Wednesday, September 22, 2021

General Hospital 9-22-21 Full episode

General Hospital 9-22-21 Full episode 22nd September 2021


  1. I'll admit that it's heartwarming to see Sonny with his family. Maurice Bernard is such an amazing actor and the emotion in his eyes while he spoke to Dante was unbelievable. The guy who plays Valentine was on State of Mind a couple of days ago and he mentioned how Maurice Bernard is the kind of actor that makes other people look good due to his reactions, and it's so true.

    All that being said, it's unfortunate to see that the truth about what Nina did is being dragged out. I love the fact that Phyllis was able to get a word in, because she deserved that moment but from the previews it looks like the people in PC might not know for a while. I can't wait to see Maxi's reaction to Nina's confession.

    Love Ava. I hope that she stays. I'm glad Trina is finally putting two and two together. She's always been a smart and intuitive cookie.

    1. What about Gladys? Sonny loves family. He will want to see Loony Gladys.

    2. He did not like Gladys he only tolerated her because of Mike

    3. Great comment and I couldn't agree more! I also love the acting of Maurice and Maura (as well as others - like the actress that plays Obrecht). These talented folks are one of the main reasons I watch GH!

    4. I agree...I like Obrecht. She's hilarious. I let Maurice's multiple Emmy awards speak for itself, but his cast members have also credited him quite a bit for their success. Soap stars have to do the impossible on the daily and I 100% sympathize.

    5. I agree with you I'm sure am glad that Trina is finally filling in the blanks and I hope that Ava stays. I like her and Nickolas together

    6. Absolutely hope Ava stays with Nikolas! Can't wait until Carly finds out that Nina knew, not to mention Jax, and never told her! I don't think that Nina will ever again be allowed to see Wiley, and that's justice and what she deserves! Rooting for Jason and Britt too! As I can be of Sam wanting and acting like she's going to die without Jason and expects him to live like a monk when she is the one that kicked him out! I've never really been a big fan of hers, though I used to like her and Jason together, but I don't like her at all now. Peter is not a very convincing villain, then I know this is a soap and that they have to create continual drama, but move on and Anna as well as other stop having a discussion and just shoot these villains already! SMH.

    7. If you ever saw the Bone Collector with the great Denzel Washington, he acted with only his eyes and facial expressions. What separates the greats from the wannabes is the ability to tap inside. Maurice Bernard is one who stands with the greats.

    8. The best part of the show today was when Jason took the wedding band off glad he & Carly are not married anymore !!!!!!

  2. Thank you very much, Bob! It is awesome to see Sonny and Carly back together. I hope Jason and Sam will get back together, anything is possible.

    1. I agree Noreen, that was sweet. But I felt a little sad for Jason. He was committed to this new life and then he had to suddenly give it up at a drop of a dime. I love his relationship with Sonny and Carly but he needs to have something of his own. I personally don't think it's with Sam. I think something happened between Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco that everyone seems to be denying, but things just haven't been the same with them since he returned. Even when they were still together, the writers did everything to keep them apart. Jason needs a new love. Maybe it'll be Britt or someone else. I liked Britt and Jason together, but it might be too late for them.

    2. agreed once upon time i was a die hard fan of sam and jason but the way they ended them i am so over it, jason needs someone in his life i hope he and britt can start over.

    3. I really hope that Jason and Britt get together they had great chemistry

    4. Britt not Sam! Sam kicked Jason to the curb for no reason. Like I've said before, the mobsters no who Jason's loved ones are, including Sam and her / his kids so they would come after him whether he's with her or not. Being sick of her depressing looking face ever since I started watching this show, she rarely smiles, and tries to be a badass which is not very convincing. Carly is more of a badass than Sam could ever hope to be.

  3. I don't think Maurice Bernard is a good all. Clearly his range consists of only being able to portray a murderous, controlling, bullying, manipulative thug. Even as "Mike," that side of him came out a few times as well. Weird how people can see things so differently. But then I know there are some people here who think Cynthia Waltros is a good actor, too. Something else I will never understand. lol

    1. I have to see Carly's face when Nina tells her she knew Sonny was alive and didn't say anything she can forget about seeing Wiley anymore

    2. Janis is absolutely correct about Maurice Bernard, Sonny, and Mike.

    3. Cynthia warltros is not good at playing this roll on gh but she is a good actress in other things. And as for Sunny, he is great and Janis how can judge him for the roll he has played for many many years? And when given a new roll to play for a while of him having amnesia it's only natural that some of his actual characteristics would show through the amnesia. So yes in my eyes Maurice Bernard is a great actor.

    4. Absolutely Sonny rocks! He shows so many other emotions, so I guess those that don't see or understand that just can't comprehend it

  4. Carly doesn't even mention Kristina but his step child Josh gets a PCU mention.
    She is a first class B.
    She goes to Jakes but not Sonny grave before the wedding.
    What we can never undo- that visual of Jason and Carly. He is such a good actor to make us believe it was live. He needs an Emmy for having to kiss her.
    I can't wait until she has to thank Jax. But she'll make it about her and how his mistakes led them here.and blame him for getting Nina a visit with Willey.

    1. Exactly. Also, we all heard how much Jason and Carly said that they loved each other. Sonny should have asked if they fell in love.

    2. Carly's daughter name is Josslyn and not Josh for starters and another thing is it you don't like the show or how it's being written now you don't have to watch it.

    3. @Dancefreack16

      Oh, here we go with the "if you don't like it, don't watch it" bullshit.

