Monday, February 17, 2025

General Hospital 2-17-25 Full episode

General Hospital 2-17-25 Full episode 17th February 2025

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. The fact that willow is trying to get full custody of the kids and she thinks she's better then the corinoths's 😆😆😆 i cant wait for her to find out and nina and drew it's going to break her heart and I'm going to laugh

    1. I can pass on more of the weeping Willow waterworks scenes.😭


    2. willow and drew are BETTER than sonny and number two michaels kids are NOT related to sonny....michael and his kids are all sonny maniacs need to stop sonny worshipping


    4. Sonny adopted Michael, so Michael is his son. I`m not sure why you feel the need to negate that as though adoption is not a real thing.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. ray prime...sonny stole michael from aj...I do not know why you praise such a horrible character like sonny....this is the reason why the writers decided to burn that foolish michael up....running after a man who killed his biological father and calling him daddy....that would never happen in the real world

  2. Does Willow not remember she was a cult groupie before Michael, but she's lost so much? Wiley isn't even her kid. Drew becoming a congressman fits his arrogance. Him & Willow really deserve each other.

    1. It seriously seems like such a crime that Wiley could end up with Willow, because he isn't her biological child. :( I know adoptive parents have rights for good reason, but man, under these circumstances, it just seems so wrong. :'( At the very least, Wiley should be with Michael. Father trumps Aunt.

  3. YAY, every day with Mac is a good day! Don't worry, Anna doesn't deserve your all due respect, lol... And Mac & Sasha = gold, a father figure like that is just what she needs. Poor Jason is getting pulled along for the ride like always, hahaha!

    Everybody trying to cook today, haha. Love the idea of those little girls absolutely bedazzling the cookies with sprinkles. :)

    WHAT in the world, classic PCPD, the interrogation room is just open for Elizabeth to mosey into and an unrestrained criminal is in there, LOL. Liz is next on the Cyrus hit list...we'll see what happens and who gets who first!

    LOVE that Tracy had Willow's car towed--classic petty, underhanded move!!! :') That car was on their property though, and Weeping Willow made it clear she didn't live there anymore, so that's legit on her!
