Friday, October 23, 2020

General Hospital 10-23-20 Full episode

General Hospital 10-23-20 Full episode 23rd October 2020


  1. need to get rid of the background noise, cain't hear what there saying half time.

  2. I agree the background music is annoying.

  3. I'm starting to believe that maybe Nell is Nina's daughter

    1. ugh she is check out her wiki page they even have a family tree with Nelle on it as Nina and Silas daughter so its a definite possibly.

    2. I'm having a brain fart. What ever happened to Silas?

    3. General Fanatic - Those wiki pages are nonsense and can be edited by anyone, so do not take them as gospel. Until GH says so, Nelle is no one’s daughter.

    4. she had the other half of the necklace which Sonny's daughter, I believe it was, found

  4. Anybody else thinking what I'm thinking about Alexis? She is back to drinking, excessively, and has no filter - how is this going to affect Molly and TJ's commitment ceremony? Will Alexis get so drunk that she inadvertently spills the beans about Molly and Brando's one night tryst? And what about Carly's talk with Jason - mentioning it's like there is something she should remember but she can't figure out what it is. Seems like another Nelle mystery to me. I agree - I think it is more likely than not that Nina is Nelle's mother. Sadly, after today, I think Carly is going to have another nervous breakdown - combination PTSD and guilt.

    1. Yes, unfortunately it is looking like Carly is on her way to another breakdown! Hope it don't end up in a confession and jail time too! Even though she didn't really kill Nelle, you know how things get twisted in a court case. Carly can't catch a break. How did that headstone get knocked over anyway?!? I understand it's a soap opera and all but come on!

  5. It would be a nice surprise if Nina actually had twins. One twin, Nell, is "dead" and the other twin is out there still and Nina finds her and brings her back to town and everyone freaks out that "Nell" is back.

    1. you hit the nail on the head...that will happen

    2. Not possible because of the necklace. However, if it was possible let the twin to Nell be Michael's wife.

  6. all the time Nina was in Port charles Nelle was there, she was there when Nelle was doing all her wickedness, why didn't she take it upon herself to try and make Nelle a better person then, why didn't she intervene when that woman was at her worse, where was the mentorship that she claim Nelle could have gained from, why now, i need to understand cause i really can't take Nina and trying to change the narrative that was very clear about who Nelle was and why does she want to shove her bull crap down everyone's thoart.

    See they should have salted and burn Nelle that witch body, evil don't die so easily the malevolence lingers even after death that woman better be dead and never return.

    Yup that file that jordan got for cyrus has to do with julian who did he kill other than those we know.

    1. i hope cam ends up with joslyn so when he gets her out of his system he will only have eyes for trinia

    2. you know they are going to give joss the cam romance not trina...the show favors sonny's children for everything...the ones that are on contract

    3. i am so done with the nelle storyline. if gh writers bring her back as a twin, this only proves how lazy and uncreative these so called new writers are. nelle was insane, a murderer. nina is bat crazy not to remember that. she needs a fernciff vacate. and alexis, is a total mess. nancy just keeps collecting her money. nothing good will happen for her character. just pathethic and boring

    4. Carly is worse than far I think the new guys writing are doing great with the show...not too much mob stuff we are getting lucy and her girls and Deception...we are getting a Ned and Brook storyline...Jax is there bigger than better looking than ever and so on..I even like Cyrus taking over the hospital and the Sasha storyline...the show has improved...and they even brought back Jackie can tell that the writers know the history of the show...and we get to see Robert more...nuff said.

    5. Unknown - Josslyn is not Sonny’s daughter, she is Jax’s.

  7. Is it just me..or is jax getting more handsome the older he gets...for a time he was too skinny...but now he looks very handsome at almost seeing him on screen...brightens my day

    1. you are not the only one. jax is more handsome now

    2. thank you..he is isn't he...he is so darn good looking looks living a living male doll!