      Part of the fun of watching this show is being able to rag on it and pick it apart for all the stupid shit it does. Doesn't mean we don't like it. And, even if we didn't, we would STILL have the right to watch it and rag on it. Despite your command to not watch it.

      It's a silly show. An escape. Nothing more, nothing less. And we all have as much right to comment on it here as YOU do.

      Get over yourself.

    4. carly texted kristina to come over

    5. @Dancefreack16

      I agree that part of the fun of watching soaps is being able to poke fun at its campiness, unbelievable moments, over-the-top dramatic nature of the storylines, and even getting upset with characters. That being said, I agree that some people take it too far when they start attacking the actors, making fun of their looks, and just being downright cruel for no reason. Social media has turned some people into ridiculous caricatures because posters get to hide behind the internet like cowards. The trolls on the keyboards often have nothing else to live for and that's incredibly sad for them. Meanwhile, these actors keep doing what they do and making that paper.

    6. Of course Carly will be majorly pissed off at Jack's as she should be! He should have told her Sonny was alive as soon as he knew it!

  5. Will Bobbie be happy? Will we be able to tell? At least Monica's surgery is a little softer now and it appeared she was happy at the wedding.

  6. christina had the best reaction among all of them

    1. @Claudia -- I agree. Kristina's reaction was sweet and emotional. Glad they had the actress join in for this episode.

    2. i was happy kristina was there too they normally don't include her in alot of things regarding both her families the corinthos and davis affairs

  7. why is the pool closed even though summer is over, or do they mean closed to the general public the pool looks indoor thats a hotel won't people still frequent the pool area just curious

    really wanted wiley to never have any contact with nina now that may happen can't wait that woman has always been too unstable to be near any children, can nina just stay in nixon falls

    what michael and willow expect that chase would just forgive and forget when they thought he lied they were not too keen to forgive chase.

    i am a carly and sonny fan all the way, love their love affair romance, but the look carly and jason gave each other yikes, strongly believe their friendship can survive anything.

    1. LOL about the pool.

      Nina probably wont't be allowed around Nina anytime soon, but knowing Michael I'm sure he'll forgive her given that she gets it together and gets some help.

      100% about Michael and Willow. They were slow to forgive Chase and Sasha, and their lie was a lot more devastating and selfish. Those to better be patient with him, and I want to see them grovel a bit.

  8. It was a nice and long-awaited family reunion epi. I just hope they continue with a special moment or so between Sonny and Avery. Favorite line of the day for me was.. Esme, the human barnacle.😅

    1. I actually couldn't stand the Josslyn character for a long time, but she's one of my favorites now. Probably in huge part due to Eden McCoy.

  9. You have almost redeemed yourself GH. Nice 👍🙂 episode. Which makes what whore nina did cruelly worse. Sonny's reunion with his children, especially😭😭😭😭, and Carly😰.
    And then to have nina still whining to Phyllis, "what should I do, what should I do."bitch, what are you, 3? Oh I hope Christina kicks her ass.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I sort of get the feeling Sonny wants to get out of the mob business if possible. His behavior on finding out Carly and Jason had married shows that he has let a lot of his Mike traits to rise to the surface, and Mike was appalled that he was a criminal. Also, he knew,and kept repeating, that the underlying desire he'd had the whole time, tho buried, was being with family, that family is the core of his life. Even Jason seems to want to get out, per his conversations with Britt, accepting how his life has turned out but not necessarily indicating it's what he would choose. Only Carly is emotionally full-in on mob life

    1. You said it very well. Just let Carly have the business.

  12. Holy crap! Carly wasted no time in taking Jason's rings off and putting Sonny's back on! Like five minutes ago, she was telling Jason how much she loves him and undressing him, and now it's business as usual with Sonny. I guess the conflict will come later, but for now, she just literally kicked Jason to the curb. lol

    1. I hope Sonny finds out that Carly and Jason love each othe and there is a lot of conflict. Carly always uses people. It is so selfish and hurtful and cruel. Part of me feels for Jason. However, Jason has always done it to himself. If he had any sense he would have, Jason would have put Sam and Danny first or Elizabeth and Ayden first or Britt first. He could have given up the criminal life. He could have said no to all of Carly's ridiculous neediness. He did not choose Britt. Britt shouldn't be second best. If Jason wants Carly, speak up. If Carly wants Jason, speak up. Frankly, I don't know why either Jason or Sonny would want Carly.

    2. I hope Britt doesn't fall back into his arms. I hope she's stronger than that. Unfortunately, I think she's pretty vulnerable right now and it could happen.

      I don't see why either Sonny or Jason would want Carly either. Although it works the other way as well. Why would any woman choose a mobster and his yes-man and enforcer in the first place? Especially a woman with CHILDREN? How many times have her children been put in danger because of Sonny? Either directly or indirectly. Mother of the Year she isn't.

  13. Dante:' "I love you, Dad. Even if you did try to kill me by shooting me in cold blood."

    1. Sonny sure did that to Dante.

    2. It always cracks me up when people try to excuse it by saying, "but he didn't know Dante' was his son!" Like that makes what he did ok. lol

  14. Loved the evil eye Phyllis gave Nina. Hopefully she doesn't let her off the hook any time soon.

  15. I hope Jason and Britt get back together... And there were a couple of looks on Carly's face that maybe she doesn't feel the same love for Sonny...that will be interesting. He was only gone 9 months...married people are separated by the Military longer than that and still are so much in love.

  16. Great reunion, thanks Bob for all you do.

  17. Love the reunion with Sonny & his kids!! Can't believe Nina didn't think about his kids while she was lying to him. Maybe it's a good thing she never became a mom.
