Thursday, October 1, 2020

General Hospital 10-1-20 Full episode

General Hospital 10-1-20 Full episode 1st October 2020


  1. Joss and Cam are so cute. I feel bad for Dev and Trina though...
    Ryan Chamberlain calling Ava is he up to?!

    Thanks for all the soaps you upload Bob,you are a real life saver for this European lady who is addicted to all the soaps,but cannot watch them otherwise. You're awesome,thanks!

    1. Nelle sent a letter to him that tells about how Julian knew that Wiley was really Michael's son and, if I remember correctly, that he was responsible for the accident that almost killed Lucas (he was trying to kill Brad). That was how she got Julian to marry her - by telling him she would expose him if he didn't. Essentially blackmailing him. She also told him that if anything happened to her that information would surface, implying that her attorney had the sealed envelope to be opened upon her death (I can't remember if she told him that outright or just implied it). That's why Julian broke into her attorney's office and later bopped Martin over the head - so he could steal his briefcase because he thought Martin had the letter. Or something like that. lol Not sure why Ryan would call Ava, but I'm sure he's got something up his sleeve.

    2. Nelle gave Ryan the information that makes Julian guilty so he will use it to his advance

  2. Things are heating up!!! Thanks Bob

  3. wtf, I thought Cam was interested in Trina now? I think he likes them both. Poor her and Dev :(
    Does anyone know if Dev didn't like Joss back back then when she told him about her feelings for him or if he said so out of respect for Sonny?

    Thanks Bob!

    1. man brando is really taking the role of father of Dev to heart, sometimes i forget he is not he kids parent.

      So now Nina is my son or daughter, thought is was established she had a daughter

  4. This 10/1/2020 video isn’t of General Hospital