  8. Carrie moment on General Hospital today at the grave

  9. I was not annoyed by any noise. As this is my only way of watching (not downloadable+not living in the USA) i am very gratefull for Bob uploading these.

    Nice episode today,loved Britt and Alexis,and Britt and Jax. Missing my Nava,Lulu and Dante,and Valentin/Brooklyn/Nina,but you cannot have it all.

  10. Good on Cam for being honest with Trina. As for her just wanting to remain friends, is that true? Or is she just throwing herself under the bus for her friend?

  11. Just throwing herself under the bus for her friend.

    1. That would be sad. Since I have my doubts that Joss would do the same for her.

    2. i agree ...both of them need to find new guys

  12. Can't figure out who is the biggest ??? Carly or Sam they think everything they do is OK wish they both would just go away would rather see Nelle at least she was exciting

    1. Thank you...I cannot stand this particular Carly and I have never liked sam....they are not saints and have done worse than Nelle...look at what Carly did to AJ and then Sonny killed him

  13. Why in the hell is Julian so afraid of Sonny...Julian needs to kick Sonny's little ass....Julian you are a Jerome..your father was old man Victor...and your sisters Ava and Olivia are tough...what the hell is wrong with you man?

  14. Whats with Dev being a total asshole??? I don't like the way they have taken his character!

  15. Bonne nouvelle pour tous ceux qui ont des problèmes de santé différents, car je sais qu'il y a encore beaucoup de personnes souffrant de problèmes de santé différents et recherchent donc des solutions. Je t'apporte de bonnes nouvelles. Il y a un homme qui s'appelle le Dr James, un phytothérapeute qui m'a aidé à guérir le virus du VIH, je souffre de cette maladie depuis 5 ans et j'ai dépensé tellement d'argent pour essayer de survivre. J'ai obtenu ma guérison en prenant le médicament à base de plantes que le Dr James m'a envoyé pour boire pendant environ 14 jours. 3 jours après la fin du dosage, je suis allé pour un examen médical et j'ai été testé VIH négatif. tous merci à Dieu de m'avoir conduit vers le Dr James qui a pu me guérir complètement de ces maladies mortelles, je partage ceci afin que d'autres personnes puissent connaître ce grand guérisseur appelé Dr James parce que j'ai appris à le connaître par M. Anderson, qu'il a guéri du virus de l'herpès génital. On m'a fait comprendre qu'il pouvait guérir plusieurs autres maladies et infections mortelles. Ne mourez pas dans l'ignorance ou dans les faits saillants et ne laissez pas cette maladie vous prendre la vie. CANCER, CANCER DU PANCRÉATIQUE, CANCER VAGINAL, MALADIE CERVICALE, MALADIE POLIO, ALZHEIMER, MALADIE BULIMIQUE, MALADIE INFLAMMATOIRE COURANTE FIBROSE CYSTIQUE, SCHIZOPHRÉNIE, ULCÈRE CORNÉAL, ÉPILEPSIE, MALADIE DE LA BULIMIE, MALADIE INFLAMMATOIRE COURANTE, FIBROSE CYSTIQUE, SCHIZOPHRÉNIE, ULCÈRE CORNÉEN, ÉPILEPSIE, MALADIE DE LA BULIMIE, MALADIE INFLAMMATOIRE COURANTE, FIBROSE CYSTIQUE, SCHIZOPHRÉNIE, ULCÈRE CORNÉAL, ÉPILEPSIE, MALADIE DE L'ALCOOLISTE FŒTALE, MALADIE DE L'ALCOOLISTE FŒTALE, MALADIE DE L'ALCOOLISTE FŒTUM ET COMPORTEMENT, CHLAMYDIE, VIRUS ZIKA, EMPHYSEMA, TUBERCULOSE FAIBLE NOMBRE DE SPERME, ECZEMA, TOUX SECHE, ARTHRITE Contactez le Dr James par e-mail ... (
