Tuesday, September 26, 2023

General Hospital 9-26-23 Full episode

General Hospital 9-26-23 Full episode 26th September 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Thanks, like this episode. It's refreshing and heartwarming to see the characters rely on faith and the power of prayer! It's not seen enough on TV.

    1. "Faith and prayer" belong on channels dedicated to that. Not everyone believes the way you apparently do. Keep religion off our soaps.

    2. @Cardi, I so agree with you. I commend GH for this! Usually, Christianity is left out of everything, which is why this world has gone haywire. There will probably be many people offended by soap characters relying on faith and prayer, but they'll think the New Age crap like those cards Charlotte is using is just fine. Religion can mean many things.... Buddhism, Hinduism, Witchcraft, New Age Religion, etc. I'm proud to say that I'm Christian!

  2. @Janis you are a moron, are you really serious? What’s wrong with the world today is not enough people believe in God. You must be such a selfish individual for not believing? Good is better than evil! And tarot cards are not necessarily evil either.

    1. My goodness. How very "christian" of you. 🙄. See, that's the difference between you and I. I never called you or anyone else a name for believing the way you choose. I respect your right to believe whatever you want. You can believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster for all I care. I also respect other religions as well - Muslim, Buddhist, Wiccan, etc.........Too bad you can't show me the same respect.

  3. Ooooooohhhhh, can't wait for Sasha to confront Gladys, yay for the next episode, let 'er rip!!!!!!

    Loved Finn tackling toxic masculinity for Jake, lol, it is definitely OK to cry with everything that kid has lost.

    It was funny when Sonny walked out of the elevator and saw the perspective of three of his loves lined up in a row, ha, he definitely has a type! That just caught my eye.

    Unintentional laugh of the episode--I've never seen such a bad impression of anyone, the impression that Sam did of a bank teller. I can't believe she used to be a PI and professional scammer. Who in the world ever fell for any of that?

    And Nina has some nerve...Carly has to know sometimes there aren't answers...man I can't wait for this all to blow up in your face!!! She will get those answers, and you will go down!!!!!!!!

    Knew that this was Victor's doing, Valentin better tread lightly with his programmed kiddo!!! No telling what she'll do...

    1. yes victor programmed his granddaughter but sam may have inadvertently triggered the programming those tarot cards looked familiar from the will reading thought he left them to charlotte but in the last and this episode she is wearing a uniform when she received the cards which means that predates the will reading and victor death, he left sam those tarot cards in his will victor left charlotte a necklace and pendant the one she was holding at the end of the scene

      so after she was rescued from switzerland he kept the card how did victor know that charlotte would get access of the cards again if sam is the current owner

      there is no way victor could have known that charlotte would one day end up living with sam and dante

      victor is always a 100 steps ahead of everyone evil man

  4. oh look sonny cares that his actions hurt other people where is that insight regarding his family he continues to hurt them and does not care

    dante has a questionable past they never said what cody did for dante still hoping that story comes to light

    lol gladys cody put sasha life in danger and harms way lady cannot wait for her to gets hers

    ava and nina are the most fake people ever drew is good man when they were more than happy to send him to prison cannot wait for carly to find out nina is a snitch bitch
