i just do not understand it at is like they want america to fail

    7. also kimmy your ghetto is showing by using the word y'all instead of saying you all....and that is exactly the type of black people who get promoted...the ghetto ones like fani willis....leticia james....eric mayor of new york...the man district attorney of new york and that mayor in illinois...the smart educated blacks with common sense never get promoted....even the majority of black actors and black shows are now ghetto

    8. I don't care what color you are (besides let's not pretend there aren't people posting on social media claiming they are black, when in fact they aren't, in addition to creating multiple accounts). This show for the the past 60 years has been at least 95% white where the MAJORITY of storylines have consisted of well-to-do white characters who have done unethical things they shouldn't have got away with, yet they have. You do not see people coming forward saying "look what (insert white character) has done, be careful with what white people do, America" the way OP did. The way you chimed in and started saying DEI statements (we all know ignorant/bigoted people, whether they are white people, bigoted nonblack people of color, and even the "Mark Robinson's of the world AKA Uncle Ruckus" who apparently do not own mirrors) can be. This is a fictional TV show that viewers enjoy for one hour to get away from it all...I guess folks have conveniently NEVER seen white people in authority (whether you are referring to politicians or any other position of influence) who have done something they shouldn't have done?! And if you are in fact a black educated person, I wonder how you would react if people would automatically assume you "didn't earn it/were not qualified" to be in a role?! And as a black person who is "better educated than some" as you mentioned, you would realize you aren't exempt of people feeling this way about you. DEI/Affirmative Action has benefited white women in America way more than any other minority demographic. Even the majority of high-paying jobs in America that are diversity & inclusion-related aren't even held by black people, so to even insinuate this has been a hand-out to black people in corporate America would be completely false. I know PLENTY of black, Asian, and brown people who have worked hard/worked smart to get to where they are, and they deserve whatever they have...and this is despite the stumbling blocks they've had to face. I know what it's like to have family members who have worked really hard to make healthy 6-figure salaries, and buy homes in affluent areas...only to be scrutinized by some white people because they can't fathom a POC can reach the same or heaven forbid HIGHER socio-economic status than they are. I grew up in a predominately white environment and my corporate career is in a mainly white space. If you think it's an uncommon thing for many white people to "pull some strings/do unauthorized things, push their white friends/relatives to the front of the line to get lucrative career opportunities among other things, all while pushing other qualified people to the bottom of the pile" then you are naive.

      While Portia isn't my favorite character (and it's not because she's black), and yes changing the data on Heather's test results is unethical and she should face consequences, I would hardly think that is a motive for making such a toxic statement about educated black women in authority. This is a dang soap opera, which is suppose to have "soapy" storylines, and you're bringing up DEI😵‍💫 and real life politics?!

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. @Soap fan: You are proving you are a TROLL, and more than likely, you are not a black person...and in the event you are, you are a self-hating black person due to the toxic blanket comments you've made about black people under this post. I'm an educated woman with 2 university degrees, and a career in corporate America. Just so you know, the phrase (ya'll) is actually a REAL's an informal contraction of the phrase "you and all" which is commonly used by many people, especially white American people within informal settings. I'm sure you would never correct a white southerner to their face if they used the term ya'll while speaking in your presence. You're not paying me, therefore I don't owe you or anyone else "formal/corporate language" when commenting on a social media post. And if you are black as you claim, you do realize the toxic blanket statements you have made about black people in successful careers would apply to you as well, Buttercup! (That's IF you actually have a successful career).

      As a professional who does extensive domestic and overseas travel, I use this site to watch GH when I'm not at home...I'm off to enjoy a night on the town with colleagues.

      Ciao, Brutta!

  4. I missed you GH! Ava looks stunning today! Laughed at Sam doing her dramatic little run after Jason after cold-shouldering him...

    Lucky, stop keeping Elizabeth from her head nurse job, go to somebody's home and shower, lol. Go visit Aiden after you've cleaned up. :)

    This new Molly has come into her own. I'm really liking the character again. :) She said everything Alexis needed to hear, was strong, smart, and assertive throughout. Stood up for herself. I hope TJ comes around and that those two find a way to be a happy couple once more.

    1. It is so rich how now Sam is telling Jason to be proud to be himself, after giving him such hell ever since he's been back. I get she's making her farewell tour, but this is really weird to hear from her now. Have to say, Kelly's acting today was much better than it has been. Methinks she's been phoning it in, so this exit was probably for the best for everyone.

      I like Ric and Ava putting their heads together, those two could cause some real trouble. As long as it involves getting Portia in trouble, I'm on board! Especially for the tension that would cause between Ava and Trina!

    2. Can't wait for Porsia to get into trouble for what she has done after all she is a doctor (and that's the only reason ) AND YES would love to see Ric & Ava to get involved and take Avery away from Sonny he doesn't deserve her !!!!
