Friday, September 10, 2021

General Hospital 9-10-21 Full episode

General Hospital 9-10-21 Full episode 10th September 2021


  1. I really think that something will happen to both Jax and Nina to prevent the truth about Sonny being told. Maybe Nina will kill Peter and Jax will be blamed or she will be hurt and Jax blamed. It would be nice to have the truth exposed but I some how doubt it will take place. Just another tease.

    1. Well Maurice Bernard already said Sonny is returning and he wont be sitting down, which to me says a day of reckoning is coming. I believe he will be back in port charles next week.

    2. CaliKid that would be awesome! When he gets his memory back the Families that planned a take over will sorely regret it!! I wonder if he will get his memory back or if he will just go to Port Charles with Jax because Sonny is in Nixon Falls for many spoilers next week, BUT Nina is on pins and needles for one of them. So... I want to believe. lol Here's hoping!!

    3. let hope that doesn't happen i want peter to end nina for sending him all the way to st lucia for nothing bye nina never have a character been as annoying and there is a character gladys who is very trying to listening too.

    4. Gonna cal it here first .. we'll see if I'm right in few episodes
      Butt... I feel like the roof is gonna collapse
      Not sure on who yet ...
      Maybe on jax... then joss/Carly will end up looking for jax and finding sonny

      Or maybe Peter & or Nina...

      Def going be something to do with the condition of the Tannos roof being a subject of conversation in the 2 episodes ago.
      I thot it was gonna happen in the last kne or today's episode
      Not yet tho..
      We'll see if I'm predicting the future .... 😈 haha

  2. Brook-Lynn is right, and of course Maxi is one of those mom's who doesn't teach their kids to self-soothe. That being said, it's fitting to her character and so props to the writers.

    While I've been frustrated with a lot of the decisions as of lately, I have to admit that it's interesting to watch various degrees of terrible people catch each other in schemes. I never thought I'd see Jax defend Sonny's rights to his children and his life, granted I'm sure a big part of it is for selfish reasons. I wonder how this is going to play out with Peter. As much as I dislike him, I think I dislike Nina a touch more.

    1. I'm with Maxie on this. An infant needs to be held and rocked and loved - not ignored. I have five sons - all grown now - and I never expected them to "self-soothe" and they all grew up to be responsible, self-sufficient, self-supporting adults and the four who are now fathers are wonderful nurturing fathers. The fifth - and youngest - has been concentrating on his education, just received his Masters, and is on his way to law school. Not bad for a baby that was never left to "self-soothe," don't you think? And I find your comment about Maxie being "one of those moms" to be quite offensive. Just because someone raises her babies differently than YOU do (or did) doesn't make them "one of those moms." How rude and condescending is that?

    2. I agree , I used to rock all three of my babies , at the end of the day that’s how you bond with them as well , but brook lyn did say the baby wasn’t crying just waking up a few times I don’t think she Would just leave the baby screaming her brains out ! People judge too much at the end of the day everyone’s different and don’t need to criticize and judge others

    3. I babysit my almost 14-month-old granddaughter a lot and I always rocked her to sleep. Sometimes I would hold her and/or rock her for her entire nap. Once she hit a year old, I decided to try putting her in her crib to see what happened. And you know what? She fussed for a matter of SECONDS - maybe ten or twenty - and then went to sleep on her own. And that is how it's gone every time I've babysat her since. She didn't turn into some spoiled little lunatic because Grandma and her parents didn't believe in self-soothing for an infant. By the time she was a year old, I believe she was secure enough to know that mom or dad or Grandma was just outside her door and if she needed us, we would be there. And if she were to cry longer than those few seconds, I would STILL pick her up and rock her to get her to sleep (although that hasn't been necessary). A year out of a baby's life is so short; why not do whatever we can, as parents and grandparents and other caregivers, to make them feel secure and loved as much as possible?

  3. god damnit jason while you're making kissy face with carly the five family is plotting against you'll and the corinthos organization FOCUS MAN

    no no non no no non no no romance for carly and jason please non noooonoooonoooo

    they better kill nina off i really cannot take that woman anymore BE GONE BITCH POOF

    can they get ryan's other kidney for jordan lol

    sasha is worried about brando bring the mob into her life gladys is the one doing that

    1. can jax just clonk sonny over the head, abduct him, put him on his private jet and take him back to port charles, he's been held hostage by nina for months what a little kidnapping between enemies. wink wink lol

    2. I could not agree more the whore that is nina needs to go. I thought I hated Peter and nelle more. But that bitch nina. She is way worse

  4. If I remember correctly a few months ago I read that Jax dies saving Nina. If that is true. Guess what?! No Sonny back in Port Charles and this is just one more huge tease from GH! When Jax calls Maxie (probably to tell her about Sonny and she will put him off) that means Jax won't have told anyone that Sonny is alive and Nina's twisted fantasy and GH Nina/Mike storyline will continue for a very long time! I sincerely hope I am wrong. But if I am not... 😡

  5. The only way it's bearable to watch is by fast-forwarding the Nina parts, A) because she's a horrible actor and B) because it's maybe the stupidest storyline they've done.
