Monday, March 10, 2025

General Hospital 3-10-25 Full episode

General Hospital 3-10-25 Full episode 10th March 2025

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Will you be posting any if BTG episodes

    1. @Roe you can watch BTG on Pluto TV it a free steaming service and it has the CBS soaps on it including BTG. They started showing it on there a week after the show started.

  2. So mad that Brooklynn's hand didn't reach Lulu's face she deserves to be smacked Good to see Valentin & Charlotte today guess Charlotte will be going home while Valentin will still be running can't wait to see if they say he got killed and LOVED seeing Tracy going to jail

  3. So sick of Drew the shrew and Droofus!
    I wish they can get rid of him for good!
    Brook Lynn should have landed that slap I agree.

    And these stupid writers cant even write a simple romance and chemistry between Isaiah and Jordan!!
    WTF was that almost kiss as she flinched to answer her phone!
    CMON WRITERS!!! That's not even considered hot!

    1. The writers are totally BIFFING Isaiah and Jordan and it's driving me CRAZY!!!! :\ She especially has such easy chemistry with guys on the show--the writers need to stop overcomplicating this, you're right, it is NOT hot, lol!

    2. @JustLauGH I'm honestly so over these writers lol
      Also, on today's episode ironically Chase and Dante are in the steam room catching up on life and there was more inadvertent "sexual tension" setting and dialogue there than when Isaiah and Jordan were in that same steam room! 😂😂

  4. Will you be posing episodes of Beyond the Gates?

  5. Me no like the Lulu. Put her back to sleep please!!!!

    1. I agree, put LuLu back in a coma. She is certainly a waste of airtime!

  6. I seriously can’t stand lulu. Her angle is so obviously only hoping it will bring her and Dante closer together as she’ll seen like the hero of the story and get to make Brooklyn look as awful lulu is looking since she’s been back on the show. Put this girl back in coma state.

    Drew is such a pathetic excuse for a man
    I can’t wait for him to get booted off his high horse !
    Actually really liked Emma today. Only cause she took drew down a notch finally someone stood up to him. He’s such a looser. I don’t usually love Tracey but today I really did.

    I mean, I realize the writers are specifically making drew out to be a total sleaze since running for office cause let’s not be fooled, every single politician is a total back stabbing sleazy no good of a man type of person so the writers had to turn him into this way but it’s really annoying to watch. He doesn’t even have a little bit of a good side. The way he’s seduced willow from the start and just took it upon himself to make all these decisions for her befor asking or even suggesting to hear her thoughts. Gawd I really can’t stand him.

  7. For goodness sakes, will these writers give Isaiah and Jordan some good dialogue... So much potential and they make all their one-on-one interactions so difficult and forced.
    Man, Drew needs to back off. Leave the elder Quartermaines at peace. As flawed as many of them were, they don’t deserve this. Can’t believe what he’s willing to do to his own father and grandparents. Guess he never met the angel Lila though… Git him Tracy. For once new-Emma unleashing her annoyingness on someone who totally deserves it. These kids and their phones and their socials…
    Lulu needs to mind her own business. So LAME that she didn’t get smacked, lol! Try again Brooklyn! This show is due for a good soap slap. I am glad Charlotte will be coming back to Port Charles—just hoping that will finally settle Lulu down. Valentin is as handsome and debonair as ever though!
    Maxie spilling the tea to Dante…let’s see what this interaction between Lulu and Dante brings!

    1. I love your comments!
      They always make me laugh and enjoy the show more!

      "Git him Tracy. For once new-Emma unleashing her annoyingness on someone who totally deserves it. These kids and their phones and their socials"
      I was laughing for like minutes reading this! 🤣🤣

      And yeah I so agree, all these younger kids and the power of phones that "magically wash away the injustices of the world!" 🤣🤣

  8. What's with Jordans hair? She's had much better looks. Brooklyn kick her butt. Lulu is annoying as they get. She has no right to question Brooklyn about her child. Rather keep Valentin than Charlotte. Lulu will play the best mother ever. Go Tracy, Drew is the biggest pile of garbage. Drew is congressman nothing. Such a fraud only after revenge. Sonny needs to deliver him to the pine barrens. Anna again makes me gag too. Valentin has it 10 times over her. Jason needs to get away from her. His skills deserve better than anna.

  9. omg Tracy: "old lady?" *turns around*
    I couldn't stop laughing
